Can you see Jesus charging for his healing? Can you imagine him asking for anything in return for his teachings? Oh children of Adam if you see abundance only in the monetary gains and comfort means, the gates of Nirvana have not yet smile upon you! I am not suggesting that all healers can follow the examples of the great masters(none of whom ever charged for their work) but I am saying that our time has produced far too many peddlers of healing materials for sale and money has become more of an issue than it aught to be. So too have the stuff we posses, homes we live in and how proudly we display our decked up selves. The humble masters walked the Earth in mostly ragged clothing and lived in dwellings of mud (while they easily could have had much,much more). Only the eyes of the humble seeker beholds the presence of the humble masters. Set your eyes not on the stuff of this world my child as reward, but look to the examples of the Honorable Buddhas for how to walk this Earth. Be blessed my loved ones! For in your earnest seeking you shall behold God alone! All else is a mere images in the Maya.


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