The end is nearer than most of us realize or care to think about. Even for this generation the idea of having maybe couple of two or three hundred years left is unfathamable. I recently had a clear vision of the Great Spirit coming to me and saying "I will be taking your life tomorrow, are you ready?" I about had a shit! excuse the french, but I mean the feeling was as real as it raining outside and by just putting my hands out I can get wet sort of thing. "are you ready to detach tomorrow from all your stuff? emotional stuff or material stuff or even your family and other stuff like that? All of which are stuff of life, if you were to be told tomorrow is THE Day for you to leave it all behind and say goodbye, just how many "unfinished" stuff would you have which you would take the attachment to with you to the other side? Where you could niether enjoy them or resolve the problems related to. That is how close the END is my child, awaken!


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