
Showing posts from 2003
As soft as water is, nonetheless, in time it will make a hole in the hardest rocks drop by drop by drop! Doing anything worth while seems to have that parameter built into it, if you cannot stick around and do the job regardless of all constraints, then you are not going to behold the joyous results of success.Persistance pays off if the thought behind the job is reasoned in possibilities within reason. If I stay at it long enough, there is nothing I cannot do. Learn to play a musical instrument to test your stick-to-it-ness!!
It is with consistency in actions wrapped in deep universal harmonious intentions that we can have the hope of acquiring wisdom and maturity. Stick-to-it-ness! Keep a good habit going and regress not to old bad ones.
If you find yourself at about the same spot in your life as last year; Waht does that tell you about YOU? If you are suffering from the same anxieties, pains and feel just as you did a year ago today; What does that tell you about YOU? If you feel just as content and free as you did a year ago today; What does that say about YOU? Do we have a reliable source for measuring progress or regress? Or stagnation? If we do then it behooves YOU to know about it!
" Faith is having hope for justice and believing in the things unseen" A qoute from the Bible which says; I believe in the design and the designer, and for that I am free of fear and anxiety. Show up for life with hope and faith daily!
Just when you think you've got it figured out, life seems to give you another twisted senario to unravel. Let not a day go by my child without gearing up for battle, for the enemy resides in the windmills of your mind and the crevases of your imaginations. Seek the Great Spirit's help, always!
In the spirit of Christ however; I say be merrry one and all for in his birth LOVE itself was born to the world in its most unsefish graceful way. HAPPY HOLIDAYS Y'ALL!
Even though by all historical accounts it has been established that Christ was not born in December nor did Columbus really discover America, every year like sheep who have no mind of their own, the masses go on celebrating and teaching their children a false doctrine. Not that it matters when Christ was born or who really found this land, but it is the way in which we have come to accept falsehood as truth and by extension how we carry this habbit into our other affairs of lives without thinking.Like our false advertisements about medicines, oh.. don't get me started! "yes doc I saw it on t.v. and it must be good" Wake up my child! awaken children of Adam! before the hour comes finding you asleep!
Unless I practice what I preach, it will not be effective. Unless I walk the walk, you cannot hold my hands for guidance. Unless I remain steadfast and be consistant, even God's grace will be taken away by my own ways. It is the same in the spiritual matters as it is in the physical matters of our lives, a computer program works consistantly to produce favoured results, a well oiled machine runs good and a well tuned instrument sounds great in the hands of a master. All of which require stick-to-it-ness by me.
There are no short cuts or get free quick tricks in the spiritual matters. Indeed for the human, there is nothing except that for which he has toiled for. It is the very actions arising out of our needs followed by steadfastness and resolve which will ultimately bring grace to our awainting hearts.
A good fellow I know is going through some tough times with his wife and kids, he just got served a paper from the CPS which practically killed him. You know one of those that says you cannot even raise your voice at your kids! I did mention to him that if he were to look at the number of hours he listens to these moaning,complaning, negative radio talk shows, and then the daily news, covering more negative crap about what is wrong with our world, it should be no surprize where his personal life is headed. WHEN YOU SURROUND YOUR SELF WITH CONSTANT NEGATIVITY, THAT IS ALL YOUR LIFE WILL BE ABOUT. Sing instead, I told him, walk with grace, trun off that radio/TV and put some songs on and let grace enter your life. He is going to try this.
I truely felt bad for the kids who make a living working the phones from these tele-marketing rooms when the law passed about the no-call list. Granted there are some jerks out there who use the phones to do some very hard sales and are pushy about it, but for the most part all one has to do is say no thank you and get off line. Now what is so hard abut that? Does everything have to put into a LAW?
There must be a point at which we can come to our own identity. All the talk about why I am the way I am and my mother was responsible or my dad abused me, has to come to an end if one is to become " whole " and " free". Both of which require taking responsibility for our action here and now, without attached strings to either past or the unforseen scary future. Conciousness is raised by the very actions needed in order to "come to our own", walk the walk!
Steadfastness is the key for this day! Stick-to-it-ness is what is means in today's English, and it stands for doing the right thing for your life consistantly. If you know that for example the digestive system of your body cannot do its job without the input of green leafy vegetables and fruits, then it behooves you to consistantly, habitually, regularly, daily do the deed even if you don't like salads or have no time to put one together, because it is the right thing to do. In the long run this manner of steadfastness will without any doubt whatsoever, produce "positive" results for your life, which will most assuredly translate into "serenity" and well being.
In every walk of life there can be balance if one seeks to moderate one's strong opinions and beliefs. A hard liner Muslim or Christian can walk in grace and have grace in their lives if they only stop condemning the "non-believers" and "judge not" the faults of them so harshly. Look for the big bolder in your own eyes my child before you try to pick out the the thorns from your fellow man's eyes.
What is a church? A big elaborate building? A house? I tell you friends verily a church is forsaking not the communion of one another in the name of God whenever and wherever two or more of you can gather in His name. Let your needs take you to the source of answers in total awe! and let your mind not get in the way by asking why?
Arrogance is a very close relative of Ignorance. If the one seeking to learn had honor for the learning and the teacher, seeking his/her wisdom would be done in humility and eagerness. We the children of Adam, so much like our Jewish brothers are still reluctant to bow to the greatness that is God! So it is lack of knowledge which I say is the cause. Every great scientist and mind I've known had no problem being humbled by the Master and reach out in desparate need for answers. Ego and false Pride are indeed born of ignorance!
My kids and a few friends keep asking me to write down the way energies work and how our intentions make up our daily physical realities . We have wonderful conversations which usually lead to these requests because the talks get so deep that it seems like a good idea to have them written down for reference. God willing, there will be just such a document with clear, easy to understand phrases(much like I am trying to do in these daily thoughts) for keepsake and a memory.
Whereas the party of the first party is insane and the party of the second party is also insane, I hereby decree that there shall be no more fears, worries, paranoid thoughts, hatred, or pouting. Let there be only willingness and thankfulness instead. Willingness to show up for life daily and thankfulness for the life that is within and without. AMEN!
Our combined world technology has almost reached a place where we can use Electrons and living cells for transfer of data. In other words what the universe has been doing for eons, by electro-chemical exciting of the cells, any electron then can carry any sort of data it is implanted with to the next receptor point. A home computer then can forseeably be as small as a ping pong ball and do 100 times more work that what we are used to today. As one phycisist put it, "Electrons have always know how to carry information, we just never thought to use them". Is it any wonder then that I worship The MASTER DESGNER of it all?
I guess the Catholics had a good idea with the weekly confessions until it went wrong with preasts themselves going sour and all the nonsensical crap that went along with that. I would like to find just such a place of pure hearing and unburdon my soul once or twice a month, after all who amongst us is sinless? who is perfect and never falters? So I do the next best thing, I lay it on God daily to fix.
There are more cells in our body than there are stars and plnets in our galaxy! Now consider this, every single cell knew it destiny by the codes of the hormones. Even though all came from two single double strand of DNA, the hair cells became hair, the heart cells made the heart, and the entire nervous system came from one cell dividing. Is it any wonder I worship THE DESIGNER?
We learn to create good energies and bad ones (vibes as they're also known) and the minute we think up the thought, there! the energy is created and on its way to whatever receptor it will find. Be careful my child, what you think or ask for, there goes another rubbe tree plant!
When Christ talked about "narrow is the road to salvation..." and "wide is the road to ..." He was indeed letting everone know that it is not an easy walk in the park living a Godly life. It is so easy to be destructive and follow every desire of the flesh, it is not so easy to tame the desireful self and follow God's commandmants specially in a society where it is more "Cool" being "with it" than not. The clothing now fashioned for women as "OK" used to be only worn by the street walkers and prostitutes! What does that say about the world in which we live? is it OK by Christ?
We only have to show up daily in need of guidance and healing. Like any other thing we do regularly, it will take time to establish a good pattern of daily prayer/meditation/time with the spirit activity. There will be days when we just don't want to bother even with God! well those are indeed the days we need to drag the old body and mind to help the soul get its food. The only times I say stay away from this practice is when you are intoxicated, It would be most capricious to be a babling drunk in God's presence.
The more we show up in prayer and need of help in the court of God, the better we will feel the day after. Take time to pray daily my child, start and end each day in His majestic court of LOVE and let Him heal your wounds and ease your pains, as you are guided through the wisdom of God.
Expectations are among the worst of our habitual ways which create stress and anxiety. Yes it is my right to expect my daughter, mate, boss, or friend to be supportive and there when I need help, But is it useful to my health to carry this expectation with me every moment of every day? Because sooner or later they will fail to meet that expectation and the suffering is mine to bear. And if an argument or fight breaks out over the situation, well now I have caused havoc in my life from exercising that "right". It is much better for us to learn to change our expectations of (PEOPLE, THINGS AND PLACES) to " preferences " which in essence say, I will be happy and pleased if the situation turns out as I prefer it, but I will not be devastated or upset if it does not, I will go on doing what I can to take care of whatever needs taking care of and ACCEPT MORE, EXPECT LESS for my own health. Learning about life is such hard work, aye?
