I thought I would be over this feeling of loss and confusion by now! I have been back for 11 days now and still cannot seem to get used to my life here in the States. The feeling is almost nearing depression because I can't even get myself motivated to do what needs to be done around the house. May be it is because there is so much to do, the yard needs attention, the house and my business and the not having any body around to share these things with. I don't know, I do hope though that I won't have to endure much more of this feeling. My own medicine of daily prayer too has suffered, I just plain don't know how to deal with not being up and optomistic about every thing. Not that I have lost hope or feeling depressed, just confused as to what I am supposed to be doing next. I'd like to just drop everything and go back to Iran again where I seemed to at least have a purpose . God help me maintain and remain steadfast.


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