So the teacher teaches what he needs to learn most himself. I miss the days in Iran, I had a purpose, to help others see the light of their inner strength I was strong and full of wisdom, patience, and grace. Now alone in the little town of Cornville, Arizona I find I have lost my purpose and no longer care if I am filled with grace or not. I do not seek God's company regularly and seem to be still quite hazy about the direction of my life. Once thing seems to be clear as always however, God the SOURCE of all that is, will find a way to bring HIS GRACE back into my life full time. I realize that it is the emotional need for the family I just lost that is weighing heavy on my mind. But this too shall come to pass as have most other matters of emotional needs. I will be in touch with them online and via the phone, and get back to doing good here for my kids and friends and my self too. I will be having my time with HIM again soon enough. I will be patient and accepting for now!


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