Lets get this point home one more time if I may. We are not humans here having spiritual experiences. We are Spirits having a human experience. OK? What is the difference you might ask? Well at the Quantum level of life (this is the science which studies the subatomic matter) everything matter as such had its origon in a field of mostly emtpy space and energy. Every matter! the mountains, you, me, the trees, the stars, everything that is manifested in this material realm had its origon in a field (yet to be determined, but let's say God's forcefield, the Spirit) and from there through the miralces of the forces present everywhere, like "dark matter", "Electromagnetism" and "Nuclear weak force" stuff bonded with other stuff and voila! here we are. Then why all this fuss over who did what to whom and why? Keep your self cleanly connected to that source from which you came from my child, and all will be well.


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