
Showing posts from 2005
The year 2005 seemed to me like a pregnant woman giving birth to an oversized child with a 300 day labor time. Energies far beyond our wildest imaginations running and event greater than our common fears happenings at rates faster and faster. But just as out of the fires of genesis this year has given birth through Fire, Wind, Earth and Blood a new age of amazing discoveries and understandings. Including a common understanding of our common humanity by all nations and peoples. There are no secrets in our universe! In fact my child, the only secrets are how and why life began and when and how it will cease to be. Every thing else in between is wide open for unfolding. Something I believe is about to bust at the seems in this decade which will help our humanity for certain. Celebrate life my child and see grace everywhere.
IT IS ALWAYS NOW! My children hear this well, any time you find yourself dwelling in thoughts about who"DID" what back when, you are in effect dead in the here and now! It is where your intentions lie and your thoughts that you yourself reside.True freedom my child is then being free from the thoughts that takes you to a place which no longer is. These are not mere philosophies my child, I am giving you my life, the life which, you have been a witness to. Take heed and learn from my life if what you see is indeed the life you aspire to because it is full of grace and inspiration (in-spirit). Find peace in daily contact with THE SOURCE from which you came. Put no blame on any nor seek to find the guilty; Always aspiring to bring a smile and a kind heart to every moment of your life. It is always now! And the most important ongoing task for you (just as breathing is to your life) is be in the now and look for goodness in all things. Learn from every event and take no offense. T...
Does it ever feel like you are not the principal participant in your own life? As if forces beyond your understanding pull you hither and fro? An old addiction you thought you were free of sneaks back into your life and next thing you know it is a month since you felt "BALANCED" ? Yet and still you can remember clearly that just a short time ago things were different. You had grabbed hold of a stream of energy which was propelling you ever upwards to a dimension that "MATTER" Did not matter. There was grace and where is it now? A true seeker must more than anything else learn about "FLOWING" without guilt or shame or any negativity attached to the daily dance of living/being here in this school of life on the planet Earth bound by the sphere called the firmament. When one can remain on such a stream of flowing energy, truly nothing ever goes wrong. I seem to have that certainty and steadfastness more so when I am in a community of friends and loved ones fo...
In Quantum physics the very act of measuring something will cause misreading of its qualities. I tell you my deer ones; it is all quantum relations in regards to measurements. Judge not lest you be judged, is a quantum formula which says, the energy you create by putting measurements on others will be used to measure your own actions, as a matter of law of the universe whether you understand it or not, IT IS SO!
There is a constant radiance from the presence of God that cannot be divided or explained without the explainer falling very short of the mark. Ask your self this "can I just be here and allow the radiant presence of THE CREATOR (the Source field of energy)wash over me? Can I do that as though I was sitting out in the Sun on a cold early Winter noontime just soaking in the warmth of the Sun knowing for certain that I was receiving goodness and feeling it too"? Most of us live our daily lives so removed from this simple elegance. Just as the physical Sun always shines on all matters, so does the Spiritual Sun always shine on all. Can I sit and receive the radiant energy that is everywhere without worrying about how clean I am or how worthy? Does the Sun care? Why do we think The Radiant Spirit will look at our worthiness? It is never not present, this FORCE that is the original cause of all, is as close to us as the vein on our necks! Can I not have a very personal one on one ...
Every event, every person, every thing that is in our lives is a tool for the learning. Is choice a word for responsibility? Because the moment we decide whether we can handle having choices of ascending or descending forces working on our consciousness, is always a moment of actions not thoughts. Thoughts not actualized are forces empty of fire. It is the actions that drive our motor to keep going from one day to the next. Happy Merryments to your holidays!
Expectations, preconceived notions of how things aught to be or behave, old and hard wired in patterns of thought and judgmental systems; Even the foods we eat and the pictures we have hanging on our walls; All these can and do determine the outcome of any given situation at any given time in our interrelations with other humans or non-humans. How certain then can you be my child that your reaction to another human's ways will result in a mutually peaceful end? Must we have negativity and can we be free from emotional pains? Indeed my love, once you see from the inner eye, the outer "I" won't suffer so much. Be at peace with your self first so that you may have peacefulness to offer the world around you.
Ble ssed are the meek for they shall inherit the world. Blessed are my children who feed the spirit within them daily. That which reinvigorates the rest of the life force flowing within their bodies. Blessed are believers of simple things and simple ways for they shall indeed know happiness to their hearts' content. solomenthe' Dios para me! Salutes tu mi amour's para tu corasones. Listen my child, just as you feed your body with nourishing foods, and your mind with learning, know this for certain my love that the spirit within you too needs its food. You are made up of these bodies and then more, but feed these three well and daily so you may know serenity and contentment. What is after all the ultimate state of being if not serene? And no amount of this world's stuff will provide that. Let me live in a hut fully happy rather than a mansion worrisome!
You know that I know you are reading these lines. Now know this, for all the knowledge gained from the books no man ever crossed a raging river my love. Put the books and the gurus down and start living with the light which is within you. Only the experience of a kiss will give you satisfaction, all else are details.
The illusion that we are separate one from the other, that there are solid matters in the world is indeed a paradox of the design. In reality my love I am not separate from the designer and the designer is not separate from me. Its being is in me and my being is in its source, I am in God and God is in me which really leaves nothing to complain about! The grandness of God's design is that the observer is always being observed all the while creating the field of observation. In simpler terms THERE IS ONLY GOD AND NOTHING ELSE!
There are about ten or few more thousand times in any given day when we depart from an otherwise blissful state of existence. Doubts, insecurities, worries, and a host of emotional memory driven reactive thoughts come in and cause imbalance. Now imagine having the one tool that makes these moments fewer and fewer over time. I want to tell you my children that it is as simple as breathing! Look, do you know how you breathe? No you do not, it just happens. There is a design which makes it possible for your life to go on through an automatic system of outside and inside elements all of which seem to have nothing to do with whether you are aware of them or not. My children, my wonderful, beautiful children, that same system is also capable of directing your thoughts to a better place where there is peace of mind and harmony at all times. Where the biggest challenges of your life will miraculously find all the answers to fit like a jigsaw and with an ease that can amaze you. Like any other ...
Can you tell where this place is? Southern Iran? Mohavi desert in California? Riyadh? How about it is a place on Earth and if you cannot tell the difference why is it that we have all this crap about my land and your land going on for so many thousands of years? Can we not really do as the birds and the fish do? Can we not see that many "owners" have come and gone and not one of them can come back and give it to whom they want, but it is always one Earth, one Human species, one home for us all? Are we not as smart as the birds? Can we not at least say let's do away with border crap (as they did in Europe) and have a dialogue based on how we can all be sharing rather than grabbing? Who can start such an endeavor? Only the biggest guy on the block can, that's who. But then he is asleep and so are the other big ones around the blobe, all are alseep, all!
Look at the grass grwoing on the graves of kings, the dirt that flowering grass grew out of was once a part of some other kings body from much earlier times. As you walk this earth my love ponder the grass beneath your feet which was once a human body! And too the handle on your mud coffee mug, was an arm around a sweetheart's neck. Who will walk aupon the grass of your body when it is long gone and buried under the weight of thousands of years? No matter is permanant love, walk easy and breathe life with no regrets about the past.
