Yin and Yang are the two sides of the coin that is our lives. We cannot negate the reality of either and attain harmony. If we do not see beauty in the gutter and the face of a drunken smelly human, we are missing one whole side of the coin. If the Earth worm put before us as food offering by an Eskimo is so disgusting that we cringe and show displeasure, we have lost the connection to the loving hearts of that Eskimo family right then and there and there is no going back from that point. On the other hand if we are so disgusted by the "finer stuff of life" in the homes of the rich and wealthy or their excesses, we have lost the human factor and the face of love yet again. If we dispise the life style of the rich and famous because of their consumer mentality or lack of compssion for the poor we have again lost site of the Oneness. Accepting with no judgment and willingness to see beauty in all life forms is the first rule of the TAO! To flow with every and all facets of life is the path reserved only for the few but available to all.


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