I am writing today because I need to put some perspective on a journey that has come full circle in my life with a few twists. I write my life's diary as I have done every day for the past three years for my children's sake and those who know me. I teach and counsel very intuitively and hopefully with no ego
In recent months the movie "What the Bleep do we know?" has gained notoriety for its simple projection of Quantum physics and the power of thoughts creating realities through what Dr. Hawkins calls "attractors".In fact the whole Idea of "we create our own realities" through the works of such notables as: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ram Das, Mr. Finley, Dr. Hawkins and many more has created a small but growing group of people who have come to believe themselves to be "creators" of realities of theirs lives even at the instant of thinking a thought (whether it leads to recognizable action or not). Some very educated and in position of importance, others average citizens of varying backgrounds. What is the same however is that most believe as humans tend to do, that this is it! This view cannot and must not be questioned because we have got it! We are the authorities on life and liberated doctors and scientists who know best. Tested and proven, laid to rest!
Recently I saw the true story of a journalist's life, who woke up one day finding out that another man assuming his personality profile and even professional literary job indeed has given him a bit more notoriety that he would have ever been able to muster on his own. The twist is that this pretender is also a murderer of his own wife and three young children all under the age of 5! So now the two men are communicating through the prison system trying to figure how for a whole year one got away with pretending to be the other. What were the INTENTIONS of the young children and the wife who got killed in the process (the lady was known to all who knew her as kind and very serene)? How did they create their realities? Death is not a quantum physics phenomenon!
I am reminded also of the folks who woke up to the recent Tsunami in having lost all their loved ones to a force they had no input in creating! How did the man in Thailand's little village who just lost HIS wife and three children to the Tsunami's power of destruction create this reality for which he now has to produce a defense mechanisms because life goes on doesn't it? He must go on and look for shelter, food and warmth in this heavily rainy season while still carrying the memory of his dead family! A foot note here, how do you suppose that Tsunami may have affected my own recent love story or the Kennedy murder in 1963? The good folks who have bought into the "I am God" and "I am the Source" would fall flat on their faces if they indeed had to go through an experience even remotely similar in their comfortable homes while they attend their " I am the Creator" seminars. It would be difficult just to explain the actual events that are in progress for those in Asia having to deal with the Tsunami's awesome destructive forces. Just another face of God; Or a random result of the SOURCE CODE becoming reality here on Earth? God the author of the SOURCE CODE, of course still hidden from the eye of the beholder.
There is of course much exactness to this science of us creating our realities (At the cellular level thoughts do produce events). We need to realize however, that just as a computer program has parameters prewritten so does the Quantum field of our lives' energies connecting the entire human experience from the start of one continent to the end of another into the Waters of the oceans, up and down wards into the infinity that is our space filled with galaxies. All the laws prewritten, acting, vibrating, creating and moving at all times are as I like to call them THE CREATIVE SOURCE CODE. We must understand this greater field of creative codes, and then accept that we have access to its creative force but are not always in charge of all the realities which inadvertently affect our individual lives. In a Tsunami there are no human creator forces! Only human tragedies, deaths, destruction and yet another hope of a tomorrow instilled by The Author.
The beauty here is that the original WRITER OF THE SOURCE CODE is still very much hidden from all of us behind a veil of the mystery that is known as GOD THE CREATOR! To reconcile our powers of creating realities with the FORCE that is GOD as humans we are left with only awe and total dissolutions. To top this predicament for most beginners in the game of how it all works is that very few recognize the simple fact that just as in any field of endeavor, those who have been at it longer and trying to keep the walk down that rabbit hole, are going back to the basics of TAO (a 6 thousand year old wisdom). Showing up and learning all anew how to float with the river that is the total source code's effects. Some one dies, a child is born,some one falls in love and is betrayed, a house is burned down to the ground by the wild fires, an old lady's small mobile home(hut) is washed away along with her possessions while the shaman walks in tune with the forest's animals. And; THE AUTHOR WRITES ON THE BLANK OF THE DARK MATTER.
Would you like to hear a love story twist to the journalist story with his impersonator? Ok! While pretending to be the other man this murderer impersonating the journalist needed a photographer to pull the con, in walks this innocent German amature photographer who happens to be vacationing on the same island and they meet by the beach at which time he offers her the job having introduced himself as the famous journalist working on an assignment in the islands. After a few days of working together as his charm grows on her(and human nature by the beach takes over), she falls in love and emotionally is totally ready to change her life for him. Two weeks later the police show up and he is taken away for all the crimes, leaving her to deal with a heart breaking reality she had nothing to do with the creation of. She has to pick up the pieces, learn to trust all over again taking photographers for journalists she may not know. Keep in mind that the pretender had already worked the whole island's American tourists because he looked so much like the real thing so needing a photographer was perfectly legitimate full proof con. She happened to be there!
If God did not have a sense of humor (As Steven Hawkins puts it "God not only plays dice with the universe, he sometimes even hides the dice so as to not show what was on the face of the dice!) I believe I would actually lose hope for us the children of his visions as we try to make sense of our being here through religions, reason, logic, physics, pathways, seminars, music, poetry, reproductively, self help books, and the pain of being HUMANS! Did I mention Love! It is a poem waiting to be written if I only had the magical words. But of the two roads before me, I seem to have always chosen the one less traveled and that has made all the difference in my life


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