I just had another dream of being awake and aware! Seems as though if we do not interpret our dreams we have only lived half lives. Our entire life indeed is a dream that must be interpreted daily and deeply. My beloved do not accept the interpretations of others as exact, though you seek help, always be your own interpreter of your dreams. Pay attention to your life's events and above all my love don't fret the small stuff and be willing to step out of an argument with no attachments to the outcome. You really win only when you do not care to.
Winners will become losers and losers will win in turn, darkness will always end in light and no sorrow shall be greater than the bearer's inner spirit. Times are changing and have been forever more no need to reason all matters in time, just hold on! I wish for you this day my children a day of flowing ease every time you think of me, it is yours for free!
INFINITY PLUS ONE!I mages of me floating one above the other. The infinite number of lives which live within and around the corpse we call the body. Worlds not mere other bodies or personalities. How does one conscious man not see the evident?
The Bee humming bird a native of Cuba is a bird about the size of dragon fly. It weighs only as much as half a penny yet its heart beats at 1000(one thousand) times per minute(Imagine a pump made to do this over a life time with no maintanance!) while its wings flap at about 200 times per second. I am listing this just to invite you my loved ones to ponder the DESIGNER of such a wonder. Particles do not create other particles. Let me bow down in tears of total surrender and acceptance of the creative wisdom that brought ME here and become a chanel of this amazing power!
So there are days when you just have to keep busy with noises and images and tasks just to keep sane! So what? It is not the actions but your intentions that will bring tomorrow in its full glory or in shattered pieces of a dream you once had. We are works in progress my child and as such we will continue to falter and fall throughout the journey my love. Remember too that every time you fall and get back up, a piece of your ego is left behind and you are wiser! A constant FAITH in the design and daily contact with THE SOURCE is all you really need. So if you waver from FAITH or your daily contact, then once you are aware again, pick up where you left off and never look back, or pick a new point in space-time, you are in charge!
What of shame and guilt? Minimize the importance of the thought; replied the old sage. ".And use such occasion when shame and guilt enter your mind as a portal to your inner wisdom. Use this conflicting energy to recognize how the Ego works through shame, guilt, and pride. But above all be consistent with prayers" It is our quiet meditative times which build the neuro net works for change.
I remember the times when I would rather continue getting high than stop being sickly and fatigued. I remember the times when I had this need to be right and to impose my point of view on people close to me. I remember the times when my churning mind would take off on its own and take the rest of my being with it. I remember also my time on the skid row, living on cheap wine and stealing groceries from old ladies. I remember how hopeless I felt trying to quit the lifestyle and how helpless I seemed against the tides of destiny. I remember also the hope I always kept in the back of my mind through the thick and thin of it. That I am a good human, I have no malice towards any other human and that someday I would be free from all the confusion of living day to day. It is a promise of every sage and prophet, that as long as you come knocking, and believing in the order which is in the universe, doors shall open to you with gooness and grace!
look how easy it is to fall again my love! Beware of the lazy self, the undisciplined easily distracted self, the EGO. If you know for a fact that once you stop breathing you are dead, then know it just as certainly love, once you stop connecting to your SOURCE regularly, you are dead in a more real sense than just not having a corpse to occupy! Hence the advice of all the teachers for us, "DIE BEFORE YOU DIE" and " DIE UNTO YOUR SELF AND BE BORN AGAIN TO A NEW YOU". Be consistent my child, show up every day and sit with the beloved!
Know this for certain my love, If you are not present in this moment and mindful of the energies around you; Then this moment is lost to you forever. Think now about the meaning of this simple statement my child, when you sit down to eat are you present or is you attention and your thoughts elsewhere? Do you recognize the thoughts as they come in one by one as yours? I want to encourage you love to keep a vigilant eye specially on thoughts of this and that with a negative tone to them. Because if you say I cannot seem to stop them then perhaps the most important act of your life aught to be to learn how. To be aware is not the domain of any particular culture or religion my child, seek then the help you need in whatever form it arrives at your doorsteps, and recognize your true self looking for you. Today like every other day, you can start anew!
I have been taking daily walks with my grand children while visiting my daughter and her family in this small town in Texas. Our walks takes us by the town's cemetery which is as old as the town itself. There are graves from the 1800's all the way to the present, family grave sites and graves with pictures of the deceased on them. My youngest grand son, Ethan is 4 years old and oh ever so curious. I actually enjoy having this young mind asking me straight forward questions like "why did they die babajune?" and learning as we do our run and exercise. The irony is that the dead don't seem to care how fast we run or whether we sit on the side of their grave to catch our breath and have a little green drink from granpa's healthy stuff. He has learned to distinguish between couples graves and single people who lay there by themselves. But the beauty is this young kid has no problem accepting that everything and everyone will die sooner or later. He looks at the gra...
Where the path of love leads I shall follow No questions asked No concerns of the morrow Here and Now is all I have If I should learn to flow All will be well Joy of the Tao trusting heart there is no sorrow One breath after another Here is God present Here is the living SOURCE.
We seem to be programmed to see beauty only in the aesthetic values of a scene. I had dinner with a few friends and family last night and the group was as diverse as could be. The restaurant however, was a Muslim Pakistani place with a big screen TV showing the evening prayer time in Mecca via live satellite feed of all things! We were invited there by a mutual friend couple who had no clue themselves that this is the holy fasting month of Ramadan, on top of that they were late showing up at the gathering. Leaving the guests some of whom knew each other and some totally new to have to deal with the apparent question on everyone's mind "what the heck are we doing here listening to this strange Muslim chants over loud speakers of this restaurant with the big screen TV showing images of Muslim prayers here in the heart of Texas?" I could sense the unease, and knew that there was not a thing I could do except be compassionately creating energies of peace and serenity. Where ...
It seems hard at times to accept and believe that we have that much say so over what goes on in our lives. That we can even expect to be empowered through a simple practice of showing up daily for life and believing in the design and the grand order. That all I have to do now is show up, sit down to meditation and quiet the mind through the flow of THE TAO WhIcH Is EVeRyWHeRe! tHen go on about my day doing whatever it is I do for the world. Chop the wood and fetch the water to quote a good dying friend. Whatever it is I do, I do it well without complaining and continue the focus not on why or how, but HERE AND NOW! Dice the onions, serve up the ice cream cones, work on the road puddles and feed the children with compassion.
There is a verse in the Koran(Muslims holy book) that translates as "Only through prayer and remembrance of God shall your hearts be calm and certain" I have spent a good part of my life researching through the writings and wisdom of all the religions (philosophies) of the world and guess what my love! I have come full circle to that simple phrase again. Now of course I don't care if I use English or Arabic or even Spanish to perform the meditative prayers, the difference is now I do sit down and do it. I don't ask to be saved, I ask to be an instrument of Grace. And on occasions when the mind and body don't seem to want to sit down to prayer, I don't have this fear of having sinned or the guilt of not being a good son, I have no fear of that ugly hell fire and angry God, instead I really feel like I did not have a good breakfast or a gentle ache takes over that says "I am thirsty take me home". Silence of the meditative prayer times is medicine my c...
It is our thoughts of separation that fools us into having a bad day my love. If you believe and constantly remind your brain that there is only GOD, why hurt then? Where there is only THE SOURCE flowing, what is your judgment doing coming in? If you see only THE TAO, why then do you think of this and that and the other and let them carry you with them? Only the original source of energy is actively alive, and your purpose is to keep connected to its flow and have faith in the grand order. Find hope in the face of all questions, BELIEVE even as you hurt. My child the only dance is the dance of living on purpose even as we do the mondane tasks of daily living. And the purpose may be anything once you are at peace about God in your life.
GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. That wisdom to know the difference is what will help most all of us in realizing when too much is too much and when enough is enough. Can I conrol everything in my life? Or should I be more accepting of other's lives and busy my self with what I can change within my own self? The day we GET this is the start of a beautiful day of rest for our soul and our mind.
Expecting people, places, and things to behave a certain way in order for me to have peace is nothing more than the old way of thiking that I can wish or control these element to do as it pleases me. Accept more and expect less my love, learn to flow with your eyes cast on the heart of God who is really responsible for all of it. There! you have just been relieved of your duty child, step down.
"The present is the golden gate.Here-now is the golden gate. And you can be in the present only if you are not ambitious - No accomplishment, no desire to achieve power, money, prestige, even enlightenment, because all ambition leads you into the future." Osho Zen master. This is a tough one to swallow isn't it? I go to school with ambitions of tomorrow, I plant seeds with the ambitions of the harvest. What is he saying then? The lesson is a kwan, learn to be here now even as you plant the seeds for tomorrow because you can only BE ALIVE here and NOW! dEtAcH from the AnTiCiPaTiOn of TomOrrOw. The gate is before you now, where are you?
My dream got away from me the other night, it went away for what seemed like a long time. I don't know where it went and how long it was gone, but when it returned it had the scent of you all over it. The other side of this dream just lead to being awaken again to my longing heart seeking your embrace!
"A free man belongs to himself and nobody else.A free man is simply an energy with no name, no form, no race, no nation."Osho Zen master. Do we hear National Anthems or the sound of the creative silence of God? Is it an us and them; mine and yours thing? Or is it all one self, one mind, one presence? Who is FREE? He who is free of all subjective labels and desires.
"Happiness is permanent.It is always there.What comes and goes is unhappiness.If you identify with what comes and goes, you will be unhappy.If you identify with what is permanent and always there, you are happiness itself." Poonjaji wisdom. Come let go now of all worldly concerns, all at once! If I do not desire, I am never disappointed, unhappy. What of going forward? said one student. You my child, have no choice in that matter! Rivers will not run back.
I am judged on many occasions by friends and loved ones for having a humble home in a poor neighborhood with used furniture and for not having the "drive" to seek more monetary goods and means of this world even though I am educated enough and capable of doing so. I have even been told by some that they feel ashamed for me! even though they admire my knowledge and wisdom in areas of medicine and metaphysics. I asked one "how can you honor me as the wise shaman, and not respect my choice of dwelling?" Is my house who I am? Am I the clothes I were or the money I have in the bank? Is my honor directly connected to how well I do business in search of monetary gains?" Or whether I have published books and gained notoriety? Indeed this note is a reconfirmation of my stance which is as solid as my spirit in love. The fleeting nature of worldly goods and " stuff " has proven beyond any doubt the necessity of a life free from the desire to gather much of them...
Maybe you do not know about falling, maybe you have not been humbled yet, but know this O' child of the universe, that before the Sun sets for the last time in the sky of thine days, ye shall have tasted humility's potion in the destiny's cup! Tis not for me but to warn, and then if I judge thee not in emotions but only name thee by thy own perditions, I know not why I aught not do so. For I love thee my child to the depth of mine old bones and ye know this not. Let this matter hang near by thine ears my love and let your heart rest assured that with every hardship there shall come ease, indeed with every hardship there shall be ease!
When we have total faith in the design by which life's energies are in motion and in our place within the grand view of this movement, we have arrived at the gates of Nirvana. This knowing comes as a floating gift wrapped in many clothes ragged and silky, ordinary and exotic and my child unless you accept all as gifts of divine nature you will not arrive soon enough to cherish the times.
There is not enough strength in words to animate the mystery of my love's eloquenty delicate presence. How can I describe or relay the feel of a kiss to a third party? A kiss of the sensual nature is one thing, but the kiss of my beloved is the very breath I breathe, constant and always present. No matter where this body hovers in space time; The breath is constant, unfailing until my time is up.
He who does not know and is aware of his ignorance will somehow deliver the goods home. He who does not know and is UNAWARE of his lacking shall remain in quick sands of ignorance for ever more. He who knows and is aware of this knowing shall have his big head to deal with for a long time to come. Be in a state of awe and grace my love and delete the need for understanding along with the need to be right! Just BE! Remember child, remember your essence of life.
This is a rough quote from Max Plank Nobel prize winner in atomic physics about the origin of life: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, the study of the atom I can tell you as a result of my studies this much. There is no matter as such, all matter originates and exits only by the virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds the most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. THIS MIND IS THE MATRIX OF ALL MATTER!" Read it again love, you are here because of an intention of the creator of atoms.
Some of you will see only obsticles and difficulties and some will recognize every event and everything in your lives as welcoming tools on the road to self realization. Consistancy is what you need my child to see that indeed all events of your life must be welcomed into your heart as part of who you will become through the journey. Trust the MASTER ENGINEER and have a happy ride back home my love!
We all have to deal with situations, people, things, and places we are not happy with. The kind of stuff that gets under our skin and does not seem to want to leave until we either do or say something which usually ends up being a stupid action adding to the discomfort. It is not easy being human you see, it is not easy having this spirit within who is just not happy being here in this material world of duality which in and of itself guarantees some level of stress. The painful and the comfortable, the dark and the light, abundance and complete lack of it. All part of LIFE which, as humans we have to deal with because this is the school of learning for the spirits which dwell within the mold of human body. Peace then comes from being more in the spirit and less concerned with the dual nature of the stuff of this world in which the body resides. FLOW WITH NO JUDGMENT AND NO ATTACHMENTS, SEE ONLY THE SPIRIT, ONLY GOD! You are a RIVER NOW my child bound for the great ocean, be a clean fl...
Universal Laws function in only one field of intentionality perceived as many. HUMAN does not live in his head alone! Be free of WORRIES my love and know where thoughts come from. Why stay imprisoned when the doors are so wide open? By separating your self from others you will create pain and anxieties. SEE ONLY GOD AND BE FREE! A thought can only carry you my child if you attach your mind to it. Learning a new thing will end an old one soon.
"If it is not truthful and not helpful, don't say it. If it is truthful and not helpful, don't say it. If it is not truthful and helpful, don't say it. If it is truthful and helpful, wait for the right time." from Prophet Buddha. Is this confirmation or what? Yesterday I chose patience, today I reap the rewards.Talk once and listen twice children!
I have been having this battle inside since the hurricane Katrina about whether or not say anything. It is like having to tell the emperor that he has no clothes on. Knowledge bears a great deal of responsibility, heavy and burdensome for which, many a wise men have chosen SILENCE instead of being active and loud voiced about. Not to Tempt the quantum fate box of equal force delivers equal resistance! Just because I have the key does that mean I should enter at will? Who's will? Just to be part of the discussion, dialogue, the noise? Does not prudence trump valor? And wisdom in SILENCE too cannot be ignored which is just as effective in meditative modes of being here. So I shall choose the path of the great ones before me and not utter all that passes in the field loudly. And these sent words travel far enough to say why the waters record all and hold the LAW!
What do you suppose it feels like being free from all worries and anxieties? Yes that! There you go, it feels good, it feels like God feels if we could imagine that. I wish for you this day my beloved a true freedom from all that worries you and know that in a real sense you feel what I feel, we feel what God feels and the waters sweet and salty,keep a record of all. You keep moving child, all is well now!
