We need to with premise that we need the help to become the best that we can be. This help is either in form of a human like ourselves who has been down that road to self actualization, A teacher who specializes in the matters of self realization, or if these not be available, we then need to turn to a higher power who is able and willing to help us in our quest for peace and serenity. This higher power is as real as you make it my love. Seek the source of this higher power within yourself and without any hesitation fall down crying, begging for help. If you believe in God the Creator then it must be easier for you. If not, you still need to put a name or difinition for the pesonification of such power. Know this my children; There is a design to the universe we live in, you then need to seek the the designer. And, whether you can fatham the nature of the Designer, you must come to believe in the power available to you through connecting to that SOURCE DAILY!


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