The beauty here is that the original WRITER OF THE SOURCE CODE is still very much hidden from all of us behind a veil of the mystery that is known as GOD THE CREATOR! As we try to reconcile our powers of creating realities with the FORCE that is GOD, us humans are left with awe and a constant bewilderment! (which is really sweet). As an old timer in the game of "how it is done" I have been up one discipline down the other. I learned early on however, that it is easy to make a spiritual soup and not really have a whole meal of it all. While the shaman walks in tune with the forest's animals; THE AUTHOR WRITES ON THE BLANK OF THE DARK MATTER. We must acknowledge this GREAT DESIGNER of creative codes, and then accept that we have access to its creative forces but are not always in charge of all the realities which inadvertently affect our individual lives. In a Tsunami there are no human creator forces! Only human tragedies, deaths, destruction and new hope of a tomorrow instilled by The Author. A lesson taught in the realm of OMNIPRESENCE!


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