A dear intuitive friend(who is in the Middle East)told me she had a dream about me last night. A most profound dream because it matched my current state of life so closely. She said she saw me in white robes, by a stream of fresh water. Asked me why was I not drinking? I answered that I could not because the minute I drink that water I will cease to be! And I have a lot more to do yet with my life. She then kissed my forhead and left. I was I believe, and still am refusing to fall in love and lose control. I don't remember my own dreams much but I too had one last night that insured me of the sweetness of life ahead of me whether I see the love in a woman or in the presence of God the female who loves with no end! The action on my part must be the same, give my heart up for a love that has no logic to it, but rather is all about senergistic living with less conversations and more action in love. Good Lord my father and friend, you sure know how to put a story together!
I am really trying to keep my usual positive and hopeful attitude towards our humanity and mankind in general, but recent events have brought the old anger back in me which is really frustration and anxiety about Politicians and the money mongers of the world about which I can take no real action of any significance. I see hunger and destitude in the masses of this U.S. of A, the richest country on earth, I see the very weak and the elderly, the homeless and the hard working class suffer while the political will of some nuts is runnning amock! God help me to accept what I can change and that over which I have no control, and please God give me the wisdom to know the difference. It is nothing new, just different land, different time in the history of the ignorant man and the greed of the fools!