It is so hard to believe another year is over. What happens to past events when Time runs its anual course? Or better yet, does the cycle of seasons which has forever ran about the same really change or go anywhere? Nothing new under the Sun my child, Nothing what so ever. You and me are reruns of the same old movie, just a different screen made up of the Quarks of the space-time continuam.
It would be rather a boaring life if there were no challenges to resolve or obsticles to overcome. In fact I do not believe the very life we live could be possible on this planet. So take heart my child, there is always a solution to every seemingly impossible situation or problem. Just don't give up! and if you do have to give up looking for the right answers to that particular situation, don't give up hope for others which are sure to come your way the rest of your life.
My own battles with all the different drug use throughout my life has taught me one certain undeniable lesson, If I need a drug to calm me or to have peace and fun, then I am not whole! Learning however my love, is a life long journey. As long as we live in this world and are a part of its ways, we will have to learn new things about ourseleves and others on an ongoing basis. Peace and harmony in life are not cheap nor easy to keep. decerning good from evil is needed, judging other's shortcomings however, is hardly ever fruitfull.
Life is all about going forward, what you do for a living is not as important as what you do with your living! It is all about maturing and becoming a whole human in the end.The course is layed and the ink is dryed. All you do is follow the pathways before you. One does not gain by not losing! risks do build character just by their nature of struggle.
It is not whether you are alone that should matter to you my child, but how lonely you are! Many die a lonely death with hundreds gathered around them. In your heart my child, in your heart, seek to keep the company of God who will never betray nor be unfair to you. The Best Friend Ever!!
Let actions carry forward our intents, and let those intents be always coming forth from a heart yearning for the end of its journey home. This world is but a prison for the heart that resides within our souls, which is not of this world. It is a drop of dew wishing to go back to its ocean home.
As I drove to work yesterday the feeling of being alive in the middle of a vast unkown universe hit home when I felt the warmth of this November Sun on my face through the windshield. My God how great indeed art thou! Imagine my child that at the speed of light it would take us 50,000 years just to clear the edge of our own galaxy, and this wonderful Creator has infinite number of such galaxies beyon ours in the palm of his hand. Yes indeed, Great is our heavenly Father who shall not fit into words or imaginations of any.
If anyone is paying attention here, you notice that I am staying on track with the notion that we have the knowledge and the means to be "as perfect as our father in heaven" and this old man's life long endeavour has been to do just that and be the best sample of our common intended humanity. It has taken 33 years and perhaps another 33 years aught to do the trick! So if you are alive then, look me up! I'll be the white haired simple one who has nothing!
Creatures of habits as we are, it has always been suggested by teachers of self realization to change as many of our "old" habits as we can and add in their place instead better ones which enhance our journey to wholeness. In the process of the battle (yes good ones, there will be a battle trying to tell the old mind not to do what it has done for so long!!) we will grow and activate parts of our brain which then can direct us towards the goal of resolvement. I am going to (God willing!) cut my T.V. viewing time down to nothing for a while, no T.V.! no movies, not even on my computer, I will instead fill the time with music, reading , work on my website, and learning something new.
Contentment is a treasure lost to the "want" generation. If any of you children of Adam should find at any moment that being content is worth more than having all your wants fulfilled, hang on to that moment, for it very well could become the birth of wisdom in you. Reduce wants and you shall reduce pains, just that simple.
Let me add a bit more to yesterday's notes if I may. Our concious awareness of what our attention is fixated on is one of the most powerful tools we have in realizing the ultimate goal of bieng a "cool, together, resolved, harmonious" human in the face of all life's challenges. A fight I had with my mate, friend, or boss, can and usually does dominate most of my time thereafter untill things are worked out. But imagine being able to tell the brain that I the owner of this "Temple" have decided not to dwell on that issue for now and instead want to meditate or take a walk with just a song on my mind. Well, this is indeed how we create an environment within ourselves to then go back and be able to resolve the issues or just plain let go of the stuff which usually prove silly in hindsight anyway. My attention and intentions create the world in which I live daily.
It is your attention stupied! where is your attention fixed at? what is it fixated on? that is your reality, get it?! A person seeing only all that is wrong with the world would not have much go right in his own daily life, chance takes over and will goes out the window. Heed this my child, Trust in the Master Designer and learn to look for progress always. Still waters grow much algae, flow then and gather no moth! No fears, No regrets, act in the NOW and strive to do good.
We missed another day of our humanity at war and maham! It could be cause for losing hope if one was so inclined to put one's attention on only these events of human tragedies and "growing up" story of the human race! But; why? There must be a gazilion other events which do and can effect our own daily little lives down 2nd and western in Anytown, U.S.A. IT IS ALL ABOUT WHERE YOUR ATTENTION STAYS THAT YOUR LIFE IS AS IT IS!
Touch the early dawn's rays of light and say a few words to the Dawn Maker! Ahhhhh! therein lies the best of energies to carry you through the rest of your day. Directly from the very source of energy. Help me my Lord to visit you more often and more eagerly, I feel weak in your absence!
Holidays are here again for the those who celebrate them. And for those who have no reason to. Being joyous is one thing, but going into debt buyin gifts is a cause for distress and anxiety. I see it in my line of work almost robotical, holidays come, folks get sick, blame it on the bug that does not exist and start taking drugs which won't help! and then there is uncle Luther no one wants to deal with when he is durnk, God help us all! HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL!
A friend said to me that I was aspiring too high, that I was looking for that white camel on 42nd ave. in N.Y. city! A perfect human is not what I am proposing, indeed I believe by the time a human is close to his highest potential (which all the good books refer to as Godhead, being as perfect as our God in heaven , etc..) he/she will have to die to this physical form. It is the optimum of our potentiality that I advocate, we have fallen so, so, short of that. If indeed we believe that we were created in God's own image, what kind of God are we portraying by our actions and our world today? For those who do not believe in this God!
Just a reminder to myself and whoever is paying attention; Our goal is to ultimately produce a "whole human" a specimen if you were of what an optimum potential of the human race might look and act like! It is above all the only REAL thing any one of us can do with his/her life. Think about this one my child, what would an ambassador of human race, a symbol of our humanity's highest aspirations and achievements would look and act like in the presence of, shall we say an alien species? Specially if they could test it and had predetermined values of just such a human!
So I get the feeling that for the most part our humanity is going through what its thing not because of our intents but because of our consentrated attentions or attachments to these intentions. Knowing that outward expressions are merely a fraction of our true intents within; I am forever trying to get the two to be one and the same in my own life, so as to not add to the confusion. If I cannot say something good, I'll just shut up outwardly and quiet the judgemental self inside me as well. Easier said than done!
If I were to tell you that we have both the knowledge and the materials to produce totally emission free fuels for our vehicles and factories, how would you then feel about a government who intentionaly halts the production of such fuels? Ineed it is not just "a government" it is our entire socio-economics in today's world that will not allow such actions because "well, our entire world's economic structures will collapse!" Se La Vi my love, how foolish is man?
If the String Theory (or the M theory as it is called now) proves to be right by experimental methods as it has in mathemtical equations, we will have to admit that Love is not a word but a constant, we either have it or we don't, just by putting the word in a sentence we do not portray love. And here; I am not talking about love for French Fries or football.
Most organized religions today are basicaly corrupt and have lost THE WAY! Money has enetered the picture in mega bucks porportions and our preachers wear ties and jewels and ride in fancy cars. Christ on the other hand only owned two woolen robes and one set of undergarments(Ghandi made a better Christian that Mr. Oral Roberts does). Christ worked for a living and never took a dime from the chruch (well he had no church actually). In fact every prophet of God had an accupation for his livelihood, when people gave Alms, it was to help the needy and work on the needs of the community. Times have changed? you bet ya!
Christ said to a deciple "you speak of me as an incarnation of God. Let me show you something, come with me" A short distance later Christ pointed to a direction and said "what do you see there?" the deciple said " a big tree with black berries hanging in bunches." Christ said "those are not black berries, go nearer and look at them." Upon approaching the tree the deciple saw that they were Christs hanging in bunches. "Do you see now," said Christ, "how many Christs like me have grown here?"
If we but knew how exquisitely energies move, create or destroy, and how much we individually contirbute to this function of "reality creation"; we should certainly go mad from the pressure of such awsome responsiblility. Know this for certain my child, your thoughts and words uttered by you do indeed create the world you live in daily.
A desciple asked his teacher, "Sir, please tell me how I can see God?" "come with me and I will show you" He took the desciple to a lake and both got into the water. Suddenly the teacher pressed the desciple's head under the water and held him there with much force. After a few minutes he released him and as the desciple was gasping for breath the teacher asked; "how did you feel?" The desciple still dumb founded and breathless said; "I thought I shoud die!" The teacher said, "When you feel like that for God, then you know you haven't long to wait for His vision" A Sufi story offered here from the heart to yours my child, take heed!
A Zen Budhist teacher once said: "If you continue going forward along the path, the object which you seek, will come to be yours for certain." All my life I have sought to be a good servant in God's ways, and the nearer the end of my journey I get, the more the saying of this teacher becomes real.