Of all the ways to accomplish a task we tend to want the easy ways and usually spend more time pondering ways to make that easy way come about than on the actual task itself. Granted some of our "modern conveniences" were invented based on this way of thinking. However, we must be smart enough to know that not every easy,quick way will result in the best outcome. This is specially true when approaching health the holistic way, and also in matters of personal growth. In these matters the adage"Nothing worth while was ever easy" applies. Fasting for example is not so easy, yet it is the most effective way to rid the body of mucus and toxins which in turn will result in better health. Be careful my child not to be always looking for the quick and easy way out of what must be done!
As you grow in the path of higher energies, one of the obstacles will remain to be a constant. Whether you walk the walk of the ideals you believe in and whether the energies of your life's many inputs hinder or advance your journey. The food we eat, drinks we drink, the tobacco we smoke, the words we utter, the pictures we hang on our walls, the sounds of music in our homes, the shows we watch, and the thoughts we harbor, all have a very direct effect on the growth of the higher energy we aspire for our lives. Be aware my children of the energies of the "STUFF" of your life and know whether they enhance your journey to higher states of being or hinder that journey. No need to attach guilt for the old habits you deem as hindering, just BE AWARE and BE WILLING to change.
It may seem a funny joke the "Creator" plays on the thinking mind to have the journey become harder and the road rougher the closer one gets to resolution. But that is the prerogative of the MASTER DESIGNER! So don't look for easy stuff on the road to Nirvana(whatever that means to you) but be ready to accept and show up daily with total trust in the DESIGN because otherwise you go mad! If you accept that there is only the SOURCE, then what is your place? Why the concern? Why the separation in thoughts?
What bliss! What Grace! How can one show enough gratitude for having been lifted yet again from the depths of shame and guilt and pain of being in this world to a new hight of beingness! How do say "Thank you!" my love for the certainty? When you and I are one, when this river becomes the Ocean and has its qualities, then perhaps in that embrace of oneness you tell your self thank you for me. For there is no "I" in the "US" then!
....and we came to believe that which was most self serving. We made laws to sustain the economy and made wars if necessary to make certain the flow of energy and fuels to this end. Now comes a new age of choice and God is the "super position of the spirit in all things" as one puts it.
We are going to always have obstacles and challenges. We will have to continue the battle within which is a reflection of the universal macro battle. And maybe battle is not a good word, conflict or the work for total unity and harmony is a better way to say it perhaps. My day and your day will still have to be fruitful or at the least not hindering to this process. I tell you verily my child, this is the only dance happening which is worth dressing up for every single day. NAMASTE'
Let the self be annihilated the closer you feel to the beloved. My love there will be no room for "you" in the presence of the beloved. Knock all you want, but every time you answer "it is I the devoted servant" the reply will be "Come back another time"! No one shall enter. Die then now unto your self before you die in the flesh and loose half of the tool in your hand. There is only ONE SELF, AND IT IS NOT YOU OR I NOR IS IT THE MASTER GURU! As all rivers must become oceans in the end, we too shall be the ocean, but for now be a good flowing river my child and gather knowledge of all things in your path to ONENESS with the ocean.
I pray and hope for what is good and serene to be around me and touch all those who come in the circle. But I no longer preach what I do not act upon. Nor do I hold anyone else responsible for my " feelings" and reactive ways. Just flowing with the TAO which is everywhere.
If we could just grasp the fact that there is ONLY GOD! We would have none of this personal emotional crap to work through. I mean if there is only God then why my ways? If only God, then why worry over lacking? If only God, then why my pain or my pride? All vanity my child, vanity of vanities which you will have to let go of in order to be truely free.
I asked about the road ahead he replied " do not look at the road nor the journey ahead. Do not be concerned either about the distance or what has past, for in reality my child you can only be here NOW! during the journey you willl fall many times and get up again, after each fall a part of you remains behind and you will shed another layer of your old self. Keep walking daily" All that is expected of me is to show up daily for life and be willing.
We do not remember enough to know how we got here. We cannot imagine a life without the body involved even though there is enough evidence (scientific and spiritual) to support the existance of energy bodies made up of stuff that we perhaps yet do not recognize or know about, but non-the less have accepted as "real". For example the aura of human body has been photographed which shows the outline of a body part that is no longer attached to the body, more over the amputy even has some sense of feeling in the area where the appendage was. Now imagine accepting and "knowing" that our thoughts alone can be extended to provide data from otherwise unexplainable bodies which our energies occupy! A Paralell or intertwined beingness about which we have no Carbon based data, therefore "it is not me" I am what I feeeeel and touch and see! Wake up kid you are much more!
Emotions tend to always confuse matters because we really don't know their origin. Am I feeling this way about this person because something new has accrued or is my mind reproducing an image I am somehow "addicted to"? Is love the essence of that or can it be a place other than? All these concerns then in and of themselves become a mentalizing process through which we either strengthen the already running emotional program or create new neuro path ways. Is there a need for the observer? Can I BE without it? I am forever curious about how it all falls in place when and where life needs to fit the gears and round off the corners. What some call a miracle or act of God is just another day in paradise.
Today my child learn to confirm your DIVINITY WITHIN which is greator than your greatest fears and anxieties. Know that as you clean your connection daily to the SOURCE OF DIVINITY WITHIN you are divne in actions serene and humble. Learn to be patient my child by accepting all life's energies as divine. There is a FORCE which flows through you every time you breathe in and out; That FORCE is all able and all knowing, sit and honor your breath my child.
We talked about the emptiness within, He said when you learn to walk with compassion you will know the answer and you will have come to know God from having known your self. Why do I reach here and there for satisfaction, when the answer seems so close? He said, the body is a mold within which the spirit is imprisoned, seeking freedom and a way back home, the spirit will always cry! Seek then my child the WAY HOME daily in all your tasks. Know your self and you have known God! How does one come to know one self? Who is in the driver seat when I am angry? Where is my ultimate place of serenity in my mind? I am my molecules, my brains historical make up and a mold which holds the ULTIMATE TRUTH.
"If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor." Albert Einstein (1879-1955); physicist and mathematician. From the mouths of the great ones short simple senctences say all one needs to hear. Setting elegance aside, how can I tell you my child that there is only God? The moment you give validity to your emotions and relations, to the separateness of your things and their things you have moved away from the UNITY THAT IS GOD.
We are what we think and take into our bodies. Do please be aware my child of all these energies in your life. Let there be energies that enhance your life's peacefulness and joy. If you are where the energies are hindering your joyfulness then learn to do more with what you do have and seek positively charged people and music and activities to balance the poorly charged environment you are in. You cannot blame your way into peacefulness, nor can you find solutions by complaining about what is wrong. KEEP HOPE ALIVE BY GOOD WISHES FOR ALL.
For all who posses such quality as to never have to question why life is, I had an envious feeling before this night. Now it has come to pass on a warm night in Seattle, Washington in the USA that such a soul was presented to me in a most serene way. I was able to see the necessity of him as the balance the world of mad scientists like my self need. Such souls who quite contently and quietly go about whatever it is that they do in life and walk the walk of routines with complete happiness and serenity. No points to prove or disprove, no big mark to make on man's life on the planet, no ambitions aside from the task at hand. The Earth was made in balance with such a human in contrast to feisty fighters and shakers of directions so as to provide the two wings for the great spirit of TAO to fly in ease of flowing rivers. I salute your Saleemness my love, no more envy!
