How would you recognize your true love standing right before you at your door steps? Would you agree that in order to "see" we need to have "eyes"? Can the eyes of one murky inside from many events in the past "see" through the clutter of self's own created images(almost all of which are false images )? BE, before becoming love!
What then is one to do in order not to miss out on the LOVE OFFERED SO FREELY? What preparations, what intentions and attentions are required for such vision? If I say I am ready now to settle down and have my "mate" for the rest of this physical life, and..give as best as I can a description of how hish(he/she) would be (appearance,disposition,spirit..) to the universal order processing center(hahahahaha); Will hish(he/she) come in exact measure of my request or timing?
It is without a doubt my children that as you PURIFY the vehicle of body/mind/spirit, all your desires are fulfilled without an exception. BUT.. oh yes there is this big BUT, the manifestation of such matters is in direct correlation with your readiness, intentions, and purity. What is purity without clarity? What is clarity without purity of the blood from toxins? A healthy mind is a healthy body is a healthy spirit.
Then it is not our expectations which will come true, but the true nature of that which we really intended and felt deep inside. To have love standing at your door and you looking at the shell saying "but this is not what I wanted" is when you'll know my love that your true intent did not include the shape of the love to come. We give far too much credit to our senses for knowing what we need. We see a mate with money as the one we were looking for and the great spirit sends the one who cares nothing for the wealth of the world! Yet we insist on running the water through the colander.
Where will YOU go my children, I AM OMNIPRESENT IN ALL FORMS!!
Namaste'(I bow to the place within you that is GOD)