It is easy to be sinical about every thing and anything. It is another to be aware of the sinful ways in which the world is living and avoid the pitfals. If the citizens of the U.S. and Israel do not awaken to the oppressive ways their respective governments are dealing with the Palestinian and the Iraqis, it should then be no surprize to see the reverbrations come back to the whole of the world in a quantum way. How does one tell such an arrogant one that he is indeed the cause not the cure of what ails our world?
They asked the prophet Mohammad "how many ways are there to pray and worship God"; "As many ways as there are people upon this Earth" he replied. Salvation is only a word, the true state of harmony with God's universal laws is indeed the meaning in action. THINK WELL, SAY WELL, DO WELL and you are saved.
Abraham too had to break his father's traditions of Stone gods. Arabs used to bury their female newborns alive because of traditions until the prophet Mohammad came and broke them of that bad habbit. If a tradition or habbit is not propelling you forward my child, to become a better human, and indeed it is hindering your path, then abandon it fast. Seek wise counsil any time you can to make that judgement.
..."But its halloween dad!" she said as she tried to justify her chipped filling in one of her teeth. My daughter had called to seek advise as to what to do about a chipped tooth situation and perhaps ended up learning about what traditions one must follow and which ones are best left out of her life regardless of how many generations have been doing this routinized ritual. Just because you have been doing something "like everybody else" for a long time does not make the act sane or good for you. A wrong act is a wrong act at any age or time. Learn my child to be free and aware; As bad traditions are just as bad as junk food in your mental body! Any tradition which encourages one to get stuffed with all manners of candy needs reexamining, at least the eating of all that candy part.
The family of Man is falling apart and it breaks the heart of this old father to no end. With a loud silent rage I have withnessed these children of Adam forget their humanity and embrace the selfish ways of the Evil one. I remain hopeful even so, because I am the father who got forgotten and remembered all in the same second, and remains steady just the same! Father in heaven! grand your servants patience!
Keep it simple stupied and wait on the the Lord. Though we have all the scientific eauations to explain all of life, we have not figured how to give the formula the gift of life.
Sharing a life or extended amount of time, sharing a mutual something or another, all require that both sides agree upon parameters which are subject to progressive enhancement through change of individuals or circumstances. In fact accepting that change is indeed the only constant in any given situation, the only other required item is STICK TO IT-NESS. A commitment to seek harmony both within oneself and for the situation at hand. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, through sickness and health. Because Not one of us can ever claim that illusive perfection in thoughts, deeds, or words which eminate from us. Expectations are the worst enemy of any workable sharing situation, because once not met, expectations turn into, Resentment, Anger, Anxiety, and misery. Grass is never greener on the other side, and leaving one tough situation usualy means having to start all over with another one from scratch! It is like asking for a new head from God, when indeed the head we have is quite...
Eintstien (God rest his soul) died while working on what he called "Unified Theory" a way to explain all the workings of our universe. His dream may be closer to becoming a reality with a new zeal and attention to the notion of "String Theory". For the past 100 or so years, actually since Newton discovered Gravity, scientists have had to deal with how to marry the world of the very big (macro) and the very small (micro). To find that holy grail of unification of all that there is and how and why things are the way they are. The amazing thing is this new String Theory (which is not so new) uses extremely small units of energy (strings,smaller than subatomic particles!) to bind all of the universe from small to large into one big bowl of soup! Gee, it seems I have been right on the money the whole time! by saying that we are indeed connected with energies we create through our thoughts,actions, and deeds. Make some good ripples my child in this big bowl of soup.
Where did we go astray? We must have you know! In the 21st centry with all our inventions and sophysticated technologies, having mapped most of Human genom and even Mars, we have yet to learn the basics of what it is to be a "good human"!! Wars are still about the same ideals and reasons they accured thousands of years ago, the "Haves" and the "Have nots" are still about the same in social standings and class or gender or race discriminations are considered norml for the most part whether overtly or not. So I ask again, where did we go astray? Did we ever really have it right? What the heck good is a piece of Mars or the Moon if I cannot get along with my neighbours next door or on the next land mass? What does it mean to be a "whole, mature, perfect" human? Does any body really care? Well I do! and so help me God, I will manifest just such a human in my life time and present the same to whomever it may appeal to see and learn.
Until I stoped doing the deed I was asking others not to do, no one heard me. Until I walk the walk daily, no one will follow. Unless I am ready to fall and break, I should not sign up for battle. A work in progress I am, not a finished work. Each time I fall a piece of me is left on the ground as I dust myself off and get up to walk another mile in HIS WAY!
That which occupies your time and attention in essence becomes your god. The stuff I have gathered around myself as needed matrials, have now consumed my life and much of what little time I did have. If my T.V. is the centerpiece in my "Living room" what does that say about my proiorities? God; Help this old humble servant become free of all the bonds of this life, favour him with a smile and set him FREE from the attachments. Let yourself BE my alpha and omega of every day if I so deserve your touch of love.
What is it about silence that makes us avoid it so much? "I just keep it on for the noise" she told me as she casually turned the T.V. set down. Just for the noise! we have to have noise, because otherwise the only sounds audible would be the inner voice of our own confused self within masked usually by the noise and the many masks we were on our faces. Try this for a few days, hours? Set with the self within in silence and LISTEN to your heart beat!!
When we learn to accept more of what is and expect less of what should be, we have found another effective way of living in harmony with both Yin and Yang! Dark and Light, Sadness and Hppiness, Evil as is and Good as it is.
chew twice and talk once. quantumly speaking, there is no one here, really! the edge of space is not so round, Time has a way of running out everday! I go through the gate, and death is no more! SUCHNESS!
To continue with yesterday(10-21), folks in the mental health business have almost got it right by accepting the three dimensions of human (parent,adult,child) instead of calling it multiple personality. But there is more to it than even that! We are in reality a Physical body, a Mental body, and a Spiritual body, The mind with its neurons and chemical activities produces emotions and behaviors. It has many facets just like a diamond in the making, It must recieve its nutrition from the physical body's mouth which in turn must have "healthy" living foods to operate optimally. The mind also needs other nurishments such as learning to function at its best. Our spiritual body then is where we feel the connection to the rest of the universe, to our origion to our maker and designer who left his own "essence" in there somewhere, so for its optimum work it too needs proper foods and contemplative meditations or prayer. Result? a "YOU" in harmony is a heal...
Who is in charge of your life? Think about this a minute; We seem to think that we know ourselves so well and have no problem identifying who is in charge of our thoughts and the actions which eminate from them. Yet and again look at all the "mistakes" we make daily and try our darndest to find some one else or something else to blame for the mishap! and who is the one saying let's stuff our faces at one hour before bed time or midnight? knowing full well it will hurt more than just the weight of this body! who is in charge of your decision making and who's judgement do you finally follow? Is there more than one of you in there? are they in harmony and balance? Do they all want the best for you? and who is this "YOU" then? which one is YOU?
..and it came to pass that none of Adam's children knew why they were born to this world save those who took the time to ask and had the mind to see and the heart to recieve. The arrogant never did and the meek found life everlasting.
....And they asked again "Tell us story teller, what of the treasures of the world?" and he went on to say "buy the goods of the next world with the treasures of this world, this you do by giving of the gold and goods you have here whilst they are yours, for once you leave this place your gold is somoone else's treasure and no longer yours to give". Now it was well past midnight and the thought of loosing all we called our own was even more ominus! give whilst you can and have to give, for once gone you only have regret,a useless comodity.
If putting 99 or 95 at the end of a price was designed by a psycologist and small prints were deemed needed by lawyers, if deception is considered a normal part of our commerce (like advertizing colored sugar water as juice full of good vitamins) what does that tell us about the state of conciousness of the masses? Good God grant me patience because I see far too many wolves in sheep's clothing and am feeling helpless even in warning my own deer family of the dangers! Their eyes are closed and their ears are covered.
If we could see the "Dark matter" which permiates in every place or non-place in our known universe, we would perhaps not be surprized why just as in a bowl of soup, anything added to one corner would indeed be in the farthest corner of the bowl as well. My pain is your pain, my joy is your joy, throught our world, we share all that is here just as if we were the molecules in that bowl of soup. Care not to spread the darkness of hate and disharmony in your world! Strive instead my child to be the messenger of patience and truthfullness, let that be your added touch to the soup of life.
Say what you really mean, mean what you say, be prepared to back up your calims with data and your words with actions approprieate; In other words be a man/woman of your words and make certain your deeds and word match. In doing this seemingly simple task you have added to the underlying truth of all matters. Let Truth set you free, always.
Yesterday is gone think not of it tis gone, The morrow is not yet here, tis naught; Carpe diem amore! sieze this day my love and waste not another precious moment in distraught. Live my child in a forever NOW moment, Live!
It turns out that the Homosapiens and the Neanderthals were not linked but lived at about the same time period!(just go to and enter Neanderthal in the search, far too many sources to include links here) But oh family of Adam! if all is from water, what the heck do you care whether you are evolving as an ape or a human? you are HERE/NOW care that this day does not pass whilst you argue over matters which will not bring wisdom and serenity! We are The family of Adam in the essence of our being, now it is up to us to make good on a promiss to our father, Ola amigos!
Let me not go silently into the night my Love, adorn me with your firey light and loudness of your thunder. If death is to come so soon, then grant me the death of a lover not of a hypocrite. Grant me my love a believer's death, free and calm.
In most earnest attempts we all seem to be looking for the same thing, a way to be finally content and fulfilled. Able to "live in peace and have happyness and comfort" All of which seem to have been achieved by others though we do not know of many personally who have it all! But by golly we know it is said that all is fair game and available to any one. The only thing we need now is to agree on just where or to whom we should apply for this wonderful package! Well if I were to tell you that the person and the place are both within you yourself, would you believe me? whether you do or not that is indeed where its at, not outside of you, within you!
Humble me Lord through service to the more needy and deserving. Let there be a sign of your presense even to the blind in the heart and deaf in the ears. Let my face remain aglow with steadfast daily prayer and your light shining through evey pore. Because you gave me certainty and took away all doubts I know I will be amongst the happy faces on the day when all must come before you and tell their stories. Shokran rabbie. However my love, if you should take your gift away from me, I will open the doors to your secret garden and have the whole of mankind know just how forgiving you are causing even your noblest ones to think of sinning just to taste the sinful life. shokran!!
Think well, do well, say well, and all is well. look for that ballance specially today! take heart....your case is next to be sloved in the order of things in the universe. Excess is the cause of most our pains.Desire is good, but please don't let it rule you. I see a nice day, go get it... it is right around the next bend.
God; grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Today is like any other day in your sight my love, but as for this humble servant it is yet another trying day. Accepting the decision of my mate to leave for reasons even she cannot understand herself. It is all about being on her own and independant which she has never done. We are the best of friends and there is no harsh words exchanged, but she is leaving just the same, God bless her move and help her find whatever it is she is seeking in you.
Inner peace is as much a mystry as it is a false expectation of oneself. Inner calm is more acceptable of a term when it comes to living in th 21st century. I say if you can remain calm long enough to see at least three sides to every storey and walk away when none makes any sense, then you will gain inner peace thru your calmness. Peace is not a constant in our world, nor is happiness or for that matter any factor which effects our daily lives, a little sour, a little sweet, A time of joy and the hour of sorrow, all in good balance. But you my child remain hopefull as your father and learn calmness of the mind through the spirit of God's presence.
These lines read like my diary maybe because they are in essence the results of my daily thoughts and experiences. So if I say I have been stuck in this place of unforgiving, ungiving emotional trap; I am refering to my state of mind with my kids, my significant other, my family, the world, and so on. It happens to me it seems, about once every other month when I loose hope in all of humanity and become short tempered because nothing seems to make any sense. Yet at one level thanks to God my keeper, I know all is well that ends well, and that these days maybe hard but not hopeless.
Every day that passes without a true connection to the spirit is a day spent in the Maya with no guide! Good Lord help me not to forget this simple lesson and be lost again.
Now then, the opposite of the above messege (Oct.3)is just as true! without our spiritual needs met daily, we will have no way of remaining strong in face of life's daily challenges. We are made up of three bodies, PHYSICAL, MENTAL(emotional), and SPIRITUAL. Condsider each of these an entity my child, deserving their own type of attention, nutrition, and healthfullness. Feed your body with living foods which will give it life vibrant. Feed your mental body with knowledge, learn new things, endevour to gather knowledge daily, and finally do feed the spiritual body its food, pray, meditate, sit quietly and let the wonder of the universe fill your heart. Now you are WHOLE MY CHILD, WHOLE FREE HUMAN!
I said it before and I say again, there is no peace for the mind of man unless through daily contact with the creator! This spiritual connection in whatever form or manner, in whatever language, done in solitude and quiet with genuine intent to aknowledge the omnipotence of HIM, will bring calm to the mind, vibrancy to the body and peace in the heart.
If I had a dime for every emotional argument I have been a part of, every time there were harsh words exchanged for lack of wisdom or compassion, I'd sure be a milioner! When will we ever learn, to argue a point, but not hurt the feelings or use abusive language? I guess wars are the big arguments which instead of feelings, people too get hurt. All for lack of compassion or wisdom to work things out.
Every once in a while some one gives me a joint or two (that's Marijuana for those who may not know!) and having promissed my "black dog" my "Monkey on my back" that as long as it stays tame and under control, when the gift comes I will not deny it its pleasure; I do like the old times, smoke, eat, sleep and vege totally out of my usual responsible self. It is hard to admit that as teachers and healers we too have our battles we are facing daily, it is not like we are perfect you know! but progress is what I personaly advocate, Am I a better person than I was six months ago? if the answer is "yes" in all honesty (no deception), then I thank God again for guiding me along the path of total freedom in his own way. It has been a long journey, and I feel better for having taken it with all its ups and downs one day at a time. GROW AWARNESS NOT DESPAIR! COURAGE NOT FEAR!
Now we get ready for Halloween! Amazingly enough this is an anual tradition in the East as well as the Western world. It was intially a harvest festival in villages as was the thanksgiving which was giving thatnks for the year of farming goods. If I have anything to say about most of our traditions it would be that we take them far too seriously! that's all.
We do whatever it is we do to pass our time and for some the task must be expanded to fill the time span, for others the time needs to be expanded just to make the tasks fit the slot. If you find yourself amongst the first group, you are either done living or have no life. You want something done and done right, give it to a busy man. If your workers are standing around looking for things to do, you have too many!
If we just stopped making such mountains out of the mole heals of our daily mostly average lives, we we have eliminated at least half the stress on our minds and bodies.
It is difficult for sure to stay optimistic about anything when your partner in life, or your neibourhood, or your government, or family member is of a negatively charged state of being. Indeed it is at times impossible when one is surrounded by negatively charged energies, but just the same a true believer in the power of God to heal, will not surcome. The old saying goes "you can't keep a good man down long". Yes sir, you cannot keep a believing human down long.
03 It is in the nature of the plants to begin their cold weather activities and stop growth by the end of summer. It is in the nature of an scorpion to sting a moving object next to him or touching his body, It is in the nature of the sea to rise up and bring horicanes ashore, It is in the nature of rivers to flow and overflow when there is excess water, It is incumbant uopn humans to learn; to understand how best to live with the nature of things, as many thousands of years have proven. So it is foolish to build in the path of the horicanes and floods!
There was a time when the West and the East were not so far apart in basic human dignity and acceptance of a mutual set of values for decency. Then it all went to hell and both the West and the East lost their humanity in a sea of technology. Result? well the joury is still out on this one! God help us all remember who we were once as a family of Man.
"In God we trust" is a good moto to live by, but when our government is in bed with the corporate greed, our daughters wear clothing we used to ascociate with prostitution, churches allow sodomy, and our kids are told they cannot pray in school, I believe it is time we remove that statement and quit living a farse and dishonoring God!
Let us keep going with the thoughts of yesterday ok? Most of us think that we have to perform prayer for God's sake, as if to say that he needs or demands it for himself. It is not untill recent years in our world that with new sciences we can appreciate the value of any mind calming/centring activity on a regular basis. And the dude! This God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus, has been saying to us since day one, "look kids, whatever good you do, you do for yourself, and whatever you do againgst my counsil you do to your own deteriment" Now how much clearer can you get! Meditation and prayer bring the brain to Alpha wave producing level which for us geecks in the sciences means a relaxed mind and a mind more productive and able to make better judgments. Amen!
For every human soul there is an unseen paralell soul who's job is to intice the human soul to not do things which will get him closer to God, and to busy himself with affairs which will take him away from that task. You know the one I am talking about, it pokes at you all the time it seems while your angel side is saying "no no no, this is not good!" and who does your MIND usually follow? then you wake up the next day and feel like crap saying to yourself, the devil made me do it! I wish I had not eaten so much, or drank all that boose, or did that awful act. These little demons have their jobs to do and they do it well, to seduce and turn humans away from God and any sense of duty to Him. I will always remember to see it as it is and not blame my feeble mind for going astray, but rather pick up and keep my focus on God again, in the end with God I will always win the battles with my demons. And they come around less and less as I grow stronger in God.
Let me encurage you my child yet again, daily contact with THE CREATOR in solitude and meditative fashion, is the only sure way to gain serenity within and be able to better deal with the trials of the world. Prayer if you will, is the way of the wise; As for the world, it has never been faithful to anyone or any thing. Learn then my child to be in the world but do not become a part of it. Lay your treasured attachments to the one after.
IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE AS A SPECIES, WE HAVE TO PROVE SMARTER AND MORE RESOURCEFUL THAN THE DINASURS! THE WAY WE ARE GOING NOW, I HAVE MY DOUBTS! If necessity was the mother of inventions, It is Greed, Arrogance, and heedless consumptions which put those necessary inventions to wrong use. And it is Ignorance which will be the downfall of all the good inventions. Genetically engineered crops (GEC's) are one very evidant example. A fool is given a knife to cut the bread and he turns and cuts the leg off of the table, which falls on his own big foot, now he cannot go to the bakery!