But all is not well that ends well, for there is the other side to consider who did not fair so well. If my men win a war in heroic battle, the son of the losing side has died to make a good win for my side. I cannot befriend a fox if I am a bird, so I cannot wish for others as I wish for my self. Just as the Eagle who flies early mornings cannot stay up befriending the owl through the night.
The wisest amongst you my children will come to the conclusion that there is none but God! It is His essence that gives life to the seen and the unseen. He is, has been and always will be without being. He is busy daily manifesting aspects of himself through the veil of creation. Yet there is none other to be witnessing save himself. There is no beginning to his being nor and end. Greatness is not enough of a word for human to use in describing God. Have some tea my love!
With as much hoopla about what and who God is, along with many hundreds of books and experts, prophets, gurus, saints and sages it is an amazing wonder that most humans still find their own way of having a graceful day. The amount of do's and don't out there is enough to send any human child into a frenzy of shock for the rest of his adult life. But then as most all teachers say "Nobody is going anywhere and ain't nothing really happening here" Allrighty then!
Friends ask me "how would people know you are a healer and have medicine if you do not advertise or get out there to become known?" The reply is still the same; Those who need my medicine will find me. What I do is not a marketable commodity, it is like the rain and the oxygen, it just is! Nor is it a commercial capital venture to send out on loud speakers, there is enough of what it is out there for the connections to be made. I am just an oxygen giving tree. Do you see trees advertising their brand of Oxygen? or asking for money?
It takes daily attendance to a newly planted seed to have growth to maturity. It takes befriendinga wild wolf daily to tame the wolf into friendship. It takes two sides to makea wall and two wings to fly. It takes darkness and light, pain and joy, open and closed, famin and feast to make life visible to the naked eye.
It takes a different thing for something different to happen! It takes a different state of mind for the mind to accept new and different ways of thinking. The spirit requires its own food and nourishment just as the body recieves its food of bread and water. It takes a life time to see a life time of events come to pass. It takes two sounds to make a foyful or hateful noise.
"Seek my child the kingdom of God first and all else shall be added on to you". We have all heard this one, yet how many truly know where this kingdom is? If all notions of Heaven and Hell as preached by the organized religions of the world is to be discarded by the "new age seeker"(and rightfuly so), then what does the seeker need now to ensure some level of sanity as he goes about his daily life? Since you are in my class today my lovelies take this as your answer and work with it a while see what you come up with. "seek ye the GRACE, Kindness, Creativity, Abundance, Love, Patienc, and Compassion of God through the SOURCE first, and let heaven and hell take care of themselves in due time". NO COMPLAINS! NO BLAMES! EMIT NOTHING NEGATIVE FROM YOUR PERSON!
Can we send a kiss via a very trusted personal messanger? Unless I have kissed the lips of the beloved I will not know how it feels regardless of how many good messangers came and brought the wonderful news! This too requires that I do the walk to the house of the beloved on my own, I can learn from the messangers as to the way and the perils of the journey and its joys. But unless I walk the walk I shall never know the taste of THE BELOVED'S kiss. Nor can I send my kiss via another well wisher messagner of my own.
A true awakening comes like a thief in the night, it feels like quick sivler a very delequete morining breathe; Always a sign of how the FORCE that moves the seas also moves my breath as my constant connection to the SOURCE! Witness!
Cortisol levels are increased in the blood by stress which in turn raises the blood sugar and creates inflammation which in turn causes disproportionate distribution of fat cells in our body, dulls our skins, and slows down brain function! So next time you decide to hold on to a bad feeling, remember you are also gaining weight and killing brain cells. Accept all with Grace, REMEMBER!
So many of us are talking heads and here is my turn. Don't tell me about the dead bones of your proud heritage and ancestors, nor tell me about the greatness of you masters and teachers, rather show me the grace in your life, in your eyes, in your actions, and in the way you interact with others. Show me your stuff, let me feel it, sense it, and keep it getting better the longer I know you. Now that is your proud heritage! You are the master thusly!
With every breath there are two blessings, instant witness to the flow of life force which cannot be controlled or denied. As the breath enters the body it brings life giving oxygen(already a part of the master design) and as the breath leaves the body it takes the dirty air out. This automated system of life sustaining action is how close the DESIGNER is to his design. We look high and low uttering desperately "oh beloved God where are you?" or " Let me feel you God, come into my life.." While all along the beloved is intertwined with our very breath! And with the flow of the rivers that feed our lands and the oxygen producing bacteria! No man alive or dead will ever know just what or who the DESIGNER is, but no one has ever seen the winds either, only the motions of the leaves and the waters!
Too many, far too many of you complain far too much! Always blaming someone for something you are experiencing or complaining about life's events. I tell you to go to Iraq if you really want something to complain about. Go to Iraq and live under those conditions imposed upon you by governments and hooligans in your homeland and live with 4 hours of electricity a day, lack of water, your children being killed right before your eyes, the 120 degree heat of summer in the desert and then tell me what it is you lack here! Enough said.
So grab your warm clothes and good shoes it is going to be a long journey and you won't know how far it is until you get there. Once you decide you want to travel down the rabbit hole preparations need to be made and commitments to the journey, consistent actions are required and for every fall there is a rise so that you have two wings to fly with!
Outside of being right and being wrong, just around the bend from where the river flows there is field, I will meet you there my love and we'll just talk about how to be at peace with changes. We'll converse about how good it is to be and we'll have our tea!
It is not so tough once we accept that no matter what is in front of us, there is a similar thing behind us which we have passed from. If the purpose is to learn from the past and I find my self in exactly the same situation again that I thought was behind me, then I have not learned the lesson and obviously needed a repeat course! At every turn the Forces of God's design are hard at work to ensure that this human experience is not wasted away in frivolity. THE WIND, THE SUN, THE EARTH, AND THE WATERS all are busy dutifully so you do not forget my child.
The same Zen thought as I mentioned on 70205 was also brought to The Persian Empire back about 3500 years ago. The prophet Zoraster's messaage(still being pr\acticed by many in today's Iran) was: THINK WELL, DO WELL, AND SAY WELL. The world was simply diveded into two forces of good(Ahoora) and evil(Ahreeman). Man's life was then accordingly divided into actions based on what side he served. Not the way of either with me or against me mentality, but that every action, thought, or word eiter enhanced the Ahoora energy in one's life or the Ahreeman energy. Today we say take actions which enhance your life not hinder its progressive evolution. Half a dozen of one or 6 of the other, no change in the message.
THINK as though the whole of the sky was a screen displaying your thoughts; SPEAK as though the whole of life is but one ear listening to your words; ACT as though the fruit of every action was to return to you right away. I don't remember where I read or heard this, it sounds Zen so we'll go with that. In reality my love you have already had your brother's wife in bed the instant your thoughts went that way(and your brother knows it!). Can I be so transparently truthful? Do I say one thing and do another all the while fooling only myself that no one else knows? Does it matter if you tell me what you really think of my life if your thoughts are on display in the skies above for all to see? Can you say you care with your tongue, think quite the opposite in your mind then expect harmony? We are spiritual works in progress not finished products. Learning as we go, we may never be able to be the Master that Christ was or Buddha, but we need to try! The need for this shaman i...
