
Showing posts from May, 2016

Hafiz Love (2) At This Party

At This Paty I dont want to be the only one here Telling all the secrets- Filling up all the bowls at this party, Taking all the laughs. I would like you To start putting things on the table That can also feed the soul The way I do. That way we can invite A heck of a lot more Friends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why all this talk of the Beloved' Music and dancing? And, Liquid ruby-light we can lift in a cup? Because it is low tide' A very low tide in this age And around most hearts' we are exquisite coral reefs' Dying when exPosed to strange Elements' God is the Wine-ocean we crave- we miss Flowing in and out of our Pores. "Hafiz" ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY