If we can accept that there is no matter as such (Dr. Max Plank, Quantum phycisist) And that what matter is here in any form is here because it was intended here through a field of energy, We will be well on our way to not caring abut where the couch should be when the guests arive! Or why did Bush get reelected again with all the brains out there saying this is wrong, war is not the answer! LET GO AND LET GOD, ACCEPT THE FLOW OF TAO-CHI.
Showing posts from 2004
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Be an appreciator not a complainer. Embrace every event of your life with all its distressful manifestations because it is the Force of the river of life that is doing! You simply be. Be a kind heart in the face of all hatreds, Be a source of smile where there is sadness; Be an appreciator of all and see beauty in all, always.
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Where will the journey end? Where will the foot prints end, leaving no marks in the sand? And the shoes laces come off by the carefree hands of my rested soul? Where will I then spread the carpet of leasure, to sit and listen to passersby? where will you stop O' traveller of time? Pause to see your soul's surface full of green leaves of the grass in the field where they buried you.
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We seem to concern ourselves far too much with what others think. Whether it is about us, or about a mutual subject of interest, a new relationship, a customer, a job interview. The very act of having that thought about how should I say this or that, how would they react if I do this or that, has already created the separation of you from your true self expression. This self expression, if it was coming from an honest, kind, and gentle place within you aught to be always enough and never second guessed, because you cannot control what people do in reaction.
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The most important descision we have to make in our life, says Entstien; Is to decide whether we live in a friendly or a hostile world. Do we believe that all is hopeless with our world daily or can we see the grand plan which is in perfect harmony? Do we see the inteligent mind behind the vast universe or do we go on mumbling about who fault is it that there are so many misfortunes befalling inocent folks? Link up to THE SOURCE and be certain.
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For the most part all of us really do not know the meaning of being content. The objects of our desires always seem one or several steps away. Give me your ear my child and listen intently. As God or Spirit, or The Source of all things, our origion is seemingly out of reach, we will for always go here and there looking for something to satisfy the need to know our Source. Money, possesions, social statuses, even our loved ones kids and family will all fall short of fulfilling that need. It is only when we realize that the hole in our hearts can only be filled by that from which we are separated that we can truely have any sense of satisfaction lasting.
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What is your attention on? What is you intention for your life? If you are too busy being something else or somebody else for whatever reason, then don't be surprized that those things and those people decide the shape of your life for you. Do you hear me my child? I too will be dead and gone soon enough, you still have to make wise decessions on your own my love.
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If I can learn a lesson from every event of my life that seems frustrating or hopeless, then I have been the good student I'd always hope I could be. There are no accidents in life; Now that is one big lesson which seems to keep repeating itself. I am more than certain now than ever before that as I think and say and do, so shall the energies of my life produce the events from which I must learn how not to think, say, and do in the future. The wind and the Sun and all the forces of nature work hand in hand so that I may not live a life wasted in ignorance and unaware!
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Did you get what I was talking about yesterday? The very thing that I consider to be the "real me" is what is keeping me from achieving and being all that I can be. The Ego! this me who say I am what I have, I am my posetions and positions, I am my self! My children! So long as you separate yourselves from that from which you came from, by addressing you as separate, you will always have confusion, axiety, fear, hatred and discomfort.
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Don't walk proudly on this Earth my child. Keep in mind always that the mighty Creator ever present is walking beside you, as close as the vien on your neck. A profound humility before such a force is only proper, but more than that it is through this humbleness that you are elevated to the hights of Christ like men who walked this Earth long before you leaving only these lessons by which we can truely attain freedom from the Maya.
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Can we talk about the same stuff as yesterday? Good, I don't want to sound like a preacher or an infomercial. Just realize this my good children, keep physically active every day even if it is just digging up dirt and putting back in the same hole! Just don't let the body go into atrophy. Remember that only through daily connection to THE SOURCE can you ever be free of what ails you mentally as well as physically. Time will prove how on target this old man has been all along. Just keep showing up for life ready!
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Lets get this point home one more time if I may. We are not humans here having spiritual experiences. We are Spirits having a human experience. OK? What is the difference you might ask? Well at the Quantum level of life (this is the science which studies the subatomic matter) everything matter as such had its origon in a field of mostly emtpy space and energy. Every matter! the mountains, you, me, the trees, the stars, everything that is manifested in this material realm had its origon in a field (yet to be determined, but let's say God's forcefield, the Spirit) and from there through the miralces of the forces present everywhere, like "dark matter", "Electromagnetism" and "Nuclear weak force" stuff bonded with other stuff and voila! here we are. Then why all this fuss over who did what to whom and why? Keep your self cleanly connected to that source from which you came from my child, and all will be well.
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found myself talking to the mirror today. who is that man looking back at me through the glass? I murmured realizing that once again I have to admit that who I am on the outside, this flesh and bone is so quite an stranger to my spirit. It is almost as if I the Spirit was put in this prison, this mold and was told that I need to learn somethings whether I the spirit wanted to or not. The problem most of us run into is that we do mistake the one in the mirror for the real self and thereby loose all touch with the true self within. When this mold is all dust in the end, how would I then see my true self? I have to keep reminding me through you that I am not this vehicle by which my self gets around.
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Where were we? Oh yes fasting! Why am I talking about this for three days in row? Well dahh! I am fasting, and what better subject than sharing what makes humans feel better. It is only hard the first day. Try to have a bite of something in the morning (or whenever is your morning) a bowl of oatmeal or something like that,wholesome and energy producing. Set aside an time beyond which you will not even try a little cookie, and continue drinking water or some cleansing herbal tea. You will feel better when you're done. If you have any health issues consult your doctor of course. Like more info on healthful living? go to www.shaman19.com
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A regular monthly fast can be as simple as 3 days of liquid intakes (such as whole fruit juices, vegetable juices, herbal teas). This action will flush and clean the internal organs. It will give the body a chance to rest and rejouvanate. Any time we can force decipline on ourselves, we will come out stronger at the other side.
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Along the same lines of sermons as yesterday, let's talk about fasting. At least once a month forcing hunger on the self has so many benefits it would take a book to list them all. But safice to say that as a decipline for the mind and the spirit, it ranks right up with any chanlenge life can through at you to wake you up! And don't get me started on how good you feel after.
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We worry and think far far too much. It is as if we enjoy the pain the worrisom side of us brings. Then we top this worry wort with a generous dose of aches and pains, moan and groans, then we pour the syrup of hate over the whole pile. Oh yeah! God does not exists, otherwise why would "HE" let me go through this crap? Me the inocent free spirited loving guy! OK then! Let us find the real colprit and hang him by the balls. Oh wait, it is ME! dahh
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Learning to flow with the events of my life has been an ongoing lesson for nearly all my adult life. To take the path less travelled however, has been also the way I have done most things I do in life. The two concepts here are at once complimentary and opposites. That indeed is why simple things baffle most folks. A river does not care who's backyard it flows in, it does so by obeying the laws of nature unquestionably.
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We all have this daily conversation inside amongst our many selves! Am I living to my full potential? Am I living the life I can die a comfortable death from? Am I a better person than I was last year? How does one measure one's progress if not in material gains and worldly stuff? What system of measuring do I choose to judge my own humanity and the reasons for my own life? Answering these questions must play an important role in our lives if we are to ever be serene and die a good death.
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"In my world nothing ever goes wrong" These are strong words from one hell of teacher. He tried to inspire his students to realize that in spite of all the death, hunger, destrution, and disharmony in the world around them, there will always be a place where balance is kept as a matter of LAW! What law? you ask, The law of the universal balance which is not dependant on time or space
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"In my world nothing ever goes wrong" These are strong words from one hell of teacher. He tried to inspire his students to realize that in spite of all the death, hunger, destrution, and disharmony in the world around them, there will always be a place where balance is kept as a matter of LAW! What law? you ask, The law of the universal balance which is not dependant on time or space
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What is the best thing I can do with my life? What is it I am suppose to be doing with this "Gift" of life? I am learning more and more that this gift is to be given away not held on to. That is one tough act. I happen to like the gift and want to keep it. Evident as it may seem that I cannot hold on to liquid Mercury, I keep trying like the fool that I am anyway.
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We must start with this old head that has been on top of our body for however many years as we know it. To try to change not having fully known how this old head works, is like getting a new machine and having to start all over again without any user guide material! Accept yourself as you are now my child, change comes much easier using the old head itself to direct the changes.
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We actually have to use the same head which got us in any given mess, to get us out of it! As you know, resolving a problem with the same perception which created it is impossible. So what is one to do, can a adict who is on dope find his own way of freeing himself from the addictionf? Not until he is sober! Yes my goo one, we must learn to change the way we look at things in order to change them. It is all about Preceptions and Intentions.
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Bring thou thine sweet wine, bring it on! Let the crowd of masses be merry and durnk with thine nectar. But let me stay with mine own Earthan wine, deep in sorrow and self pitty. For a while, this too is for a while until light shines again and soberiety sets in. And thus we go hether and yonder and no matter where you go in the world to get away, oops there you are!!
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Death only comes once. It never announces its arrival nor do we get to choose its timing. I ask you then my child, why all the fuss over the killing? An action always produces reactions, you hit me I'll hit you back, and if was with a gun, well, here is mine! We do the shooting and the choosing, yet we blame death for the dying.
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If we only knew how our words and thoughts effect the world around us, how interactive indeed our energies are with our environment; We'd be a lot more careful of them. I choose to not let other's negativity stain my mind with darkness. Thank you my Love for showing me how to be accepting and flowing in times of hardship and in face of arrogance and uncaring souls around me.
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The very notion of SIN gives way to negativity. We all have much to learn about how to be in harmony with the universe and GOD without feeling guilty about our shortcomings. A good way to teach ourselves this art is to practice not looking down on others for their shortcomings. This act alone can free much guilt ridden anxiety from our lives. LIVE IN PEACE WITH LIFE!
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"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." Albert Einstein (1879-1955). So what is he saying? Raise your level of awarness and you may have a shot at solving your problems. And just how do you go about raising the level of you awareness? Isn't this what we've been talking about for about 21/2 years now? Let's go do it then and quit your bitching!
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Every day is another blank canvas before me, whether I do any "Intentional" painting or not, there WILL BE on that canvas the story of my life for this day, painted by the energies with which I choose to surround my self with this day. A blank one is never produced, as even my thoughts are enough for the hands of destiny to paint with or about. Then this canvas is displayed for all to see! Where do I hide my inequities? Where shall we go to hide?
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What is after all the meaning of this life if not MU! From nothing we come, busy ourselves with matters which will not last as all things must fade and die. And, within a blink of an eye in real time we fade and die to nothingness. Is this nothing stuff really worth having a heartatack over? Is it worth agonizing over any part of it? is it really?
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Expectations oh expectations! how you have ruined many a good days with your wicked creeping in from the dark corners of our minds. "I thought they'd surely write back, I'm so baffled and saddened.." yes indeed I expected and not having been fulfilled the same energy turned into sadness and anxiety. LET GO OF IT CHILD, DO NOT OWN YOUR MOVES BE FREE!
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It is imperative that we all learn to "get along". One of the ways to make this happen is by not going into our daily life's activities filled with thoughts of "this can’t be done, too hard, impossible, I'm tired of life....” Because the very negative nature of these thoughts, will insure our failure at creating working relationships with just about anyone. It is an old cliché', but hey think good and good things will happen to you. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!
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So the teacher teaches what he needs to learn most himself. I miss the days in Iran, I had a purpose, to help others see the light of their inner strength I was strong and full of wisdom, patience, and grace. Now alone in the little town of Cornville, Arizona I find I have lost my purpose and no longer care if I am filled with grace or not. I do not seek God's company regularly and seem to be still quite hazy about the direction of my life. Once thing seems to be clear as always however, God the SOURCE of all that is, will find a way to bring HIS GRACE back into my life full time. I realize that it is the emotional need for the family I just lost that is weighing heavy on my mind. But this too shall come to pass as have most other matters of emotional needs. I will be in touch with them online and via the phone, and get back to doing good here for my kids and friends and my self too. I will be having my time with HIM again soon enough. I will be patient and accepting for now!
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So the teacher teaches what he needs to learn most himself. I miss the days in Iran, I had a purpose, to help others see the light of their inner strength I was strong and full of wisdom, patience, and grace. Now alone in the little town of Cornville, Arizona I find I have lost my purpose and no longer care if I am filled with grace or not. I do not seek God's company regularly and seem to be still quite hazy about the direction of my life. Once thing seems to be clear as always however, God the SOURCE of all that is, will find a way to bring HIS GRACE back into my life full time. I realize that it is the emotional need for the family I just lost that is weighing heavy on my mind. But this too shall come to pass as have most other matters of emotional needs. I will be in touch with them online and via the phone, and get back to doing good here for my kids and friends and my self too. I will be having my time with HIM again soon enough. I will be patient and accepting for now!
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A day without contact with THE SOURCE and the heart goes limp at the first sign of difficulties. A week without the contact and you will be a walking target for problems. Go longer and my child you are now at the mercy of the floating energies without any control or say so in the direction of your life.
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Let's go boldly where most dare not to. Let's break the traditions of hundreds of years. Let a Muslim become a Buhdist, a Christian turn to Tao ways and let the Zen master bow to the west when in meditation! Let's wreak havoc on this Earht and see what happens! Oh, and while we are at it let us not forget cause and efffect. Some changes are good, some are not so good! My child pray to gain the wisdom to know the difference.
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It seems like I do so much better when there are others who count on me. I become this strong pillar of hope and positive thinking. I carry myself like a seasoned old man, calm, serene, wise and ready to accept anything that life has to throw at me. This above all else is the single most important reason why I am who I am today, because I always pray to be an instrument of help and service without any regards for my own gain. Voila! life gives me exactly what I pray for or ask for, I am always put where help is needed and I fulfill my desire!
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Not a drop of rain fell upon this barren land, nor did the sparrows sing this spring, the vacant field of his heart remained a sand doon for the snakes and lizards to bore through. This then, is the Hell with which he was promissed. A self made dessolate heart which has not taken time to keep in touch with THE SOURCE!
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We bow and are so humbled daily befor kings and big shots of the world and yet when most of us are told to bow before the CREATOR, that SOURCE OF LIFE, we find ourselves reluctant. Imagine if you were indeed God the Creator and this human creation of yours kept on denying your place in his life and did not cooperate for the good of all creation! what would you do to such a creature? None can be as patient as God is with us children of Adam. Though we deserve to be kicked in the butt!
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shaman's daily thoughts
There are times in life when having to accept and just accepting are one and the same. If you feel life is "Pushing YOU" and "forcing YOU" to accept a condition, you have two choices either accept or keep fighting off these forces. Winning at all costs is not all it is cracked up to be. Let go of the need to always win or be in control, let go and accept. You will find that the freedom and serenity after, is far more precious.
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There are times in life when having to accept and just accepting are one and the same. If you feel life is "Pushing YOU" and "forcing YOU" to accept a condition, you have two choices either accept or keep fighting off these forces. Winning at all costs is not all it is cracked up to be. Let go of the need to always win or be in control, let go and accept. You will find that the freedom and serenity after, is far more precious.
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There are times in life when having to accept and just accepting are one and the same. If you feel life is "Pushing YOU" and "forcing YOU" to accept a condition, you have two choices either accept or keep fighting off these forces. Winning at all costs is not all it is cracked up to be. Let go of the need to always win or be in control, let go and accept. You will find that the freedom and serenity after, is far more precious.
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"He WHO LEARNS MUST SUFFER. EVEN IN OUR SLEEP PAIN THAT WILL NOT FORGET FALLS DROP BY DROP UPON THE HEART. UNTIL IN OUR DESPAIR COMES AGAINST OUR OWN WILL, WISDOM FROM THE AWEFUL GRACE OF GOD." This is a quote from an American poet which I have unfortuantely forgot the name of. It is just so apropriate now .
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The reluctance of the body in doing what is "hard" is very natural. We are lazy animal by nature. Even doing what we are certain gains us much in the end seems to be easier to put away and ignore than our self afflicted adictions to food,drugs, etc. It is only through daily strugle that one can appreciate the result of that for which he has toiled. Ahh success such sweet splendor!
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The reluctance of the body in doing what is "hard" is very natural. We are lazy animal by nature. Even doing what we are certain gains us much in the end seems to be easier to put away and ignore than our self afflicted adictions to food,drugs, etc. It is only through daily strugle that one can appreciate the result of that for which he has toiled. Ahh success such sweet splendor !
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The reluctance of the body in doing what is "hard" is very natural. We are lazy animal by nature. Even doing what we are certain gains us much in the end seems to be easier to put away and ignore than our self afflicted adictions to food,drugs, etc. It is only through daily strugle that one can appreciate the result of that for which he has toiled. Ahh success such sweet splendor!
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Here is another way of saying the same thing I have trying to say for a while now. Unless you like being depressed and miserable, confused and unhappy, you need to do some sort of daily practice of calming the churning mind. This mind needs the prayer/meditation time as much as your body needs oxygen. What is so hard about accepting this simple fact? You want water for thirst, air for oxygen, food for stamina and prayer/meditation for inner peace and joy. SIMPLE AS THAT, YES IT IS THAT SIMPLE! Find your way of centering the scattered mind my child.
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Well friends today this old man sat and did the deed. I was blessed again with a contact, a touch of THE SOURCE! We can go on looking for "comfort, happiness, serenity,feel good" and all these good stuff outside of our selves. You know the routine, a new lover, a sucessful business of my own, better children, a good mate! Yes indeed none will satisfy the need for the daily nourishment which the spirit within me needs in order for me to have INNER CALM AND PEACE! enough said.
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One week without the daily contact with THE SOURCE and already the signs are evident. My usual zest for life is dwendling and the spark is out of my eyes. Well this too shall come to pass. If I have any sense at all, I'd be to my daily prayer soon enough. You too my child remember, that as long as you long for that union with THE SOURCE, The Weaver will bring you back home. Faith is knowing that your intentions will either save you or destroy you. What are our Intentions today?
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There is so much to be done and so little time. I have to count the Bees in hive and find the looplholes in my mind. Finish the windmill's angle of dungle and give a receipt to the ONE who keeps giving without fail whilst I wonder about in my own made up world! Ahhhh.. laddy tis be the season for lovers not warriors!
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Dead days are days in my life when I don't care whether I am being useful and productive or not. They are days that I do whatever it takes to forget myself and life, vege out and not be concerned at all about what or who might need my attention. It seems that once or twice a year this phenomenon happens, accrues, and I just simply go with it. Some shrink may insist on giving it a name like (temporary depression) and even insist on prescribing some mood altering drug to help me get through this time, but I know better, that is why we have so many screwed up folks now, because they have been convinced that it is not "OK" to feel bad or down or depressed. Here! take a pill you'll be just fine, you should go on a vacation, you aughta to be on some doctor's care man, you need help! Well we've heard it all. This too shall come to pass as have the other times of "IMBALANCE" and God will restore me to my old positive life giving self. Work with me people, it...
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Greatfulness is a state of mind which if nourished and practiced will most certainly lead to serenity and calm. How do I know this? Well I have spent the last 35 years looking for just such an elixer. Now the question is really what is the state of always being greatful? Not complaning about the have nots,and being content. GO FISH BUDDY, GO FISH!
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I thought I would be over this feeling of loss and confusion by now! I have been back for 11 days now and still cannot seem to get used to my life here in the States. The feeling is almost nearing depression because I can't even get myself motivated to do what needs to be done around the house. May be it is because there is so much to do, the yard needs attention, the house and my business and the not having any body around to share these things with. I don't know, I do hope though that I won't have to endure much more of this feeling. My own medicine of daily prayer too has suffered, I just plain don't know how to deal with not being up and optomistic about every thing. Not that I have lost hope or feeling depressed, just confused as to what I am supposed to be doing next. I'd like to just drop everything and go back to Iran again where I seemed to at least have a purpose . God help me maintain and remain steadfast.
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Every body talks about God as if His essence is known to them.God this and God that, God begat a son and did such and such. God is merciful and God is so and so. In reality all we have to go by is some body else's words and interpretations. I'd ratherthink of God as the MASTER DESIGNER, THE ELEQUENT PAINTER, THE EVERPRESENT, MOST GRACEFUL.Now these I can live with, as I see the design of life,I look to understand the designer. As I see the beauty of colors around me, I look to the painter's hands at work.Without any consiederation for guilt and sin,like to have a relationship with this master of all masters. This MASTER CHEF! this MASTER ENGINEER! I say if this God were to say anything about himself we'd probably hear something like "I am that from which all things eminate". Hey! if we have learned anything from the years of science it is that all things came from one source, so let's call it God if we must, it is just another word. But create he did, pres...
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Imaginations can easily be most creative force in our lives or the most destructive. I gusee it is like every thing else in this Yin/Yang dual natured world of ours. But beware my child, of your imaginations when they have you thinking of who said what and what did they mean and how come......blah blah blah! You can run your nerves ragged by imaginning stories about what might have been. Let go of the need to be right or to win all battles. Be FREE of all that burdens your mind and soul. Heal your body this way!
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Confusion after a long journey is normal. Coming back to what was and trying to remember just where to start back with the life I left behind nearly five month ago is much more difficult this time than ever before. I wonder why? Am I a different man? Is it because every other time after a long absence I would come back to a home wih some one there? Are the times really that different now and the energies so vastly more sensitive to my input? The first two or so nights I didn't even feel like doing my ritual prayer at the end of the night! wow!! I am certain though, that as these days go by and I settle in, I will find that indeed I am a much changed man ready for the stuff that I have been preparing for all my life. I am after all wearing "THE RING" which I never dared to before.
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I heard once that we will all get used to the good and the bad of this world. That we will each find our own way of praying or honoring God. That some will give all they have freely while others will hord and miser every single penny while others yet suffer heavily just to keep enough pennys to support their lives. Now hear this my child! the best thing I have to give is my time, the most I can lose is just stuff and I will always have enough if I learn to be content with the good things I have first.
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First notes in the States after a rest at my daughter's home after the long flight. It is hard to belive that I am at my own desk again and the journey home is over. In a moment it began and in a blink it was over. Yesterday is but a dream! tomorrow not yet formed, and forever NOW is all I have ever had. Shokran Rabbie!
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It is so easy to get caught up in the who said what game. We tend to make far too much adiu over such incidents and spen far too much time mentalizing over them in private as well as in our sleep! Letting go of the need to be right or to be found inocent or to win at all costs is a good starting point for freedom of the spirit.
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A daily practice of keeping in touch, is like connecting to a most powerful source of energy. I am indeed blessed with such a link! On a daily basis(twice a day) I see myself setting down and meditating upon the gracious ways of this Creator of all things, this Source of all that exits, and just by doing so, I have received THE FORCE FROM WHICH ALL THINGS EMINATE!!
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The learning continues to be daily. For the Human there is nothing except that for which he has toiled. In order to extract the fine gold from the coarse rocks, fire is needed and a great deal of it! Thank you my Lord for helping this old shaman grow in Grace and elequence of your touch! Lead on my good shepard!!
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Thirteen days later, and I am looking for words to say that I must now and for a long time keep to my self, in order to better serve those who seem to need my service. The very act of trying and not letting go, has indeed caused me to not be able to maintain! God will help deliver me indeed. I am certain.
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If one has a tendency to judge the people around her/him with preconceived notions which in most cases do not reflect the reality. Then what is the receiving person to do in order to keep the harmony? If the nature of a dog is to bark upon the sight of another animal or human, is the human any less of a human for having been at the receiving end of this barking actioin? Not to make light of our human interactions, but for the most part, the loud noises of judgements are nothing but the barkings of dogs in the streets.
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How is it that for most of us average folks the intruduction of money into our daily friendships and family ties seem to always create tension? It is as if we cannot mix family matters and money or loan a dollar amount to a close relative without attaching certain emotional expectations to it. The family or relative too seems to feel less than tenderness towards us once we have given him/her money to be helpful. Is it because we do attach these "look I am doing you a favour" to the money or because the person receiving the money is already feeling badly about themselves for having asked for the loan in the first place. All of these my child are manifestations of the Ego, because in and of itself money is only a matter of mathematics.
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I should be used to it by now, but it is only apparent when I get to this page, that I have not had access to the Web for 8 days! It has not been easy maintaning a positive outlook on life as a whole. It seems everywhere I go, all the news I hear is about what is wrong with our world or the war or the hurt inside the hearts of my people. All I can do is keep the connection clean to The Source of all things and receive my daily bread.
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There is no rest or serenity without some measure of a clean connection to The Source of all things. Let this old shaman testify and witness as per daily experiences in which The Grace of Him who Creates is evedantly abundant. All my desires and needs are met without effort, i say it again, The Source of all things is at my service for having accepted and trusted IT./
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I look to old friends and relatives for inspiration to do what I do. It is as if through their needs or acceptance of what I teach, I become even more invigorated and charged up to be of much more service. I offer the fruit of this service in healing to my Lord and Master, God the Creator and Engineer of life. Greatfully yours, Shaman Hamid David Dashti.
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Even if one were to be as Christ was, a healer in the most powerful sense of the word. One would as a human, fall short of answering the calls of the multitude. I am a healer by the Grace of God, I have learned the use of herbs and spinal manipulation, practice the art of natural healing through means close to nature. Yet in this trip to my homeland, I find myself nearly exhausted and at times overwhelmed by the demands of the family and relatives, most of whom refuse to understand that Natural healing requires a commitment to a natural way of life. For most this means letting go of a whole lot of old habits even in the way they think or pray. However, I have seen healing which strengthen my faith in the power of the word of mouth.
