
Showing posts from March, 2005
If we knew just how powerful our thoughts are in creating the matrials in our lives, we'd probably be a lot more careful of how we think. If I were to tell you that based on scientific research and proof, we do indeed creat matter in the physical world by our thoughts would you think any differently then? How does a dog know that you are afraid of it even before you reach the gate? How does a man get a physical erection with just a thought? How does your mouth water at the thought of something sour; LEMONS? Take a day and think only good thoughts and see the difference.
We must see that by all laws of subatomic nature, we choose the realities in which we live. I am not saying anything new here, Christ said to his disciples, "you too can do these miracles and much more". That is once you choose to believe in the power of the spirit within you. O.K. you don't wanna make it religious; fine! Make it science because the forces which move the oceans and glaciers are the same ones that beat our hearts and grow the fruits on the trees. That force is as accessible to you and me as it was to Christ or to any great human whom we admire for having done "miraculous" things. When we believe we too can move those mountains.
..continued from yesterday; But before we can go far on this journey of being free from our inner demons we need to learn to abandon this notion of "Good, and Bad". We have been tongue twistingly wrapped in so many dogmas laid down by clergies and Mullas and holly little fathers that our poor brains won't even cosider any such notion as dramatically straying away from them. Am I a sinner just because I have a problem inside with my Peptides from hormone producing glands controled by God knows how old of a hidden emotion my dad laid on me when I was 12? But I am not 12 any more! So why does my brain keep those old neuron connections to the receptor cells and keep firing them damn commands every time some body puts me down which then makes me want to go hide in my shell or keep tabs on how to get even with them? Look, all I am saying is that for every preacher preaching hell coming damnation, there is an Einstien or Max Plank or Budha saying go within and get in touch with ...
It must be clear to most any body that we all have our little demons to battle with daily. That these lines are words coming from the heart and mind of one who has been around the block as the they say a time or two. The lessons have not come cheeply nor without pain. But am I finished learning? Not by a long shot, in fact the very act of writting these lines is a practice in confession and sharing. I call my addictive side my "black dog" I am still trying to tame the dog(we can never get rid of it). Taming is like saying to a kid, only one piece of candy, only $10.00 worth of rides when we go to the amusement park and being steadfast enough to follow through with it. Do you suppose someone has that magic pill that can keep me consistant with my diciplines for the dog? Is there a short cut to loosing the wieght you need to lose? Can I tell my dog no 99 times out of a 100? Well that is what it takes to stay the course of winning the battle within, and none can do it without a ...
We all have days when it seems that for no reason (any that we are aware of anyway) we wake up felling down and depressed. Now, in and of itself that is nothing to be worried about. Some days are diamonds and some days are just plane old stones. But I want to warn you children against getting up every day feeling somehow not fulfilled, unsatisfied with your life, and having to force yourself just to face the world and go to work. Worries, anxieties, fears; These are all symtoms of an inner struggle for not having found something to believe in. Who or what is your God? If you figure this one out by definition you have found your inner peace. Because my love, God is suppose to be the creative force which brings all your desires to fruition. I want to urge you to find a higher power to whom you can relate to and from where you can drive calm and resolve. This Higher Power must by all the laws of the universal energies, be the SOURCE of your daily bread and breath.As Max Plank the atomic p...
How does a father not expect his kids to have love and honor for him? How can he use his experiences as a matured human in communicating the facts of life to his children? Is it enough to have been a biological father to have the rights of fatherhood? What if the children do not follow his advise and tell him in more ways than one to keep out of their afairs? If I am any kind of seasoned man I cannot fatham any other way except acceptance to deal with any of these issues. In fact it is the same for the most part(not withstanding our emotional ties) when it comes to dealing with any other human. My boss, my wife, my brothers and sisters, my relatives. I cannot expect them to change for me or value my advise, I can only offer my life as an example and accept their lives as their own. It goes back to the idea that "it takes peaceful indivituals to make a peaceful world". Get it?
Spring is in the air! It takes a total unaware log of dead wood not to notice how life is busting open at the seams. Even the desert is in full bloom, flowers every where and birds, bees, ants, all God's little critters are out and about starting the cycle over again after a long cold winter.May God give each and every one of you my children the courage to face life anew with vigor and hope for the entire year to come. If you are battling a demon within, if you are wanting and needing to loose wieght but just haven't got around to do it. If you have been waiting for a kick in the butt to start an old prject that has been sitting there waiting for your attention, I pray and wish you all the vigor of this season to go forth and be as alive as life all around you. Give your self this season's gift of life and be well.
If we can all agree that only peaceful people can create a peaceful world(which makes perfect sense!), then I wonder what percentage of this world am I responsible for? It sure seems to be in not so peaceful of a mode just now even in my little nieghborhood. How can I then see the good so as to expand on it by attaching my self to its principles? Once again it is up to me, one man with whom the world may or may not have a beef! It is almost funny to hear the owners of guns and bombs talk about peace. It is even funnier to see just how many poor suckers fall for the ritorict. Are we for peace or are we not? Can I hold a big bat over your head and tell you to be peaceful or else? Can I do that to my own child? God knows every time I tried that trick it just backfired. I create the monster I am so afraid of by the very fact that I told it to watch out for my big stick! Did Jesus carry any? Did Budha? Why then my love can we not get along peacefully? Is it not because we have no peace with...
Have we talked enough about consistancy? Am I clear enough to my self about stick-to-it-ness? It is also good to know that habits are made and broken every day. But if I wish to befriend a wild animal like a wolf or a cat, I need to be there daily at the same time doing the same thing and be patient while the trust is built. The wild animal the unruely part of me is much the same and unless I am consistant in my daily actions bad habits will not go away and good ones cannot be aquired. Habits by the way are 21 days! In other words if I do or not do something for 21 days my chemistry, my body and mind will get used to it. But the ingrained old old habits like our addictions have psychological and deep mental connections with our memories and brain activities which can be triggered at any given time. I know my Love that if I just show up daily, the strength of our relationship will endure. I am, therefor I think? Or is it I think to know I am? Let me tell you a new one, If you keep you s...