The beauty here is that the original WRITER OF THE SOURCE CODE is still very much hidden from all of us behind a veil of the mystery that is known as GOD THE CREATOR! As we try to reconcile our powers of creating realities with the FORCE that is GOD, us humans are left with awe and a constant bewilderment! (which is really sweet). As an old timer in the game of "how it is done" I have been up one discipline down the other. I learned early on however, that it is easy to make a spiritual soup and not really have a whole meal of it all. While the shaman walks in tune with the forest's animals; THE AUTHOR WRITES ON THE BLANK OF THE DARK MATTER. We must acknowledge this GREAT DESIGNER of creative codes, and then accept that we have access to its creative forces but are not always in charge of all the realities which inadvertently affect our individual lives. In a Tsunami there are no human creator forces! Only human tragedies, deaths, destruction and new hope of a tomorrow ins...
"Do not believe anything on the mere authority of teachers or priests. Accept as true and as the guide to yourlife only that which accords with your own reason and experience, after thorough investigation. Accept only that which contributes to the well-being of yourself and others."Buddha. Put those books down my love and walk the walk a while in silence and action that sets you free. Don't tell me about Moses's burning bush no more, show me yours!
We don't talk much any more, the empty words travel in the air then lay on the floor, I'm not so sure any more, what the big picture is? what did the last homicide in the lower west side had to do with the kid's father? I tried telling him about the quantum field of possibilities he threw a knife at me I ducked as he was yelling something like f--k that crap man my daughter just got stabbed on her f--kin way home from work man! We don't talk much any more cause after the kid died he ain't the same no more Jimmy he just ain't the same no more. I write this stuff cause I got to after each day in the quantum field of my life's events asking the same question over and over until my sudden death comes to take me to the same place probably where Jimmy's kid just went to; Then I hear on the freakin news about Mahmood in Iraq who's kids just got blown off by a misguided American kid soldier who mistook them kids for terrorists! I'm still sittin here wa...
Any reality we get stuck on is bound to be the wrong one because the very idea of being stuck at any one point in a flowing, everchanging, evolving field of possibilities is in and of itself not plausible. This statement does not demean or make loose change of any consistent behavior which enhances life's potentials, rather simply put it invites one to be as the flowing TAO without efforts to hold on to any ideologies, stuff of this world, or even the notion of enlightenment. Who soever is most enlightened, let him flow without being so attached to the notion.
"What does the word "Master" mean?"Master" means you already know how to master yourself, and you are not torn apart by different obstacles in life." ChingHai. Mastering one's mind is the essence of true freedom. This mind being the driving force for the hormones produced in my body which in turn control most of my activities must be brought to a point of accepting responsibility for the daily events surrounding my person. I am not my mind's thoughts, I am not my minds emotions, I am not what I own or do nor am I my reputation and desires. Let the mind be deciplined in actions which enhance life for the true self within which is the spirit. Let the mind be the tool for feedom of the spirit from the prison of the body.
"Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.If you don't realize the source, you stumble in confusion and sorrow. When you realize where you come from, you naturally become tolerant, disinterested, amused, kindhearted as a grandmother, dignified as a king. Immersed in the wonder of the Tao, you can deal with whatever life brings you, and when death comes, you are ready. The great Tao flows everywhere." Lao tzo (4th century BC). Tao(a word) is the flow of all life's energies coming from the SOURCE which itself is the mystery of God's creation. Ahhh I am no more! i aw as i aw just fine the way i aw.
To be ready and always flowing, learn my children to show up for life daily with gratitude, appreciation, and a willing heart, always accepting the ONE-NESS of life's forces which include storms! Learn, gather knowledge about as many things as you can.Take time to meditate/pray daily and learn to trust the SOURCE at all times. Awaken now! BE consistent and you will see results. Is not the Sun obedient? Will the river flow the opposite of its given current? Will you be human by any other designs? Seek my child the designer from the workings of the design. Not to know,for you never will; But to accept with awe and wonder!
Time is on my side I know that as sure as I know the Sun is always shining whether I can see its rays or not. I have not taken my eyes off the prize! I wish for you my child just such a strong faith and certainty so that your wonderful mind can expand to find the rest of you. You are the universe my child, the whole of creation was because of you and IS within you.
"But one is the path of earthly wealth, and another is the path of NIRVANA. Let the follower of Buddha think of this and, without striving for reputation, let him ever strive after freedom." The Dhmmapada 3rd century B.C. F orever it seems we have jostled between the two worlds in awe and bewilderment. The world of the visible and the unseen world of the spirit. like the quick silver is the state of the spirit, if one trys to hold on tighter, all is lost.The wise sage resides not in the knowing of things but in the being part of the mystery. Now he is a man, Now he is not. One is the path of Earthly ways and another is the path of NIRVANA.
Time has a funny way of making new sense of old matters. Laughter, having a true sense of how cosmically funny the state of man is keeps the river of my life flowing. When its all said and done, there is only God having fun just as the tears flow on his cheeks from the pain! When its all said and done, when all we know as matter ceases to exits(now is that not funny to just ponder on?), There is only God!
Let not a day go by without your active connecting to the SOURCE! Regardless if you were sober the night before or not, if you think all hell is about to break loose around you or if you have lost hope for most! Today, today my child come, sit, have a cup of tea with the MASTER DESIGNER and suck up all your little heart desires from the SOURCE directly. No effort needed, all you have to do my love, is show up and sit down with that intent! Let your breath be your active connection, as it brings life to you, Ahhhhhh!
Aloha! Just to get a good start ok? Because what I want to talk about again is our BELIEF SYSTEMS and some of you might(as you have in the past) get offended. But then if you can take offense this easily, you perhaps need to work on that! A person I know is so careful not to use Aluminum cookware even for cold salads! Yet this friend eats out at restaurants regularly where, 99.9 percent of their soups and sauces are COOKED IN ALUMINUM pots! This friend also is overly concerned about left over food not being nutritionally good, yet again the same restaurants that cook in Aluminum-ware also cook and keep many soups and sauces, stews dressing, and more in their walk-in far prior to serving time. Can one go on not knowing these and believe themselves to be aware/reasonable? And taking offense at someone for bringing such matters to our attention is not helpful to our growth. Just how many belief systems do we have that contradict the way we live? How about our beliefs on clarity of mind wh...
A young man's father just passed away. He is perhaps more shaken because he now has to deal with how he belittled his father and joining the rest of his family how he had let the father know that he was not a fit father. The father suffering from a rare glandular disease which leaves one prone to bouts of unexplainable behavior had accepted that he had "no class" just as every one was telling him. That he was wild and unruly(though he was so tender to his family) and his bouts of sudden frustrated anger hurt every body and brought shame to the family. His condition was only discovered a month before his death, not giving doctors enough time to work out the perfect plan of action. He died playing a game of soccer while resting a bit in between matches! Just laid down and went to that perfect long forever kind of sleep that brings with it peace and anxiety at once! What now? No one expected this! How do we deal with putting a man down for so long for being sick?(but we didn...
With love as with all things there are two polarities. Balance is measured in quanta not so familiar with reason's terms. Painted trails in shades of light and dark wrapped in mysterious premonitions and glimpses of magic or awakenings. The bitter is sweet and the sweet is bitter when images leave a trace on the sands by the flowing essence of the river near the trees. All the stories told are retold and poems rewritten in languages unknown to even the mystics. The heart wants what the heart wants independent of the "facts", similarities, or differences. Suddenly the smells become connected to memories pinned to emotions as sweet as Lilies and as bitter as poioneous mushrooms. The mystery that is the force of LOVE follows no set rules nor does it offer any explanations. All this I write yet if I had but lived another life or two, perhaps they would have some meaning.