So the big news is still the war and the cost to the U.S. taxpayer and lives of the young soldiers who not unlike the Vietnam era boys have no clue what the heck they are doing way out in in the middle of the desert being killed by people they don't know and having their commander in chief tell them that they are bringing democracy to a savage people! IGNORANT FOOLS BEING LED BY SLEEPY HOLLOWS IN A POOL OF GREED!
We all have things we want to accomplish, goals we have set, tasks that need getting done, and relations that need mending. Through it all we grow and mature in the direction of our true intent. But it is the act of remaining consistant and persevering that will determine the degree of our growth. So, even though we say so much about what we want to do and be, unless we follow through with our intentions, honorable as they may be, without actions they become mere empty words, and no growth takes place.
This thing about when God closes one door he opens another is perhaps one of the most basic wonders of calming the stressed mind that I have ever used in helping some young ones who looked at loosing a job for instance as so tragic an event that even suiside was considered in one particular case! The Idea again however, is to TRUST GOD with such a strength where we enable the baffled mind to see the light at the end of the tunnel as it were, and not just the length of the darkness of the tunnel in front of us. And that kind of faith my child is only possible through daily prayer or any form of contact with our Father in Heaven who truely knows and cares! The birds never wory about their sustanance, why do we?
If by any chance I have sounded as a Mr. "know it all" I want to humbly say for the record that the one thing I do know for certain is that I know nothing! What I have knowledge of is only enough for a semi quantum way of life in order to pass on the teachings I myself have received. Being a teacher by ancersoteral rights and throgh my own works, does require me to have some answers, but knowing is all together a different thing. And being or living the knowledge is itself the fruit. Just the same though, a good discourse on any subject requires studies, let me then pray God that you help keep this man on the path of gathering knowledge.
I said it once before and I say it again, these lines will be my last legacy of a father's attempts to communicate with his children. As it stands now these lines are more for my own sake of sanity and memory than for the kids to read, because they are not taking the time to read their father's thoughts or know of his feelings. Yes we have come to the age where being a good child is just being out of the parents' ways (I don't ever remember asking for this) being on your own and therefor oblevious to the father's lack of presence. Oh children! you too will feel these things as I do now. But just in the rare case that you may be reading these lines, know this my child, it takes more than a phone call here and there to know your father.
Time passes without a care this day too shall end with its joys and sorrows. But God bless the child who's got his own! Just babling here about how we all seem so stuck in the events of each day as if it was the end to all ends, how do we get so overwhelmed that we gorget just last month about this time that other crisis which nearly devestated us, is GONE! and today's stuff is no different, in fact by comparisson it aught to be easier to handle. Yes my child, this too shall come to pass into the abyss of MU!
Charity begins at home. If you have a family member or a relative, in need of assitance, a nieghbor in need of financial help or a friend, then the money you have earmarked for charity, your tithe to a church, your time you wish to give in volenteer help, aught to first be considered for these people, then if any is left or if there are none of these folks in your life in need, can you give to your church. Let God guide you if you are truely giving to be effective where the help is really needed.
The end is nearer than most of us realize or care to think about. Even for this generation the idea of having maybe couple of two or three hundred years left is unfathamable. I recently had a clear vision of the Great Spirit coming to me and saying "I will be taking your life tomorrow, are you ready?" I about had a shit! excuse the french, but I mean the feeling was as real as it raining outside and by just putting my hands out I can get wet sort of thing. "are you ready to detach tomorrow from all your stuff? emotional stuff or material stuff or even your family and other stuff like that? All of which are stuff of life, if you were to be told tomorrow is THE Day for you to leave it all behind and say goodbye, just how many "unfinished" stuff would you have which you would take the attachment to with you to the other side? Where you could niether enjoy them or resolve the problems related to. That is how close the END is my child, awaken!
Every day; Life gives us another way of looking at who we are and why we do the things we do. The quest of any inteligent indivual must then be to remain aware of, detached enough from the emotional and irrational thought processis, long enough to say the lesson being offered by the situation at hand. It may take one hour it may take a day or two, but remember my child, it is never totally the other party's fault that you are upset or "feeling" sad and blah balh blah balh, yakedi eshmakadi blah! Yes people will do stupid things to upset you, yes there will be days when you just as soon go hide in the Siberian desert, but there is always, always a lesson to be learned about who you are and what you are doing here!
"God you granted me kingship, you taught me the interpretaion of dreams, you are the initiator of the heavens and the Earth, you are my Lord and Master in this life and in the hereafter, grant me a believer's death and count me amongst the righteous". This was Joseph's prayer, I too beg you God to grant me a good death as you have done so with my life.
What prayer, meditation, chanting, or any kind of mind focusing activity practiced regularly does in fact, is create an environment in which better decisions can be made and foolish hasty reactionary decesions will not. A focused mind in tune with the spirit in a healthy body WILL result in a more serene life style. A healthy echo system if you will, of mind, body and spirit. Now we can scientificaly prove this but most still fall on deaf ears!
I try every day, I truly do try very hard to look at the good things and positive side of life, to find good in every situation and when I fail to do so I blame myself for not being at peace within. Because if the actions of another moves me to a negative reaction in any way at all, whether producing a negative thought, a negative action or words, then I have no more faith in the power of positive serenity within. Usually though, thanks to God my ever present master and guide, I end up learning about yet another joyous wonderful side of God's presence within the walls of my foolish mind.
God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can, and WISDOM to know the difference. I pray this God, to keep from the negativities and the ignorance of the biggots all around me, so that I might still look upon them as humans! So that I may still accept my nieghbours right to hang his large flag and show his ignorant patriotic colors without looking around to see how this flag now represents a government over which he has no control and who has abandoned the people at home and created anamosity internationally by playing the big numero uno without any positive results either here at home or in foreing lands. God help us all!!
Let's keep going with the thought we had yesterday, shall we? I think most any intelegent human would want to know how to obtain and maitain a better quality of life, less diseases or stresses and, a chance to grow old gracefully. If we collectively saw all the right moves to make and timely action to take in order not to create problems, I would not be writing these columns. So the answer truely lies first in the hands of the leaders of every society on the planet. They must be first and foremost educated enough or wise enough(ancient traditions) to see the obviousness of life emanating from the very matters in and around which we exist. There can be no good life for a human if the molecules from which he is making bones and muscles are corrupt and contaminated. The Bear take the Salmon they catch to the forest floor, leave the carcus which turns into Nitrogen which feeds the forests in which the bears and the trees live and breathe. Get It? The oceans just fertalized the forests ...
The four elements of life that the aniect cultures believed in and honored as sacred, turn out today to be scientifically true. We are and all that life has is made up of these four elements, AIR, WATER, EARTH, AND FIRE. Multiples of gases under the heat of the sun combine with elements from the Earth with water to create and sustain life. In a most cenergistic way that if one element is missing or not of the best qulity the resulting life matter too will not be whole or or of good qulity. So it stands to reason that the more we violate these elements and degrade their qulity, our own life is indeed being degraded. We live within a living sphere and have not yet learned to respect the life it has.
One of the hardest things for me to quit doing is making fun of someone's peculiar or weired ways or body parts (in jest of course). But, just the same even in jest we hurt others feelings as we ourselves think we are so clever or funny. Care my child not to offend a person by rediculing what to them is a sensitive matter.
had two wonderful and long conversations today, all about God and the power of our energies created through our thoughts, actions, and words! My daughter and I came to a good feeling about how the whole of life under this firmament, is like a big bowl of soup, every molecule connected to the other through the liquid and solid. Now then my child, hear me once more, DO WELL, SAY WELL, THINK WELL, FOR IN REALITY MY LOVE THIS IS HOW THE WORLD IS CREATED DAILY.
All is well that ends well! and this too my child the story of another year in conflicts and human strugle will be written in The Book of Life! Let your heart be gladened in the anticipaion of God's promissed paradise where there is only peace, unity and wellness for all.
Now hear this! If your own personal intentetions are honorable, and you have constant good will in your heart towards all santient beings (like as in you don't just crush an ant without a second thought), then you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the state of mankind or womankind on this planet. Whether the world ends tomorrow or 100 years from now, you will have a good death and rebirth! Oh yes, you will take whatever you have here with you when you leave, its just too bad it is not your T.V.!!
What is the combined effect of six billion humans on the living systems of the planet Earth? asks Dr. David Suzuki of Canada,an environmental scientist ( The Scared Ballance book and documantary ). If we are made up of the very elements from this Earth, and we are indeed by all accounts agreed upon depleting and polluting these elements; What is then to become of the next generation of humans who will find less resources and clean air or water to have and sustain their lives? Are we leaving the planet in worse shape than we found it, for our children's children? and if so, how much more can indeed be taken from the very makeup of the planet before it is no longer capable of sustaining all the lives of all the humans? Does anyone have a plan to stop the madd conusming ways of us now generation? Does any body care? Not with this Bush man in this White House! Not with the Far East's appetite just warming up to the Western standards! Not with the greed of this corporate based world...
Many times a day I stand before God asking to be a better servant, many times a day I hear the same answer coming back softly spoken "master your desires son and you have served us well". Or "come before your God with need and you shall leave satisfied". Behold! I am loved.
How best to say "I love you" to anyone is not an easy subject to put into words. But hear this from me my child, when you are the best human that you can be, serene and peaceful, taking time to gather knowledge and wisdom of the sages, you have already said "I LOVE YOU!" to all the people in your life.