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I just learned about the death of a niece! 20 years old, came home and fell down dizzy like, after testing it was found that she had tumer in her brain and never knew about it. She died not even knowin how or why, she died a good death! But how does one console the family? Her husband? her mother? I want to say "please celebrate her life, not mourn her death" But here in Iran, the very notion of this kind of talk is looked down upon. I can only show sypathy and stay quiet.
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We make promises and test our limits of responsibilities perhaps just to see how far we can go without getting hurt. I am not so sure testing our limits is such a good idea, after all the payback I have seen for my (let's see what happens" stuff I have done, I'd just as soon not have to die that way.
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Living with Grace in our lives is being aware, so aware of every thought and words uttered that we can stop the action just before it becomes a done deal. It is knowing with total certainty that The Source of all things is indeed the source of All Things! God grant me the sweetness of your touch, fill me with your Grace and let ME become NO-THING!
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Last night I had a most awakening experience at my Aunt's house who is very spiritual and quite and old soul as they say. I nearly had to tell my mother(who is traveling with me everywhere I go on the trip) to shut up and hear her own bickering and harsh words. I did not have to do that, after leaving the scene of our conversation and remaining separate for a while, in prayer mode! I thanked God for the lesson which I was about to learn (not knowing the lesson or the how and where of it, but trusting the energy just the same). within 30 minutes or so, (it was past midnight) my mother walked outside where I had layed a blanket to sit and pray on, sat beside me and said: "well I cann't sleep, I worry about us two nuts arguing and not finishing our talks, I know I am harsh and my words cut deep, you kids are so patient with me, you are nearly 55 and I should not treat you like a little kid, you are a doctor for crying out loud, but honey, I am an old mother , who looks at all...
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Having spent the last few days with the family in Iran, I am becoming more and more convinced that I am here for a much more grandor reason than just a visit. I do not know yet what the purpose is nor what I am to learn yet, God willing it is for the same reason as I started out for it to be, but only God knows and I shall wait patiently to find my way around all that seems so overwhelming on the onset. These logs then will serve as a study course in what was now and learning the lesson of a life time perhaps. All is well that ends well.
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In offering myself in service to others without any expectations for returned favours, I am finding more of what I have been yearning for all my adult life, an inner peace which does not rely on outside sources for accreditaion or aknowledgment. Bless me my love as I learn to be a better chanel for your peace and beauty.
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Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
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Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
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Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
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Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
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Quantum physics we learn from experimental scientists that the nature of any subatomic matter can and does change during observations.WHEN YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS, THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE!This is more profound that it seems, we must realize that our outlook and quality of attention on matters in our lives, do have an outcome equal to the energy with which we ourselves use to interact with people, things, and places. Smoke up kid, we've only just begun to understand the subtle ways energies travel.
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"Fratello assino" is what St. Francis of Assisi called his body. It means my donkey brother! Like a mule, the body which is the carrier of the five passions (five senses) can only learn to allow room for the spirit to shine through by being beaten with the whip. This of course is an alegory which says yet again, spirit is all, and the flesh counts for naught. The Idea of fasting, refraning from persuing the pleasures of the flesh (especially as we do now) will equate to the beating of this donkey brother into allowing room for the spirit child within to grow. The American Indians called this process the fight of the two wolves within, the one we feed the most will win the battle. Feed the spirit or the flesh? I say beat the crap out of this donkey brother of mine so we both can be free of the yoke of life on Earth and be forever joined with the SPIRIT.
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To keep true to my promise of saying this at least once a month (maybe more of a reminder to myself) here it is again. There is no rest or serenity or peace of mind without daily cleansing of the link to THE SOURCE of all things. Prayer, meditation, quiet times spent in acknowledgment of a higher power and practicing the art of humility. It is not whether we are connected or not, but rather how clean and non-corroded the connection is and if we indeed recognize the presence of that force in all our actions. In the new string theory of Quantum physics, it is an accepted fact by all the great minds that behind the phenomenon of life there is an inteligent active mind. All that exists depend upon that mind's intentions to materialize into forms of matter. It is only the attention of HIM WHO CREATED IT ALL which keeps the show going.
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Only six more days to my flight overseas! There is a steady peace which has come over me now that I am certain of the date and the airplane tickets are in my hand. I seem to think that I really do not deserve this long vacation while so many are struggling to make ends meet. Then I am reminded of a friend's voice who said; "you cannot get poor enough to help all the poor in the world, nor can you get sick enough to heal all the diseased bodies." I must learn to be gracious in receiving as well as in giving. When we aspire to live a righteous life and keep God in front, all the right people show up and the right circumstances accrue. Abundance is a matter of contentment not aquisitions.
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How does one make certain that some paranoia has not taken over one's mind? Are we even aware that most of our fears and concerns effecting our actions come from our own internal made up paranoia? Let's face it without some certainty in life's "INTENTIONS" for us, without some degree of awareness of why we do what we do, or trust in a higher power who is perfect and in charge; We could all start acting up our most bazaar paranoid schizoid stuff even our closest family member or friend will never know about. We all suffer from addictive disorders of one kind or another, ALL of us. The saving grace being the degrees to which we can be AWARE! To that end, a healthy mind needs a healthy body and both must have a clean connection to their true essence, THE SPIRIT!
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Add to yesterday's notes Anger, hatred, strong dislikes, jelousy, sharp tongue, etc.(you get the picture) and what you'll have is list of all factors which bring dispare, anxiety, depression, and a host of illnesses for which we now have "Ask your doctor" medicines with no actual results or promissing data. Our societies are sick because of what is on our minds and in our stomachs, but most assuredly Demoral and Prozacs of the M.D.'s are not the salution. Learn my child, the wisdom of the sages and be free. If I may, I'd like to send you folks to the following address for possible answers. I am still working on this site, but you'll learn if you go.
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Guilt and shame are perhaps the two most deadly weapons at the disposal of the negative forces in our world. What is interesting is that we employ them even about ourseleves in carrying out our lives' duties. But if I feel guilty every time I make a mistake or such deep shame as to not wish to know what caused the mistake in the first place, I have disconnected from my source of grace and well being. Learn the art of allowing my child, so as life happens you are flowing with events, not being pushed or pulled and tossed around by them. Give God a chance daily!