We want so desperately to believe that our beliefs are rational and logical. Even knowing that most our beliefs are learned behaviors or someone else's! We will insist that they make perfect sense and others aught to do it our way! Are not our habits what separates us from our optimum life? Listen my children; if you wish to feel and know a true sense of freedom allow your belief system to be open for modifications at all times(unpleasant mold in one place is highly valued aged cheese in another but a mold just the same!). We create our realities by what we think, and the universal design too has a plan of action. When it quakes, when life brings an old raggedy person at our door steps, when Africa suffers from apartheid, when Tsunami hits the poorest population on our planet, these are occasions when the SOURCE is sending us messages of learning new things and accept that not all is at our control(It is not all sterilized). To be ready and always flowing, learn my children to show...
Grace follows me as if I have no choice in the matter. I have no ambitions for might or social height, I have no need other than companionship from a mate on the path,who is willing to walk and grow with me. I have nothing to prove to anyone anymore and when I die I should like to be remembered for these teachings, some of my herbal formulas, and my life of service. Let my grace carry me like the river that carries a floating leaf, and let the Ego within me learn to float with that river flow.Let all past,present,and future of me get wrapped up and lost in the presesnce of THE ONE, OMm!
Once I can walk this Earth being of one mind and one spirit with all its inhabitants, I need not feel alienation or separation. From the Southeast Asian woman cooking on open fires the products dug from the forests' floor, to the hospitable sheikh who just had his servants prepare me the succulent lamb, to Ethel Barneby's kids who seem bent on having BBQ every nite. I am separated any time I put judgmental values on any other as undesirable! Can I see the difference between accepting, not participating, honoring the same? Can I peacefully say no to one and embrace the other always remaining in the center? Can I see darkness for its role and not be bent on having light at all times? When I am centered within, all is good within and without, flowing as the river does, not clinging to the banks of stuff(and ideologies) along the way.
What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.- If a man speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering will follow him as the wheel of the cart follows the beast that draws the cart.- If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind, joy follows him as his own shadow. Many do not know that we are here in this world to live in harmony. Those who know this do not fight against each other. If a man speaks many holy words but he speaks and does not, this thoughtless man cannot enjoy the life of holiness: he is like a cowherd who counts the cows of his master. Whereas if a man speaks but a few holy words and yet he lives the life of those words, free from passion and hate and illusion - with right vision and a mind free, craving for nothing both now and hereafter - the life of this man is a life of holiness. (from Dhammapada 3rd century B.C.) Many, far too many are counting only the cows of their ma...
It is the embraces I remember most when I think of her. The scent of him wrapped around the scent of her in the form of an embrace that tenderly goes on for hours. Hands caressing, gently passing over the skin leaving a murmur like trace of soft warmth behind. It is the mystery I shall hold dear for a force that neither of us could put a name to or box for reference. All the while both thinking "did I create this?" knowing it would not be ours to keep for long! Then resting somewhere in between fate, stars, love unfulfilled and the quantum field never knowing for certain about the encounter! The school is not out for this summer, it goes on by the river that flows from eternity to HERE AND NOW. How else would the river flow if not in the direction of the design?
It warmed my heart and brought a gentle smile upon my old face to read how Quantumly our lives represent both what we need to hear and experience all wrapped into a poetry line of empty word counts and promises to BE again! But then that is what makes the learning both fun and painful at the same time. It is like the bittersweet goodbye of Romeo to Juliet not knowing he too was destined to be in her embrace for life in other realms of energy fields.
With love as with all things there are two polarities. Balance is measured in quanta not so familiar with reason's terms. Painted trails in shades of light and dark wrapped in mysterious premonitions and glimpses of magic or awakenings. The bitter is sweet and the sweet is bitter when images leave a trace on the sands by the flowing essence of the river near the trees. All the stories told are retold and poems rewritten in languages unknown to even the mystics. The heart wants what the heart wants independent of the "facts", similarities, or differences. Suddenly the smells become connected to memories pinned to emotions as sweet as Lilies and as bitter as poioneous mushrooms. The mysery that is the force of LOVE follows no set rules nor does it offer any explanations. All this I write yet if I had but lived another life or two, perhaps they would some meaning.
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson American Poet. Say friend! Where is your path leading you? I wish you this day the courage of a thousand Nights to boldly go where few venture, To know that which is changeable, and that which is not and to have the wisdom to recognize the difference. Above all a life of no regrets!
I can judge a matter then let go of the judgement itself. I can be displeased with a certain behavior or pattern of events, then let go of all thoughts about the matters and the displeasures. In this way my child I have avoided the Maya in two ways, not buying its illusions of flour for bread, and not allowing the hunger for that bread take the place of my abundance within. Smile now! You are being filmed for the archives of seven thousand year old records! None is missed, whether you display it, say it, act it or not. Transparent, all is transparent to the ONE!
"This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival.A joy, a depression, a meaness,some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.Welcome and entertain all!Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,still, treat each guest honorably.He may be clearing you out for some new delight.The dark thought, the shame, the malice,meet them at the door laughing,and invite them in.Be grateful for whomever comes,because each has been sentas a guide from beyond." Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Persian Poet. To assert effort is to negate emptiness, to dwell in emptiness is negating the presence of action, meditate without effort now~BE!
Can you see Jesus charging for his healing? Can you imagine him asking for anything in return for his teachings? Oh children of Adam if you see abundance only in the monetary gains and comfort means, the gates of Nirvana have not yet smile upon you! I am not suggesting that all healers can follow the examples of the great masters(none of whom ever charged for their work) but I am saying that our time has produced far too many peddlers of healing materials for sale and money has become more of an issue than it aught to be. So too have the stuff we posses, homes we live in and how proudly we display our decked up selves. The humble masters walked the Earth in mostly ragged clothing and lived in dwellings of mud (while they easily could have had much,much more). Only the eyes of the humble seeker beholds the presence of the humble masters. Set your eyes not on the stuff of this world my child as reward, but look to the examples of the Honorable Buddhas for how to walk this Earth. Be bless...
God bless us all for trying to be the best humans we can be. God knows it is not easy (He aught to we are his handy work!). For all the love stories, love songs and ballads written throughout our short human history, we seem to have gone backwards in progress where love is concerned. If the sages and old masters had it right(which I tend to believe they did) then it is how it was to be. The closer we get to the end times of the life of our humanity, the worse we tend to behave. And the presence of many "false prophets" too was foretold, those who make mankind forget about God and create many gods in his place, and I'm not talking about the dogmatic idea of God from the organized religions who never got it right, but The Creator, THE ORIGINAL CAUSE AND AUTHOR OF THE SOURCE CODE FOR THE ENERGY FIELDS! Because unless we are wise enough to know the difference between false images and the actual thing, we are indeed missing it! So the message today my children is know the AUTH...
