Salaam(peace) children; How the heck R U? Can you tell if you are alive or dead? Did uncle Joe come back to tell you what happened to him passed the door way of his death? When will we realize that nothing really ever dies?! C'mon! Does not the tree in your front yard look dead right about now? Where did the essence of its living go to? Why can't that be the same for the humans? Who warped your beautiful brains into thinking that death is apart from life or life is not present in death? The sounds of infinity boing around in my head so often these days it seems like I'm being prepared for that death journey or a passage of some importance. You wanna know what is happening to me when I shake and have spasmodic episodes, I have tried to tell all of you in one form or another, but I suppose in a culture that every "abnormal" behavior is given a name and drugs are prescribed by the Respected Pill Pusher Doctors, I could be easily labeled and drugged before I have a ch...