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The moment we judge somebody else, and worse yet the hours and days we continue to hold on to that judgement in a negatively charged fashion (and this includes your self) we have in effect disconnected from the source of grace in ou lives. Judge not lest ye be judged with the same standards you use!
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I have fallen again and am under the rule of my black dog! So I feel bloated and disappointed in my self. For a moment of carnal pleasure I let go of months of wonderful bliss and grace! But sorrow shall not enter my heart, for I trust in the final vesion of this old shaman's story and in HIM who is really in charge of grace.
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It is through acceptance of factual evidence that geeky science guys like me become certain of what we say. Newton could not in his right mind say the Earth was flat ever again, Max Plank could not deny the existence of "an intelligent mind" behind all that he worked with in nuclear physics. I cannot deny today after what has been shown to me through experimentations, that when I LET GO AND LET GOD, ALL IS WELL AND PERFECT.
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In about 19 days I will be in Iran, God willing I shall be in a most receptive and peaceful disposition and ready to have this peace infect every one around me. I have heard news of family quarols and disharmony, I will be the face of calm and reason for the sake of peace and harmony for all. It is as simple as daily bread.
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There are decisions we seem to know at one level of our conciosness to be already made. Yet we analyze and overthink every other possibility just in case. Am I afraid of death or dying? Is this why I am delaying this flight back home? No! I know I have no fears at all in fact, but the hasstle of getting ready for a long journey overseas is what is really stopping me from packing. It is a done deal as far as the universe is concerned, I should go along with the plan and start packing. Help me Lord, for I am weak and lazy.
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I will practice the art of HONESTY in words and action every day in earnest. I will not bend the truth to make a prfit or gain any points! I will refrain from speaking if the truth which I am asked to reveal may harm another unnecessarily. I will with God's help remain true to my own self above all.
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I have no idea what tomorrow holds, nor do I have such attachment to the stuff of tomorrow to care. I have some wants and desires which I prefer to see happen in the near future (and am taking the steps to make them happen) but if they do not matrialize I will not be saddened beyond hope, and if they do, I will not show such elation as to loose sight of the moment. The moral of the story? BE, HERE, NOW! leave tomorrow for tomorrow.
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One by one the obsticles disapear, and the journey home seems easier to bear and nearer at hand. I battle the beast within daily just the same, but I no longer feel alone in the fight. When my black dog (the beast within) wins the day it does not keep the reigns longer than a day or two and all thanks to God for keeping me connected to his source of well being and wisdom. For I am a better man than I was 6 months ago or a year ago, and that, is all I need to know for certain. I am a better man than I have been.
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We must get in the habit of thinking of the temporary nature of our lives in this world if we are to ever get it right about our puropose for being here. Get a jacket with pockets torn out and hang it on our doorway maybe, to remember that the last jacket we wear won't need any pockets because we're not taking any thing with us!
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When contemplating the origins of our universe, think String theory! It really does explain down to the very quantem way of life's amazing exchanges of energy and matter. It too cannot however, explain or even fathom the essence of God! Know this my child, God the creator who is Omnipresent is indeed beyond words or explanations.
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When this Jesus of Nazareth looked up to the sky and said "why this my God" and then "OK father, I will drink this bitter cup as you will it" was he talking to himself? Is his will the same as the father's will? I say this to you my child above all, though God the creator has many facets by which he reveals himself to the universe, and all images we behold are facets of his being, NONE can equal to God! We can speculate, talk, argue but no one has ever seen or "KNOWS" the Creator; Though he is as close as the veins on our necks. We look at the picture of his being and assume it is HIM!
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Today of all days my child, let the LOVE and Grace of Christ enter your heart. Rmember him as he was, a man who walked amongst us, suffered pain and still to the very end, remained compassionate to the very people driving the nails into his bleeding hands. A real flesh and blood being just like you and me. And he said himself: "you too can do what I do, and perform these miracles and more".
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It is more difficult getting out of a spiraling feud mixed with all its negativity than it is to breathe deep just at that moment where it all starts by our words or actions. Knowing full well that, we indeed may have had more to do with the escalation of the matters than perhaps we are willing to admit even to ourselves. Our current administrations dilemma in Iraq is a perfect example of how peaceful means were not followed and a quiet meditative mind was not at the helm when warring decisions were being made. Nor is the chief admitting any wrong doing whatsoever! Quiet your mind my child and be an instrument of peace and grace of God.
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Remember my child (this I say at least once a month); When we connect daily to our source of energy, the source from which all things emanated from, WE WILL HAVE ALL WE NEED! The right people will show up just at the right times, our brain works better in dealing with our daily life's stresses and challenges and most every thing makes perfect sense; Even the horror of a war torn world. Because we are not judging acceptance becomes easier. It is the certainty of knowing who is in charge that makes it all so much easier. LET GO AND LET GOD!
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Murphy's law is perhaps closer to the fundamentals of Quantem physics than he realized it himself. We must expect the unexpected and have a preparedness to maintain a level of confidance to go through and deal with all of the events of our lives. A flat tire at any given time requires an action which is simply to replace it, any other emotion we attach to this task is harmful.
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Every time we allow negativity to take hold in our hearts and minds, dwelling on something that happened days ago, we have in a very real way caused our body's cells to age and deteriorate. The opposite is just as true, when we learn to let go and not hold on to negative emotions and put in their place thoughts of forgiveness and acceptance, we have in a real way caused our body to heal.
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Today's date can only happen once. What significance would you put upon such a phenomenon like Haley's comet or this date? Your intended energy would indeed make the difference in how any day turns out. I choose to think of these once in a great while time periods as a great occasion to use the energies of the world to my favor. Mars, Venus, and Saturn too happen to be in a straight line today, and the moon is full! Now if all these are just mere coincidences then I am the fool for believing in the greatness of this day. My Lord, I know you will free me today of all my bad habits because I choose to pull on the special energies of this day. I will do all the right things for my life and advance in all matters of my spiritual, physical and mental life.
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Yesterday's piece is also a verse in the Quran (Muslim's holy book) and also associated with Lao Tzu of the Tao way of life. Amazingly enough the modern man has for the most part proved to be just as dense and ignorant as his ancestors. Still doubting the wisdom of the sages, still suffering daily, still blaming others for his problems and denying the obvious. As for me, I shall serve only one God, from whom all worlds and all things emenated.
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We have a partner in our lives whose sole mission is to grant us whatever we desire. The only trick is we must first come to accept and believe his/her REAL being. I like to quote St. Francis of Assisi here: "if you knew who walked beside you in this path which YOU have chosen, you would worry no more nor ever fear again." Yes indeed my child, once you know you worry no more!
