For all the differences amongst the many "pathways to salvation" and the word salvation translates into "being resolved, finding serenity, peace within, finding your true self"; There are also much similarities. An honest search for "Godhead" seems to reveal the similarities to the seeker with an open mind. So, I fight my demons within with the help of some "higher power" because alone I am never strong enough. If this higher power had made it easy to have a direct line to his "just ask and ye shall receive" office, maybe we wouldn't be in such state of pain trying to be humans! But, here we are and it is not easy to have a line to this higher power who by all accounts can give me just about any thing I wish for just for believing and asking. I do know that I am not strong enough on my own to quit this overeating,smoking dope drinking crap in my life. Every time I try somehow I get pulled right back in by some one or some thing. Every one I know who has quit by the way, says the same thing. Once you accept that you are powerless over your addictive personality and seek this higher power for help, you will succeed. But I am not a religious man. I don't want to bow down to this unseen higher power who seems to have abandoned me just like the rest of my family and friends right when I needed help the most.I guess I'd rather be miserable and sick. Stoned, drunk and hopeless for the rest of my life than to "surrender" my will over to God.Well God is just another word for higher power, Allah, Yahove, khoda, creator, Father in heaven. Let's pic this up again another day, say tomorrow? Peace out love!


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