What is the combined effect of six billion humans on the living systems of the planet Earth? asks Dr. David Suzuki of Canada,an environmental scientist (The Scared Ballance book and documantary). If we are made up of the very elements from this Earth, and we are indeed by all accounts agreed upon depleting and polluting these elements; What is then to become of the next generation of humans who will find less resources and clean air or water to have and sustain their lives? Are we leaving the planet in worse shape than we found it, for our children's children? and if so, how much more can indeed be taken from the very makeup of the planet before it is no longer capable of sustaining all the lives of all the humans? Does anyone have a plan to stop the madd conusming ways of us now generation? Does any body care? Not with this Bush man in this White House! Not with the Far East's appetite just warming up to the Western standards! Not with the greed of this corporate based world economy! Alas! I see no hope! Unless as a whole the human race is awakened and willing to change and accept responsibility. Unless the political face of the world changes to one of caring individuals who will put the common good of all above the bottom line!


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