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Most tasks which seem so overwhelmingly HUGE! are only so until we roll up our sleeves and just go through the motions. The trick is to find solice and grace in doing whatever one is doing through meditative, repitious, chuging along sort of way, accepting!Cleaning garges and our finances seem to two tasks we all dread, but done in the fashion just offered you, they too are just stuff in passing. All things in time must come to pass by the nature of life.
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No regrets! because the instant we regret a past experience we have negated the present. Even though yesterdays are the building blocks of todays, learn my child that at any given DAY you have a choice to make a new foundation for all your tomorrows. No Regrets! just accepting what is and not putting blame nor guilt on any one or thing. These then become the tools by which you may gain inner peace, wisdom, patience and grace.
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Isn't it amazing to witness how the levels of violence have esclated since our president decided to take revenge on Sadam Husain for his own reasons(not the ones he told us obviosly!). Is it any wonder that from the vista he holds violence is the only way to be safe? Are we any safer? What would Christ say to this man? Go kill and be proud? Look around you my child and see that for every act of kindness and humility, you have a star and smile to show in the book of your life. Peace on Earth!
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I paraphrased Dr. Max Plank noble prize winning phycisit and today I say again to you my child; connect to the SOURCE of all things and know the true face of HAPPINESS. For in the same matter that all your physical aspects were formed of one particle, so too was the realm of your divine self with all its other atributes, this is the energy of your life which also propels you forward if you keep the connection alive.
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There is no "matter" as such in the universe. Indeed every thing that eminates energy has originated from a source. This source "inetends" matter into bieng and is the matrix for all matter in the universe. By the very virtue of INTENTION all things and events are made available in the realm of form and matter. If the SOURCE were to take its attention off of any matter, that matter would cease to exit. It is the SOURCE that provides the force and energy to all things.
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For nearly 15 billion years the dance of energy and matter has created all we know and much that we do not know. In less than 150 years we as modern techno humans have done more damage than all the rest of the history of all other species on this planet Earth. I pray my God that I can be an instrument of your wisdom and grace in order for my brothers and sisters to see the error of our ways and stop this madness. Let me be a mirror showing only light and harmony.
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Spring officially begins today! How dead did your trees look just a week ago? Does not sleeping so long resemble death? Is resurection so hard to imagine in the midst of all that is coming back to life before your very eyes today? I pray that all your days in the spirit are spring like, full of life and vigore for all your life my child.
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Once you've had a taste of this sweet nectar, there is no going back. As one great teacher put it, once you have arrived you will have no choice but to stay. Seek my child that sweet wine of ecstasy which only comes in your most sober moments of clear connection to THE SOURCE from which you emanated from, and all others did too.
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Time is passing along the length of my spacial self without any regards for youth or hair folicals. Yet I feel younger by the day, more anxious and eager to meet each 24 hour segment of my life(that is all I can fathom anyway) with anticipation and a kindered heart ready to serve as I can. No vain glory, no identification with the tasks, just motion in total gratitude and remembrance of home with my maker.
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every day we are given chances by our interactions with other souls around us to see what we are made up of inside. There are plenty of occasions to be offended by some, hurt by others, made angry yet again through these interaction, and/or saddened by events. All of which, are mirror occasions giving us the chance to look at the face of the person we are. Any time I give in to any of these negative emotions or display any such faces, I am acively disconnecting from my SOURCE of harmony, I am not changing the occasions energy, I am adding fuel to the fire of negativity already brewing.
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I have been quating Dr. Wayne Dyer without giving him credit for the lessons, so here it is for the record. For all the years I have spent trying to explain how life as we know it works on a daily basis, I have never been able to put forth such easy to grasp and basic set of rules as it were. Look, once you understand that everything in the universe came from a SOURCE and that, that source is still very much part of and linked to what we are experiencing, then it stands to reason to want to be in harmony with that SOURCE which by all scientific and social agreements is all knowing, full of abundance and giving without discrimination. It just works that way, you connect daily and receive in abundance.
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If you go to THE SOURCE with "I hate this or that, I cannot do this or that, I don't have enough..etc" you will see that THE SOURCE will oblige and fullfil the intentions by which you went to it. So why not now learn to go with abundance already in your intentions, as if you had all you needed, surrounded by all conditions you desire. I guarantee you will be quite pleased to see how your thoughts of abundance and calm, will bring just that kind of energies to you. You want goodness and grace, then assume you already have it, walk with grace and don't take offense.
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So verily I tell you my child that the power of choice is whether to conciously be connected to the source of all creation and energy or be unwittingly affected by the actvities within the LAW of how it all works. Staying concious and connected siply means to know that as we think and act we are indeed creating our daily reality of our lives(so we have control). Indeed that is the only choice we have, to stay connected or to disconnect from the source. THE SOURCE goes on creating regardless. Seek to realize tha power of your intentions my child and see them come alive.
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The source of all creation is in a constant state of active recreation based on the viberational fields of energies in contains. Remeber the bowl of particles we talked about a couple of days ago, imagine that every particle in it gives out its own unique field of energy(measurable now in science) which in turn viberates the particle next to it which was itself in a state of emmiting a viberating field. Infinately so, all the particles(you, me, he, she, the tree and the bumble bee) are in a constant dance of vibrating and being viberated, thwarting off in the process fields of creative energies cabable of bringing good or evil, constructive or destructive, hindring or accelerating forces to bear down on the entire universe as we know it from mondane to the grandure of a noble prize. I did say a mouth full, now you imagine it, can you? feel it?
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If you think of all that exists as a big bowl of, say, electrically charged particles which respond and create energies corresponding to every out put by every other particle in the bowl. What we have hear children is an ever creating environment which can only create what is requested of it. If one is saying "I can't , I can't" all the time then a serving of "I can't" will be serverd to him/her regularly. Get it? As you think so you create your world. How many positive thinking heads would you say it takes to create a world empty of hatred? WE shall continue
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We are not humans here having spiritual experiences we are indeed spirits here having human experiences. Once we get passed the shell and the EGO of our human form, folks it is very delightful to see how connected we are to the source of all things, pure energy and the power of creation. To take up where I left off yesterday, in order to experience a full harmonious life it is essential that we learn how to maintain a healthy vehicle(the body),a healthy actuator(the brain) and a healthy creator(the spirit). It really is much easier than it sounds, but we must first WANT this harmony enough to do what it takes. Do YOU? Read on then friend.
