God bless us all for trying to be the best humans we can be. God knows it is not easy (He aught to we are his handy work!). For all the love stories, love songs and ballads written throughout our short human history, we seem to have gone backwards in progress where love is concerned. If the sages and old masters had it right(which I tend to believe they did) then it is how it was to be. The closer we get to the end times of the life of our humanity, the worse we tend to behave. And the presence of many "false prophets" too was foretold, those who make mankind forget about God and create many gods in his place, and I'm not talking about the dogmatic idea of God from the organized religions who never got it right, but The Creator, THE ORIGINAL CAUSE AND AUTHOR OF THE SOURCE CODE FOR THE ENERGY FIELDS! Because unless we are wise enough to know the difference between false images and the actual thing, we are indeed missing it! So the message today my children is know the AUTHOR and be free! It is all good with God!


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