I want to talk about belief systems today, because it seems to go well with the decor of my life! And because if we look close enough at what and how believe in, we might avoid so many of human agonies. After all aren't most wars and bitter divorces happen over beliefs? We know from scientific research that most belief systems are tied to emotional experiences of a life time. Cultures, families, environments and even the stars can affect how we think about any given subject matter. A child is called innocent because he has not had the time to build a data base of beliefs upon which to operate his life. For the most part if two sides are open and willing to just discuss their beliefs and agree to find a happy medium place to meet at, that happy medium place will be found, if both are coming from the heart and will not give up on peace and harmony. When we are rigid and not open to any changes, that is when wars break out and families fall apart and otherwise tender relations are broken. And time too, is needed for understandings to be firmly in place. I have known couples who had arguments over which way the toilet paper rolled out of the holder! Or whether or not a child should be brought up Catholic or Protestant. What do you believe in that cannot be modified in love? How important is your relationship as compare to your old belief systems? Can you let go of a notion (which may for all practical purposes not be accurate) to maintain serenity and balance in a relationship? Above all I have found through time that if we let go of the need to be in the right, or win the argument, working on our own inner peace, then much can be had for so very little. Because this is not a perfect world as it is, we are not perfect humans just because we understand fields of energy or quantum way of life, and there is no such thing as a perfect partner ready made, but perfection in partnership(as in perfection of the art of personal growth) of most any kind can be achieved through willingness, consistency, and transparent open hearts!


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