For the sake of making this a universally acceptable language I am going to refer to that "higher power" we were talking about yesterday the "THE FIELD OF PURE ENERGY". It really is a lame name because words are just not enough. But, we are talking about getting help to quit smoking, drinking, to stop overeating, to not be so miserable and so full of fear and anxieties, right? If you have been paying attention since the end of last month, that has been the subject of our talks here. Having seen many addicts stumble and fall, having dealt with the addictive self within myself, I hope to offer anyone in pain of trying to get well a helping hand here. As I said before, the first requirement is to have reached to the point in my life to realize and accept fully that I need help. I cannot stop the harmful actions of my addictive self even though it has destroyed my youth, family, job, and my life in general. Most of us don't seem to get to this poit until it is too late for some things like a broken home. But, take heart my good one, it is never too late to start getting well.


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