
Showing posts from 2023


Imagine Oneness if you can, imagine humanity recognizing it's ultimate purpose of Happiness and safety for all, ending all war industries.  please accept This work of Hope offering ☯️👁️. 👁️ AI John Lennon and I worked with many more free spirits to make it. Thanks 👍 YouTube address Imagine Oneness

Who Am I

A simple message of the Laws of Attraction 🧲 from my teacher Rumi of Iran.  If you're seeking treasures that'll be you If you seek more oral satisfaction, that'll be you Tis the simple secret of 🧬 Life 😉 Whatever desired wants your seek THAT is You 💟 In Evolution of humanity The question most unanswerable is why are we still so dumb 👁️👁️ ONLY Dog ALWAYS Dog ALL Dog ALONE Dog ONLY