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Let's continue from yesterday. We must accept(whether we understand it or not) that we are indeed made up of three components which work together(or not) as our lives go on. A physical body made up of flesh and bones if you were the workings of which are known to most of us(take in material, produce heat, digest, motorize, and so on). The mental body or the cognitive processes of our existence is carried out in the part of the body called the brain. Along with the neuro pathways and the system of nerve cells within and without it. Electro-chemical is the mechanics of this function but far from how it actually operates. As advance as we have become in modern science, we have yet to discover all the inner workings of the brain. Suffice to say that our daily actions of joy,hate,learning,working,likes and dislikes are all decided within this system of our body. Then there is the part which connects us to the universes unseen, the realm of the spirit, Ether, the world of pure energies a...
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I have down with some sort of cold deep in my lungs for a week now. This was about the time I did enough wrong things to reduce my immune system to its most voneralbe state. Amazingly enough this is how viruses attack computers too, when we go places we should not, do not take proper protective measures, and just plain ignore basics of safety. It is the same in the spirit realm as well, our spiritual body (being) is just as vonerable and prone to attacks from spiritual viruses. we will suffer if we do not wear the armor of basic spiritual, meidtative daily acts. Learning is not easy.
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Staying focused is one thing we all must learn if we are to achieve any thing worth while in life. Stick-to-it-ness is what I call it. Even after we realize and "know" for a fact that a certain course of action is beneficial, the devilish lazy bum in us drops the ball mid way just because! After 54 years on this planet, this old shaman is still learning these facts of life. I suspect for the young me it never mattered much.
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Dealing with merchants and repairmen who do not communicate about the job they are doing for us can truly be testing. On the one hand we don't want to piss them off by being a pest, and on the other hand we don't want to seem like a woos who will just sit there and wait and take whatever his royal repairman hand him. But this is again where our daily prayers/meditations come in handy. If I am centered and at peace within, I can call many times and still sound as sweet as an old grandma, say what needs to be said, hear his side and go on about either accepting his story or talking some more about the job. All I really need is answers.
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I tell you verily my child that God does not need our prayers, nor does Buhda get holier from our meditative time. It is us who need to do the acts of centering and calming the churning mind through meditation and prayer in order to go on living. Living with a sense of purpose and awareness, not as animals who eat, sleep, have sex, and die.
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Do we not have to go from one end of a day to the other any way? I mean, it is journey that all living beings have to pass in order to get to their bed and rest. Why then do we seem to think a day can be shorten or lengthen by how we think? Stressing over every little incident is not the way to walk this journey my child. Time passage is like a river of events and the most effective way of crossing a river is going with the curent learning to float and be vigil of the rocks.
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At the risk of sounding like a cliché I must say it because it is so true. "I was complaining because I had no shoes, until I met a man with no feet" any time you think your life is hard my child, look around the world you live in, even further, look overseas for the war torn famine gripped under way under privileged folks who's only fault was living in that certain geographical location. Give thanks my child, always .
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So here is a good one for you; I have no idea what happened to 2-25-04! Another 24 hour slice of life gone forever into the cemetery of dead seconds for which there was not a log made into the book of the Family of Adam. If you happen to come across such a day within the windmills of your mind, grab on to today before it joins yesterday my child.
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There is a subtle way in which we all attempt to get our way in most situations which can fool the best of tricksters. I have wittnessed young kids 4 or 5 years old use these techniques like a master of manpulation. Is this how we lost our inocence you suppose? Oh how I long for the day when honesty and integrity are the norm and we don't have to worry about being fooled by any trickery of little ones or big ones. Specially in advertisements, commerce and personal relationships. Dream on old man!
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How civilized does man have to get in order to realize that hatred and violance never have solved any of our common problems? The Anglo man came to the Newfound land and called its native residants "savages" right off the bat. Then in the name of the Lord raised holy hell on the poor folks, cut their hair and told them they can no longer speak their native tongue! wow!! how is it any different now? Is the powerful so blind to what their abuse of this power is doing in the world? Have we matured any at all? God help us all!
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Numbers seem to have their own world when it comes to energies and power. Numerology was once a very respected science until some palm reader hustlers got hold of the basic parameters and nothing was good again in numbers. I have my own ways of using numbers to help me stay focused and even bring forth energies I need into my life. It all goes back to basic faith however. I send a prayer and praise God every time my eyes see the nubmer 11:11 on any time piece. I receive the blessing through this portal in time--space continuam whether I understand fully how it all is connected or working.
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The idea of Valentine's day is good to be sure, it is the way in which we commercialize every holiday without a thought or a care that bothers me. We are raising yet another generation of children who'll grow up bound by the nonsensical crap we put in their heads that was put in our heads and the circle of crap just keeps going and going and going! who amongst you is brave enough to break the cycle? Who amongst you is brave enough to be truthful and not follow false teachings? Is Easter about Christ or rabbits?
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Let it be said again by this shaman; "things don't just happen, at every step of our accumulated history we have made choices individually or as a whole which, determined the causes we wittness in the Now!" There are chance phnomonon in the world of matter and energy, but in the spiritual realms we have quite a lot to say about the events.
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There is something I like to say about cause and effect and about quick rash judgmental call we make. I just cannot find the words today. I guess it is because I want to put a little Quantum physics in there about CHANCE and the role it plays in teaching us what we need to learn. Maybe some other time, you keep reading though ok?
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I had left some cash in a suitcase. Took the airline x and went on my way, got to my destination and found the cash was gone. A note was left in my suitcase saying as per new air port security rules your baggage was searched, etc...etc.. On the way back I had left a pair of chinese pocerlain dolls in another luggage, and yes when I got home and looked for them, they were gone! I could call and raise hell with the new airport security folks and go thru detailed account of what the money looked like, how much was it? and the dolls too, but I just realized that I am the foolish one. The thieves in these security check points know well what else to look for while supposedly looking for bombs! they have learned their lesson well, I am the one who needs to learn my lesson and not leave valuable goods in my luggage.
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Some days are diamonds and some days are plain rock and stones. It is how I chose to accept the day or have a negative outlook which will make the diference. Both kinds of days of are just anther log in the book of life at large. It is just another day, I must remain steadfast with what is within me and is working for a harmonious constant. In storm or calm I am growing always.
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Some say our world is coming very near to its end. Yet others believe we are at the verge of becoming one big family of man, a global family which, will prosper and gain peace soon. Doom or Gloom, I personally think both sides are right., Where I fly these matters of this world are null and void of any validity. This world after all is a mirage of its origin you see!