Aloha! Just to get a good start ok? Because what I want to talk about again is our BELIEF SYSTEMS and some of you might(as you have in the past) get offended. But then if you can take offense this easily, you perhaps need to work on that! A person I know is so careful not to use Aluminum cookware even for cold salads! Yet this friend eats out at restaurants regularly where, 99.9 percent of their soups and sauces are COOKED IN ALUMINUM pots! This friend also is overly concerned about left over food not being nutritionally good, yet again the same restaurants that cook in Aluminum-ware also cook and keep many soups and sauces, stews dressing, and more in their walk-in far prior to serving time. Can one go on not knowing these and believe themselves to be aware/reasonable? And taking offense at someone for bringing such matters to our attention is not helpful to our growth. Just how many belief systems do we have that contradict the way we live? How about our beliefs on clarity of mind which runs our daily lives? What does keep the mind sharp, keen, reasonable and open to new learning? If I were to object to the very notion of God you hold so dearly to, will reason prevail or old habits of emotional discourse ? Can I tell you outright that the way you dress in shorts and low cut blouses is advertising your sexuality and not as you say or have been led to believe "for keeping cool in Summer"!? In fact scientifically and physiodynamically it is incorrect to expose the flesh to the hot sun and expect coolness to be produced(yet most all follow this line of thinking). Coolness is a function of body temperature regulated by the sweat glands amongst other things. But most assuredly, the short shorts(hot pants!) and low cut blouses were designed for the exclusive sake of sexual attraction. So then you wonder why the energies of your life go that way? Where material goods and styles of the day become important, enlightenment goes out the door very dim my love! We cannot serve two Gods! The god of this material world is busy decking itself pretty for the mating season and self satisfaction, God of the SOURCE is calling his kids home where matter is MU and spirit is all there is! Be open my children to learning about yourselves through the eyes of others and be ready and willing to change your core beliefs (some things are more evident than others). If you wish to find that special someone with whom you can spend the rest of your life with,know more about your beliefs in fluid dynamics of reason nurtured in content love and open hearts!


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