Dead days are days in my life when I don't care whether I am being useful and productive or not. They are days that I do whatever it takes to forget myself and life, vege out and not be concerned at all about what or who might need my attention. It seems that once or twice a year this phenomenon happens, accrues, and I just simply go with it. Some shrink may insist on giving it a name like (temporary depression) and even insist on prescribing some mood altering drug to help me get through this time, but I know better, that is why we have so many screwed up folks now, because they have been convinced that it is not "OK" to feel bad or down or depressed. Here! take a pill you'll be just fine, you should go on a vacation, you aughta to be on some doctor's care man, you need help! Well we've heard it all. This too shall come to pass as have the other times of "IMBALANCE" and God will restore me to my old positive life giving self. Work with me people, it is important you all understand that it is "OK" to be down every once in a while and perhaps even necessary for your own good!


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