The source of all creation is in a constant state of active recreation based on the viberational fields of energies in contains. Remeber the bowl of particles we talked about a couple of days ago, imagine that every particle in it gives out its own unique field of energy(measurable now in science) which in turn viberates the particle next to it which was itself in a state of emmiting a viberating field. Infinately so, all the particles(you, me, he, she, the tree and the bumble bee) are in a constant dance of vibrating and being viberated, thwarting off in the process fields of creative energies cabable of bringing good or evil, constructive or destructive, hindring or accelerating forces to bear down on the entire universe as we know it from mondane to the grandure of a noble prize. I did say a mouth full, now you imagine it, can you? feel it?


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