Have we talked enough about consistancy? Am I clear enough to my self about stick-to-it-ness? It is also good to know that habits are made and broken every day. But if I wish to befriend a wild animal like a wolf or a cat, I need to be there daily at the same time doing the same thing and be patient while the trust is built. The wild animal the unruely part of me is much the same and unless I am consistant in my daily actions bad habits will not go away and good ones cannot be aquired. Habits by the way are 21 days! In other words if I do or not do something for 21 days my chemistry, my body and mind will get used to it. But the ingrained old old habits like our addictions have psychological and deep mental connections with our memories and brain activities which can be triggered at any given time. I know my Love that if I just show up daily, the strength of our relationship will endure. I am, therefor I think? Or is it I think to know I am? Let me tell you a new one, If you keep you separate from the SOURCE, you are nulified.


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