Every day we are put in situatioins where how we handle our emotions in words or actions can make the difference in the outcome being a positive experience or a negative one. I want to encourage every one to find that place within themselves where peace resides independant of outside influences. We cannot solve a problem (An unhappy customer, a misunderstanding in our relationships, a deal gone sour) by condemning it. Is it some one else's fault that I have a drinking problem? Is the peace and serenity I seek controled by other's actions or word? I am here as one who has spent a life time looking for that inner peace to tell you that until you find the way to be comfortable inside, any thing outside can set off a negative chain reaction to no good end. Come from the heart my child, seek peaceful means to all your conflicts and be ready to let go of the need to be right or prove someone else wrong. Be a provider of Grace and goodness, you will reap the wonderful results ten fold. And that is a gurantee from all good masters of time.


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