For the most part our world seems to run on some kind of auto pilot. As my brother once said, hey nobody asked me if I wanted to participate in this show! But the dicision before us is not whether this makes any sense or if we can understand it all (no one can). Rather, how do I go through this life not suffering? I want to feel good! I do not want to live with uncertainty or worries and axieties. Every child of this universal flow of energy wants to just be content and well for the most part. We are given tools to do so through different sources from the time we arrive in form of an infant to the time we die a shrivled old flesh. Some of these sources come right away from the home we are born in, the culture into which we are born, and the schooling we get. Amazingly enough depending on what side of this little planet Earth you are on, these lessons of life differ drastically. A good example is our WESTERN vs EASTERN way of life. It is no big deal (in fact encourged) to marry one's cousin in the Middle East, in the West by contrast it is illegal!! Don't ask why, no answer is good enough. It is how it is. So in order for me as the growing, maturing human that I am; Interested in being FREE and CONTENT with life, I have to find out a set of these "ways to live" which will provide me SERENITY without getting shot for it or put in prison regardless of where I live. Searching then is essential in finding "my way" for all of us. Keep searching my child for that ultimate WAY that can give you peace of mind and no worries or sorrow. Keep coming back and read, there is an answer here!


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