..continued from yesterday; But before we can go far on this journey of being free from our inner demons we need to learn to abandon this notion of "Good, and Bad". We have been tongue twistingly wrapped in so many dogmas laid down by clergies and Mullas and holly little fathers that our poor brains won't even cosider any such notion as dramatically straying away from them. Am I a sinner just because I have a problem inside with my Peptides from hormone producing glands controled by God knows how old of a hidden emotion my dad laid on me when I was 12? But I am not 12 any more! So why does my brain keep those old neuron connections to the receptor cells and keep firing them damn commands every time some body puts me down which then makes me want to go hide in my shell or keep tabs on how to get even with them? Look, all I am saying is that for every preacher preaching hell coming damnation, there is an Einstien or Max Plank or Budha saying go within and get in touch with your divinity. There is a Christ saying you too can move mountains.We are all extened family of God and as his children we must expect nothing short of daily bread given with no strings attached. And that daily bread is not just flour and water but courage and serenity too. BELIEVE IN YOUR DIVINITY MY CHILD.


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