We have a saying in the Eastern part of the world that denotes a person having fallen into the pot of the Oatmeal for his eagerness to taste the stuff or satisfy his hunger in a hurry or greedily! In our daily activities we do come across such a good deal (or so we think) that we fall ass backwards into all kinds of trouble trying to get it all and make sure we do not lose out on any goodies. In short don't let greed determine your needs.
In Quantum physics the very act of measuring something will cause misreading of its qualities. I tell you my deer ones, it is all quantum relations in regards to measurements. Judge not lest you be judged, is a quantum formula which says, the energy you create by putting measurements on others will be used to measure your own actions, as a matter of law of the universe whether you understand it or not, IT IS SO!
For those of us who thought going to this stpied "Occupation" business and "nation building" was totally against the true American ways, today is a specially sad day! Not only are our combat troops at harms way daily, but now even the peace keeping U.N. folks cannot do their job and are being bombed because the desparate elements in Iraq only see foriengers invading their homes and culture without just cause. Mr. Bush, bring down this wall of arrogance and greed, You are the creator of the terrorists!
Here is an excellant quoate, "..and for humans there is no gains except that for which they have toiled for and endured" put this in your pipes and smoke it kids! Nothing worth while is ever easy to obtain.
We need to unlearn so much about our true identity and place in the universe, habitual being as we are, our time seems to be passed going from the performance of one habit to another as unconscious as a rock! Change one habit and watch the degree to which you become AWARE and AWAKENED
From the veiled, covered women in the Muslim world to the nearly naked women in the west, one extreme to another while both insist that their particular way is "right". What is it about moderation that seems to scape humans? I bet God is having a heck of time being patient with us kids!
Now hear this! With God there is no fear, no paranoia, no lasting sorrow or depression. Hear me child, for all these negative "feelings" arise where there is no serenity within, and that can ONLY be had through God.
Are we nearing the end of human existance, or this generations' time on Earth? We know there were many others before us, cities, big palaces, species of varied looks and feel, yet there is no sign of them having any thing to do with where we are today! I have read in the holy books that if he so chose, God could easily replace this genration of humans with another or replace the entire life form upon this planet with another different one entirely, that is no big task for one who created all from nothing. How silly it seems knowing these facts and still going on about the greedy, power hungry, heedless ways that we are! Indeed for most the awakening will not come, untill it is too late! The end is coming that is a certainty, but how many are ready to meet their end? what if it was next Saturday at noon?
Once upon a time there was another empire with grand ideas of omnipotency whos ruins are a perfect sign of how no power on Earth is permanant, no king or kingdom shall stand to the forces of time and fate! Alexander the great requested to be burried with his hands out of the coffin palms up, to show the next generations that he too left empty handed
Just how far can one go before it is the point from which there is not return? Is there such a point in our lives indeed? Well; One might say a spilled jar of milk is one point with no return! A murder commited is a point from which there is no return! But how about words and other actions? I suppose if there are others involve, then it depends on them as well, how forgiving and gracious are they in helping us return from whence we fell short of their grace and love or friendship? Now imagine this, with God there is no such a point, if humans but understood the "repent and sin no more" phrase. But just how many of us are truely capable of "sinning no more!"? Still I say my child it is in the trial and tribulations that human and God become one through the intent of the human and grace of God.
So we go looking for Love in all the wrong places, and while there we also look for serenity and harmony (all of which are facets of true love) and we have come back empty handed every single time. Money, fame, pleasures of this world, and power are not where Love is kept or nourieshed, when we understand this as a whole, humanity just might have a shot at world peace. Alas, as my teacher would say, I don't see it happening soon.
On a hot afternoon yesterday, almost all of the NE quarter of the U.S. had a total black out, nearly half still do not have power today, NY city and all its hustle and bustle came to a dead stop, subways, trains, elevators, and city lights, amazing how dependant we are on this Electricity! Toronto too was affected the same way. For the most part the Electrical Grid which all of NE United States and SE Canda operate on (the Niagra Grid) is an old one which had a similar problem in 1977, did we learn then? gues not!
How simple a task is it to be the first to say "Hello"? Yet look my child at all the times you could have been the one to peacefully greet the ones near you who at times were most dear to you as well! Cool is being humble enough to initiate salutations with peaceful words to spread the peaceful ways to stop the warful ways to not be strangers from the family!
Love is so abused it is thinking of relocating! God said let there be Love and compassion amongst all living things, He must have been drunk!
I have been fighting a virus on my computer for the past two days, a malacious code which disabled my internet connection, at every attempt to clean this mess I kept thinking of what would cause a mind to go to the dark side and cause others suffering through actions from which they themselves would not profit at atll? Such wonderful brains doing harmful acts just for kicks! Well; we live with the bad and the good as parts of a whole. The balance is kept in every thing by the forces of the universe.
"Fate shuffles the cards and we play" must choose game carefully, must choose game carefully! but I will be bold and fearless as the cards are delt moment to moment, hour by hour, day to day, week to months and years. I have FAITH in the fairness of the dealer not the cards!
Once all the population of the world's known societies had gods and idols. One man inspired by the holy spirit stood up to the world and procalimed that there is only one God, his name; Abraham(Ebraaheem). Even to his own father he said "I will not worship your statues, now you may come to believe in the one God or burn me at the stakes" bless Abraham!
A true friend I have not found under these skies, and family too have forsaken me whilst busy with their own lives; Now I sit an old man happy with my own things and ways, content with what life has offered me, yet the solitude and quietness of these days I am afraid are about to change!
In the old world culture (when things were simpler) it was widly an accepted fact that without some daily connection to the source of life (ie God) one would not have inner peace. This inner peace then was perceived and accepted again to have most detrimental effects on the outer peace with all others from animals to the Earth and people. So simple
Italians have a saying which goes something like this "When the game is over, the king and the pawn lie in the same box" When it is all said and done in the real world too, all lay the same in the box that is our graves.
What the human race seems to forget a lot is the cumulative history of its species. There is only rubbles and empty halls left of the vast empires of the past, no glory left, no Roman fighting the Persians, just empty memories of how powerful they once were. Fast forward to the Big Brother today, the Macho U.S. of A. no where near as big or poweful as those gone by empires, but the history is repeating itself yet again; When will we ever learn? No empire founded on forceful means ever lasted in time. NONE! And only the inocent get the short end of this deal every time.
It is a sad day when sisters and brothers, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, no longer wish to have anything to do with each other. It is indeed the end of our humanity when even in the family so bonded and tied by the blood of generations and all the common needs and history, cannot find a way to say "we may differ on issues of how to raise our kids or what religion to follow, but let us no break up the family bonds" what is next? yes my child you guessed it, THE FAMILY OF ADAM is next, as it was told long ago, the human race will come to be so disarrayed that even the ties of common decency and family will not hold. We are indeed so predictable and well on our way to an all out destruction and inahilation. Se La Vi my love.
What happens to our directions one mile north of the North Pole? Is God a merciful and patient God or a revengeful, jealous, and punishing daily kind? Was there indeed a pair of every living thing on Noah's ark? I say onto you my children, all these matter not to living a life which is filled with bliss and has blissful effects on all who come in contact with it. Lead you life and daily activities as if the fruit of every action was to come back and resonate within the walls of your home, as if every word you utter is heard by the whole of the universe, and every thought is on display on every marquee, nay the sky itself for all to read and see! And care not whether the egg was first or the chicken, enjoy the meal instead. Bless God.
Every morning I sit and watch all sorts of critters and birds visit my garden, bees come and get the nectar of the Mint and Catnip plants, ants carry bits of my compost to their homes, and all the while teach me over and over how simple it all is. Living life with no expectations!
There has been a new generation of some old thing croping up again that routine is not so good and spontaniety is the sign of vitality! Well I say both are one and the same thing, in routines we find consistancy and create harmony and purpose, out of such an environment will spring much spontaneous actions (though in reality most actions are only reactions). So find yourself a routine of good habits my child and find purpose so you may learn how to ACT spontaneously and not react in foolishness.
As we grow older and hopefuly wiser! We need to realize and understand that though patience is such a bitter pill, the fruit is most sweet and rewarding. All in good time, and I learn to wait on God to move me and my energies as he sees fit. Patiently my child, patiently
A very promanant senator on the PBS' Now program last night made a very profound statement which deserves repeating, "you cannot bring democracy to a people with 150,000 troops destroying their towns and envading their privacy". We are in for a lesson of the real reasons behind this invasion (Let us not call it a war, there was no WAR!) and what we pay for thinking that we are doing what these people need!
We fill the silence with our own insecurities, then proceed to act on that illusive manufactured warped reality. Case in point is the mess the W.Bush administration has made with regards to Iraq's weapons of mass destrution, we wreaked havoc on a whole nation, destroyed their country just to get ONE MAN out of power! We made all that fear up, not we the people, but the politicians we allowed to do the deed, feeding on our fears.
Time has a funny way of doing either nothing or a whole mess of things all based on our awareness of how every thing is so interconnected. One thing is for certain though, it waits for no one, time does dutifully pass as it was ordered to do by its maker. Like a river taking all with it to the ocean.
