How does a father not expect his kids to have love and honor for him? How can he use his experiences as a matured human in communicating the facts of life to his children? Is it enough to have been a biological father to have the rights of fatherhood? What if the children do not follow his advise and tell him in more ways than one to keep out of their afairs? If I am any kind of seasoned man I cannot fatham any other way except acceptance to deal with any of these issues. In fact it is the same for the most part(not withstanding our emotional ties) when it comes to dealing with any other human. My boss, my wife, my brothers and sisters, my relatives. I cannot expect them to change for me or value my advise, I can only offer my life as an example and accept their lives as their own. It goes back to the idea that "it takes peaceful indivituals to make a peaceful world". Get it?


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