Talk about funny universal jokes! Today based on the papers the establishment drew for me is my Birthday, hah! When in reality neither I nor even my mother has been able to establish a correct date based on the Gregorian calendar. My original records of birth were tribal and kept in a Lunar based calendar and further changed by my father (God rest his soul) to avoid having to send me to the service in the military at age 18(Thank you Lord for that Gift of not having to be a part of the horrid sad human mentality of wars and armies!) But the beauty of it all is that I see the whole of the country celebrating the army men's day of the dead! They call it Memorial Day, but really its just another day for getting drunk and renewing the age old hatred of what is not us but them! God bless us all on this my day on the papers of the system of the record keepers and astrologers alike. May my heart burst open and tear down these walls of ignorance this day.


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