How does one package love to one's liking? We search high and low for "that special some one" to spend a life with, grow old with and die a good death next to. It is a rare thing to be blessed with a mate like the Ravens have naturally, one for life. For the rest of us we find ourselves searching for the half that completes us but most of us carry this box we want the mate to fit into. Love however, does not seek compatibility it seeks a transparent heart with no expectations of its beloved. A great gift! And then we still have to give time to love to be built like any other path of life, but conditions hinder love always. We need to let go of our preconceived notions of how love aught to be if we are to experience and behold its gentle touch, else we shall find ourselves creating love affairs that will not last the distance of the rest of our lives(the divorce rates are self evident). And all the while the true love's face eludes us for our veil of conditionals. Then...
I want to talk about belief systems today, because it seems to go well with the decor of my life! And because if we look close enough at what and how believe in, we might avoid so many of human agonies. After all aren't most wars and bitter divorces happen over beliefs? We know from scientific research that most belief systems are tied to emotional experiences of a life time. Cultures, families, environments and even the stars can affect how we think about any given subject matter. A child is called innocent because he has not had the time to build a data base of beliefs upon which to operate his life. For the most part if two sides are open and willing to just discuss their beliefs and agree to find a happy medium place to meet at, that happy medium place will be found, if both are coming from the heart and will not give up on peace and harmony. When we are rigid and not open to any changes, that is when wars break out and families fall apart and otherwise tender relations are bro...
If we see THE SPIRIT in all forms, get passed forms and see only the spirit at display in all its varieties of energies, accept that even in the form of agony the experience is that of THE SPIRIT not of mine own self, most every event becomes a lesson and a reminder of the PRESENCE OF GRACE! To meditate upon these principles of THE SOURCE and reaffirming the CONNECTION I am free of all stress, I an abundance not in form but in SPIRIT and GRACE.
A dear friend mentioned (after reading the thoughts yesterday) that I seemed so harsh on the new age teachers and seemed so negative in general. So here is positive gentle twist on the long essay of yesterday. I like the approach of Dr. Wayne Dyer because he has been at it long enough to remember God! I like Guy Finleys desire to serve all. I also want to say that events like the blooming of a flower, the Sun just peaking through the first rays of a summer morning and two lovers embracing are beauties all around us every day. I am connected to the SOURCE OF ALL POSSIBILITIES, and of all of them I shall choose only beauty, peace and grace. The Source Codes are available to us all and we are the authors of our days on this Earth, Now all we have to do is remember the AUTHOR OF THE CODE and pay humble homage! Laugh a little more at me!
I am writing today because I need to put some perspective on a journey that has come full circle in my life with a few twists. I write my life's diary as I have done every day for the past three years for my children's sake and those who know me. I teach and counsel very intuitively and hopefully with no ego In recent months the movie "What the Bleep do we know?" has gained notoriety for its simple projection of Quantum physics and the power of thoughts creating realities through what Dr. Hawkins calls "attractors".In fact the whole Idea of "we create our own realities" through the works of such notables as: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ram Das, Mr. Finley, Dr. Hawkins and many more has created a small but growing group of people who have come to believe themselves to be "creators" of realities of theirs lives even at the instant of thinking a thought (whether it leads to recognizable action or not). Some very educated and in position of importance, o...
A dear intuitive friend(who is in the Middle East)told me she had a dream about me last night. A most profound dream because it matched my current state of life so closely. She said she saw me in white robes, by a stream of fresh water. Asked me why was I not drinking? I answered that I could not because the minute I drink that water I will cease to be! And I have a lot more to do yet with my life. She then kissed my forhead and left. I was I believe, and still am refusing to fall in love and lose control. I don't remember my own dreams much but I too had one last night that insured me of the sweetness of life ahead of me whether I see the love in a woman or in the presence of God the female who loves with no end! The action on my part must be the same, give my heart up for a love that has no logic to it, but rather is all about senergistic living with less conversations and more action in love. Good Lord my father and friend, you sure know how to put a story together!
This is indeed the age of realizations and 5000 year leaps in all facets of human knowledge. I see however my children, a trend towards the arrogance in the face of THE CREATOR the likes of which has been not so common in our history. We have come to think of ourselves as "the source" and are producing "GURUS" left and right, with amazing "METHODS" of how to be a god! or the God! My beloved says: "None have seen me of all my creations, all the talks and word of wisdom are much adiu over nothing, He who claims total sincerity in his dovotion and love to me, he too heard the story from yet another. I am as close to each of you as the veins on your necks but you are not me, you are a very good image of me, but not me, do not mistake the two my love and fall as many masters have in the past, You have my source codes through my grace, do not think you wrote it! "
Talk about funny universal jokes! Today based on the papers the establishment drew for me is my Birthday, hah! When in reality neither I nor even my mother has been able to establish a correct date based on the Gregorian calendar. My original records of birth were tribal and kept in a Lunar based calendar and further changed by my father (God rest his soul) to avoid having to send me to the service in the military at age 18(Thank you Lord for that Gift of not having to be a part of the horrid sad human mentality of wars and armies!) But the beauty of it all is that I see the whole of the country celebrating the army men's day of the dead! They call it Memorial Day, but really its just another day for getting drunk and renewing the age old hatred of what is not us but them! God bless us all on this my day on the papers of the system of the record keepers and astrologers alike. May my heart burst open and tear down these walls of ignorance this day.
What principles do we live by daily? How do they stand next to our desires and privileges? Can one stand on any set of deeply rooted principles without accepting change? We have wars going on in our world based solely on whether or not any one's principles of living can be placed on judgment or brought to scrutney. And what of a life with no principles at all? Is that to be abhorred? Can the best of all global principles be put in one volume for all to adhere to? Can we as a society of humans have universal principals to stand together without fail? My good child this indeed has been the story of creation. The principles of humanity unlike those of science cannot be put into solid stones of LAW!(I can marry my causin in Iran but be put in jail for the same act in the U.S.A.) Change is the very essence of our growth and evolvement to God head and willingness is the crown jewel of an open heart who sees only the Creator at work in total GRACE!
What then is the meaning of life my father? said the little curious child. If I were to tell you that the CREATOR wanted to know himself better, would that answer your question? Replied the father. Yes, said the innocent child I will help God know himself better as soon as I am done with my home work! Don't wait too long child to be helpful now, I see others waiting in line already.
Yin and Yang are the two sides of the coin that is our lives. We cannot negate the reality of either and attain harmony. If we do not see beauty in the gutter and the face of a drunken smelly human, we are missing one whole side of the coin. If the Earth worm put before us as food offering by an Eskimo is so disgusting that we cringe and show displeasure, we have lost the connection to the loving hearts of that Eskimo family right then and there and there is no going back from that point. On the other hand if we are so disgusted by the "finer stuff of life" in the homes of the rich and wealthy or their excesses, we have lost the human factor and the face of love yet again. If we dispise the life style of the rich and famous because of their consumer mentality or lack of compssion for the poor we have again lost site of the Oneness. Accepting with no judgment and willingness to see beauty in all life forms is the first rule of the TAO! To flow with every and all facets of life...
I want to give all of you children a hopeful message today. If you knew that all is well with our world, If you knew this for certain how would it change your life? Unless a caterpillar is ready to die butterflies are never born. My love hear me well, it is our holding on to our perceptions of who we are and fear of losing that which makes for such huge hurdles in our paths to serenity. You have such vast amounts of treasures beneath the house you call you, until you are ready to let go and tear this house down, how can you build the new one? How can your butterfly be born if you so strongly wish to keep being the caterpillar? Courage is not telling your boss what you think of him, it is rather the ability to tell your old self that it is time to let go of the house keys!