Reading the Bhagvad Gita (as it is) I was taught the lesson once again about the importance of having our carnal self under some sort of supervision as it were. It is like a little spoiled child who if the parent does not say no to goes on to demanding (not even asking) what it wants with no regards to what it might do to the family. Who is the deciplinarian in your family? how often do you tell yourself "NO" when you desire to eat stuff your mind knows is not good for you? or desiring objects way out of your budget just because you want it? who runs the ship in your world?
For all the amazing stuff God has put on this space ship Earth, you'd think as the "intelligent" species we'd stop the bickerings about who has salvation or heaven, and who is doomed to hell, and just GET ALONG! oh no we are too smart for that simple task! some civilized crap we have created!!
The word (MU) I mentioned a couple of days back deserves explantion. It is a Chinese word which loosely translated means (no-thing). Not nothing mind you, but NO-THING, because even nothingness is a thing which we have a concept of, God resides in the NO-THING zone! if we can perceive it then IT is not God, as God does not fit in any preception.
may not be such a bad idea for all of us to go on regular speech fasts, it is a tradition in Islam not observed by the Muslims much any more. I seem to recall having a Buddhist monk tell me about such a tradition in their way of life as well. We know how good a food fast is for the body at least once a month for a few days, I submit that it is an even a better thing for the mind if we went about our lives in silence couple of days a month. Perhaps hang a sign or scratch pad around our necks to write what we have to say. Talk about teaching the old ego a humble lesson! hang this baby!
We love and hate, like and dislike, enjoy and abhore almost intermitintly like the Monsoons of Arizona. All is calm and sunshiny when out of nowhere thunderstorms come and winds blow and before you know it there is rain! Do we really have as much a handle on our emotional behaviour as we like to think we do? Of course not! why else would we have all this broken homes and abandoned children who have no clue about why things are as they are in thier lives? What we have here really is a failoure to communicate friends! stuff builds up, solutions are not found and BOOM!! it is not a pretty picture even in international relationships between countries, heck it is all human relations gone sour! over MU!
We are told by the good teachers of time to go and see the remains of the great empires throughout the world, the lesson hopefully is to see that conquerors became subjects of yet greater armies and though they had the rule for a while, they too were in turn conquered and their majestic castles no longer hold any majesty! There are no winners in this man's rubbles. All must turn to dust from whenst they came.
We strive for harmony and understanding, yet forget that in our efforts and in the passion of our desire for peace we may be creating tension because of our own lack of calm or dignified manners of preseantion. The old word mellow or cool applies here, but who amongst us is really COOL?
Freedom is one of the most misunderstood, mistranslated, mismatched of all words in the human languages. We equate freedom with doing whatever we feel like doing without realizing the basic fact that no one ever really does exactly as they please, that true freedom cannot and does not exist in this dual earthan hamosphere. Bound by laws of nature and man, no one is ever truely free on this earth, NOT A ONE! untill he/she becomes free of the urges and wants within the prison that is our physical body.
So bless everything as you go my child, bless the pain and the gain. Bless the life force which keeps you alive and tests your limits, bless your enemies if you can and cherish your friends. All this do daily, so that you do not forget the source of your own bliss is "you blessing others".
The method of observing life's force enter and exit the body through the breath is one of the most ancient types of meditation. Because the practioner does not have to "do" anything except sit still and focus all the attention he can muster upon this automatic action, the more one does this the more it become clear that we do not have to "do" meditation, It does us!
Sit still a while my child, watch the breath of life enter and exit your body without your will, watch life's movement through your nostrels, feel that which gives you life in Oxygen and takes it out of you in Carbon, feel the force which is at work and see the hands of God touch your face!
The illusion of reality has become so real that even the best of the aware minds are finding themselves trapped in the maze that is "entertainment". Our children and so called adults sit by the tube day after day hour after hour, either playing makebelieve games of shoot'm up bang bang games or in a vegetated state having sound bytes do the laughter for them as they perceive to have been entertained. Now consider this, when even the very bodies the spirit dwels in is itself a mirage, how much more so is a fake reality made out of a mirage? It is a box of puzzles wrapped in the maze of matter and energy and shaded with the myth of God!
So many beautiful, wonderful souls get stuck in bodies which cannot carry the greatness, the mind in that body gets boggled down with quetions about chicken and egg, the spirit suffers in the process of no daily contacts with HOME! The spirit knows its maker, it wishes to go home and feels entrapped on this Earth inside the bodies with brains out of touch with harmonious living and bieng at peace with the rest of the universe! Ah! my love, let go of the glitter of this gold and see the treasure within.
He who does not know and is aware of his ignorance will, somehow find his way home. He who does not know and is not aware of his ignorance he; will die in the even unto the next world in that poly ignorance. But about the one who does not know and thinks he does, him; we feed to the wolfs and use as fill matter in the abyss of the pool of ignorance.
08-03 Except through some manner of daily meditative time spent in solitude (prayor, chanting, calm focus of the mind, relaxation factors); The mind will not be of much use for our common well being. A stressed mind is a stressed immune system is a sick body is a lost spirit is not a whole human.
There are a lot of hype about getting to "know" God. As silly as this notion is many prescribe to it as if God indeed was a knowable object or personality. How can we as missed up as we are in just knowing what is good for our own humanity, stuck in silly wars and bitter arguement, (all of which stems from not knowing ourselves or what makes us do what we do) come to know the creator of it all? God can only be experienced never known!
On a constructive note, take this shaman's word on this, if you do anything aerobic for at list 30 mintues every day, (aerobic, as in create sweat and increase heart rate, like brisk walks or diging holes) and eat in moderation (as in don't stuff your belly to your neck line! or eat when not hungry) you'll have no reason to be sick or overweight. (period).
Truth must be told at times with the cost of human emotions taken into consideration. One simple "white" lie which brings no harm, is better than the "truth" which brings about disharmony and havoc with no positive end.
Some friends insisting that I recognize their ideals of National pride specially on this Independance day, I in turn insisted that if there is pride to be had in any thing of this world, let it be directed to our mutual humanity. "You wanna be proud of something, try having some pride in our human race as a whole and look for ways to unite the population of this small globe" cutting up this little piece of dirt in the sky into little pieces and then attaching PRIDE to it is far too ignorant a thing for my universal child within.
It is difficult to keep reminding my self that my notion of One Earth One People, is attainable in the face of the ignorance which keeps the Us vs Them mentality so active and ovewhelming. But I do, I always have hope!
A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. Albert Einstein
....And another month is passed into the abyss of time/space. Or is it? Can we have the time back once it is passed? How often can we say I'll do such and such when I have a little more free time? And if the such and such we wanted to do is a seasonal thing, like taking the time to spend TIME with the kids by the lake? what of the remorse? Dum vivimus, vivamus! while we live, let us live!
A recent study aired on PBS's "Scientific American,6-04-03" revealed beyond doubt (using gadgets and gizmos like MRI and blind studies at major Universities) that stress indeed does make us sick, anger, intolerance, hatred and such are the cause of many heart failours in the society today, and with it the studies also found that meditation or as they used the new term "relaxation factors" do help reduce the effects of stressful acts/events on the heart and the ciculatory paths. I say congratulations are in order for the medical teams to prove the many thousand year old methods of the old masters for a better life!
You will know of your inner most strength as being well in order when you not only persist in bad times, but have endurance to start over again.Like the old saying goes;"if at first you do not succeed, try and try again".
Bring the wine, wine-keeper and fill mine cup, I beg of you say not wait till the morrow, for tomorrow I maybe lying with the ones gone a thousand years past! Now! I beg of you friend, quench mine thirst please.
What we believe in cannot be separated from how we live our day to day lives, this separation of chuch and the state is what is wrong with the picture here in our society, and the opposite, making th church all dominant over all the state's affairs is what is wrong with the fanatic Muslim or Christian worlds of now and of the past. Where is the sense of reason?
How many death does it take until we learn that war is not the answer to conflicts? Oh children of Adam, If you only knew the doom you create for your generations every time you loose sight of Peace and harmony.
Excellance only reveals itself in repeated times of trial and error. The mediocre gives up and complains bitterly in hardship, the one seeking excellance will continue in total acceptance and stick to it-ness.
It is much easier to give up and not try at anything that we know deep down inside to be good and worth while. Like an old relationship, an on friend who has sorely disappointed us, the sweetness in always being open to that moment of being "the big man about it" is that you'll have it to talk about some 10 or 19 years down the road, and today is a blessed day for trying. No guarantees though, but let me always choose peace my love!
No amount of complaining ever got anything accomplished, except add to stress. Roll up your sleeves my child and do whatever needs to be done and which is within your capablilities without concern for who gets the credit. Now you are on your way to becoming mature in universal wisdom.
It seems at times that there is more evil in the world than good, as if the power of good is being overwhelmed by the forces of evil doers, but let this shaman reasure all that BALANCE is always maintained by THE ONE ABOVE GOOD AND EVIL. Yes friends rest assured there is a plan!
We like to think that we are in control of most every aspect of our lives, "I know my self" is a common phrase, and yet, these could not be any further from the truth. We do not even have control over our bowel movements and or any of the other auto-responses we have built into our bodies and minds, who or what really does control our actions? In truth we seldom act a concious act, we are most always reating to our environment.
There is always a lesson to learn from every event in our lives, from the mondane to the extraordinary, in pain and in gain. The wise person looks then to all events with an eager learning eye rather than fret and fuss.
Let not a time of anxiety or sadness and anger go by without busying yourself with physical exertions, as this will purge the body of the poisons which the emotions have put in the blood. Go rake the yard, move some dirt around or clean your attic. But whatever you do, do not just sit and prune in the poisons of your own making. Go burn them in physical actions.
Let the actions of each day be as honest and straight forward as the sun rays that shine on you. let this become the path to higher conciousness!
Let me remind us all again lest we forget, that which we spend most of our energy on will dominate our lives and reverberate back again and again. Be careful of what you fixate your attention on, because that will be your reality.
Reflect upon a time when doom and gloom was all you had, ponder a bit more on how things seemed so hopeless and the way out, the light at the end of that dark tunel seemed so out of reach; Now think again at how it all is so far away, like the big fight with your mate way back when which you nearly separated over and now have to think real hard to even remember what it was all about! think yet again my love; ALL THINGS IN TIME WILL COME TO PASS AND BE FOREVER GONE!
May there always be work for your hands to do; > May your purse always hold a coin or two; > May the sun always shine on your windowpane; > May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; > May the hand of a friend always be near you; > May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. "Irish Prayer".
The lessons of life are woven into the daily events in our lives. The conciouse one amongst us is always looking for those lessons of personal growth in every encounter. Time is always passing and waits for no one. We seem to think that we have a lot of time on our hands to figure where we're going and what we do to pass the time this presious comodity. OOOPS! there goes another day in which I am still not whole! But the lessons, they keep coming.
Working on computers has taught me yet again the value of patience and endurance. There will always be a solution if we persist and not give up. Some times the solution is harder to find and requires much more delegence, but in the end having the technician wins the day by hook or by crook. My life seems to have been a series of lessons in enduring!
For all our technological advances, we have yet to be smart enough as a race or species to see that our very survival is at stake now for having forgotten how to be HUMANS IN NATURE.
I have decided to let my hair and beard grow as long as they want to as a way of protest to the insanity that seems to be the norm these days in our world. Looking in the mirror my shaggy self is a reminder that I too have my own shortcomings to fix and be concerned about. I may not be able to do much about the politics that make war, but I sure as hell can do something about the way I react to that insanity. Meditate, pray, do relaxations tecniques, just be a better human and wait on God to ring the bell!
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955). Well he was right about not being sure about the infinity of the universe, the expansion will only go on for a very determined length of time, at which time our own human ways of stupidity will have come to an abrupt end and clarity.
For all our technological advances, we have yet to be smart enough as a race or species to see that our very survival is at stake now for having forgotten how to be HUMANS IN NATURE.
Almost every time I work with a vegetable or fruit, I nearly start to cry with overwhelming awe! I am a chef and an herbalist, working with tastes and textures of foods and herbs has been a way of life with me for over 19 years, yet I, nor anyone else I know in my trade, has ever been able to make, put together, create, or even come close to God's wonder works. I have also gained knowledge of computers in the last three years, even got a degree, yet again, my love I do not see any program or prephrial carry a code like an electron does in any given molecule of God's creation!!
When nearly everyone dear to you is on the opposite camp, when nothing seems to make any sense any more and insanity is dressed in "winning colors"; Tell me my child how would you find solice and balance?
In the Bible Jobe was perhaps God's way of saying "you could be the best of servants and still get the raw end of the deal in life, just because I want to test your devotion and faith!" Yes indeed children, it is not always clear to our pea size brains why good things happen to bad people and horrible things happen to seemingly inocent ones, FAITH then is the sum total of all the unquestionable trust we can muster as humans placed in our Father in heaven unseen by anyone, yet present in every molecule of life!
On the pieces of papers which I carry around as "ID" today is listed as the day I was brought into this world. But I know and my aunt knows full well the date has been lost in translation from a lunar calender to the solar calender, and for all practical purposes I could be much younger or much older. In either case I shall never know my Zodiac sign!
We need to unlearn so much about our true identity and place in the universe, habitual being as we are, our time seems to be passed going from the performance of one habit to another as unconscious as a rock! Change one habit and watch the degree to which you become AWARE and AWAKENED!
We had a conflict in our midst, words were uttered which cannot be taken back; feelings were hurt. To this old shaman however, the lesson of gracefulness and eloquence of speech was once again repeated for learning. Life seems to use any and all tools at its disposal in order to teach us what we need to learn and learning is never easy or painless, and emotion is but one tool among many. If I can come out of any situation having learned patience, grace, compassion and such, then the pain was well worth the lesson, now all I have to do is REMEMBER!!
Almost every time I work with a vegetable or fruit, I nearly start to cry with overwhelming awe! I am a chef and an herbalist, working with tastes and textures of foods and herbs has been a way of life with me for over 19 years, yet I, nor anyone else I know in my trade, has ever been able to make, put together, create, or even come close to God's wonder works. I have also gained knowledge of computers in the last three years, even got a degree, yet again, my love I do not see any program or prephrial carry a code like an electron does in any given molecule of God's creation!!
In all situations we find ourselves in life the best course of action has been proven beyond any doubt to be one of moderation and optimism. Never going too high on joyous occasions and not get too down in times of trouble. Despair is after all an extra burdon and so is overconfidance.
Perhaps memories are what keep the connectivity between birth and death, not time. At my age I have so much of them yet feel disconnected just the same. Sure I hear a song, see an object or picture, taste a food or sense an aroma and boom! I am back with that moment with which my brain has kept the related data, but myself, the SPIRIT, has never fully felt at home here on this planet. So I wait patiently for the end of this dream!! and all the while do my duties, fetch water and mend broken things, and write.
We learn from history that we have not learned from history. The battle of good against evil seems endless in our heedless ways and God, is ever so patient with us kids. After all the years of the conflict in Northern Ireland and all the blood shed, the resolution was to give the so called "terrorists" (really the little guys standing up to the big brother/sister U.K.) their land back and stop trying to run the lives of those who wished to be left alone. When, I wonder will the time come for the big brother U.S. to give the folks in Palestine their land back and stop supporting the terror!
In the Bible Jobe was perhaps God's way of saying "you could be the best of servants and still get the raw end of the deal in life, just because I want to test your devotion and faith!" Yes indeed children, it is not always clear to our pea size brains why good things happen to bad people and horrible things happen to seemingly inocent ones, FAITH then is the sum total of all the unquestionable trust we can muster as humans placed in our Father in heaven unseen by anyone, yet present in every molecule of life!
We are a combine product of what we do every moment of every day, excelance therefor is not an act but a habbit, says Aristotle. what is this excelance this great man refers to? Our daily thoughts and actions.
I am really trying to keep my usual positive and hopeful attitude towards our humanity and mankind in general, but recent events have brought the old anger back in me which is really frustration and anxiety about Politicians and the money mongers of the world about which I can take no real action of any significance. I see hunger and destitude in the masses of this U.S. of A, the richest country on earth, I see the very weak and the elderly, the homeless and the hard working class suffer while the political will of some nuts is runnning amock! God help me to accept what I can change and that over which I have no control, and please God give me the wisdom to know the difference. It is nothing new, just different land, different time in the history of the ignorant man and the greed of the fools!
Truely friends, Home is what we make of any sphere within which we spend our time in, with no masks on and no hat is needed. Make it so by caring for the travellers of time who share this abode with you by giving of your time and doing for the comforts made available therein.
In our daily contacts with other humans we tend to be more like a shop keeper trying to keep every customer happy; It can't be done. There will always be customers we cannot satisfy or make happy. Interpersonal relationships at their most valuable to our personal growth are and ought to be more than a bargain store's attempt at keeping a customer, yet acceptance of other's short comings and idiosicracies is a graceful compromise of the wise. NO ONE IS PERFECT! No relationship therefore is ever going to be the perfect one, lest we loose sight of our own idios!
Resolves in any internal conflict most usually come from taking actions which promote paience and grace; actions taken under the weight of fears or fixed attachments always promote anxiety and unrest.
Most of us would be basically content and feel happiness with simpler things of life, If we only knew how to be at peace with who we are. Looking for happiness in wealth, prestige, importance, and outwardly "sings" of it so far has proven futile, why then do we not see the wisdom of the old and the wise who's advice has consistantly been "inner peace"?
Let this old shaman suggest again, God has created, is himself beyond our "understading", yet he is as close to us as the veins on our necks. Let no man say results and consequences are one and the same, we choose the former and fall into the latter soley based on our choices!
All through the history it seems that the "white man" has called every other race they have come in contact with as "savages". This happened when the race came into the Americas and found the native Indians, the Blacks sure have had their share of being treated as such savages, and now it is the people of the Middle East. Sad when I see flags of patriotism in the face of the ignorant tyrants dressed in business suits rampaging the world. All the while using "freedom &democracy" as reasons for the SAVAGE acts they unleash upon incocent people, all for a buck!!!