We need to with premise that we need the help to become the best that we can be. This help is either in form of a human like ourselves who has been down that road to self actualization, A teacher who specializes in the matters of self realization, or if these not be available, we then need to turn to a higher power who is able and willing to help us in our quest for peace and serenity. This higher power is as real as you make it my love. Seek the source of this higher power within yourself and without any hesitation fall down crying, begging for help. If you believe in God the Creator then it must be easier for you. If not, you still need to put a name or difinition for the pesonification of such power. Know this my children; There is a design to the universe we live in, you then need to seek the the designer. And, whether you can fatham the nature of the Designer, you must come to believe in the power available to you through connecting to that SOURCE DAILY!
Once I realize that the source of my unhpainess is how I react to conditions outside of me, the job of "self realization" begins. Now if I can only add decipline to my daily living, I am certain of the outcome being a good one. Where do I go then my love for help tonight ? Because on my own I cannot seem to muster much decipline. I am not consistant with daily meditations. I start working out or walking daily, only to quit after just 3 or 4 days. Where then my love is the path or that magic medicine for consistancy and decipline? That indeed is what I need the most.
Every where I go these days the subject of ourconversations seem to go towards the art of being good natured and peaceful. Like not having a tightness of stomach muscles and physical pain every time the name George Bush is mentioned or his voice is broadcasted. I tell my daughter about how I have learned not to make this man or any other for that matter the subject or reason for my having a bad day. Can I change the other person or thing outside of me to make me feel better? Of course not. I need to learn to not make other things, people or places as the cause of my unhappiness. No amount of my hating George bush is going to stop the masacare in Iraq of inocent soldjers and children just as no amount of my yelling at God will stop the Tsonami kind of activities. These are matters outside of me which I cannot control, but I can control my reations to them. That my child, is where we all need to be individually before the whole is changed.
THE SUN IS ALWAYS SHINING BEHIND THE CLOUDS. I took this picture from inside an airplane from above the thick blanket of clouds which had been present daily for about a month now. But there it was the SUN always there. We were having such a hard time getting dry, but up here 30000 feet above it was sunny, warm looking and the rays were coming right through my window. Just because I don't see the SUN it does not make non-existing.
After nearly a month of preaching on the same subject, do you suppose we have gotten any closer to knowing what to do with our addictive selves? Can I go clean and sober for good now? No my friend, only for today. All you can do is have faith in the part of you that seems to know how good it feels to be free of addictions and suffering. One single day at a time is all I have. I will not do my thing this hour, then the next hour, I will keep my self busy with whatever I can do but today with your help my love I will be sober and clean. I will not overeat, will not gamble, I will be the best human that I can be. Just for today, I will be a gentle man.
Every day we are put in situatioins where how we handle our emotions in words or actions can make the difference in the outcome being a positive experience or a negative one. I want to encourage every one to find that place within themselves where peace resides independant of outside influences. We cannot solve a problem (An unhappy customer, a misunderstanding in our relationships, a deal gone sour) by condemning it. Is it some one else's fault that I have a drinking problem? Is the peace and serenity I seek controled by other's actions or word? I am here as one who has spent a life time looking for that inner peace to tell you that until you find the way to be comfortable inside, any thing outside can set off a negative chain reaction to no good end. Come from the heart my child, seek peaceful means to all your conflicts and be ready to let go of the need to be right or prove someone else wrong. Be a provider of Grace and goodness, you will reap the wonderful results ten fold...
For the sake of making this a universally acceptable language I am going to refer to that "higher power" we were talking about yesterday the "THE FIELD OF PURE ENERGY". It really is a lame name because words are just not enough. But, we are talking about getting help to quit smoking, drinking, to stop overeating, to not be so miserable and so full of fear and anxieties, right? If you have been paying attention since the end of last month, that has been the subject of our talks here. Having seen many addicts stumble and fall, having dealt with the addictive self within myself, I hope to offer anyone in pain of trying to get well a helping hand here. As I said before, the first requirement is to have reached to the point in my life to realize and accept fully that I need help. I cannot stop the harmful actions of my addictive self even though it has destroyed my youth, family, job, and my life in general. Most of us don't seem to get to this poit until it is too l...
For all the differences amongst the many "pathways to salvation" and the word salvation translates into "being resolved, finding serenity, peace within, finding your true self"; There are also much similarities. An honest search for "Godhead" seems to reveal the similarities to the seeker with an open mind. So, I fight my demons within with the help of some "higher power" because alone I am never strong enough. If this higher power had made it easy to have a direct line to his "just ask and ye shall receive" office, maybe we wouldn't be in such state of pain trying to be humans! But, here we are and it is not easy to have a line to this higher power who by all accounts can give me just about any thing I wish for just for believing and asking. I do know that I am not strong enough on my own to quit this overeating,smoking dope drinking crap in my life. Every time I try somehow I get pulled right back in by some one or some thing. Eve...
For the most part our world seems to run on some kind of auto pilot. As my brother once said, hey nobody asked me if I wanted to participate in this show! But the dicision before us is not whether this makes any sense or if we can understand it all (no one can). Rather, how do I go through this life not suffering? I want to feel good! I do not want to live with uncertainty or worries and axieties. Every child of this universal flow of energy wants to just be content and well for the most part. We are given tools to do so through different sources from the time we arrive in form of an infant to the time we die a shrivled old flesh. Some of these sources come right away from the home we are born in, the culture into which we are born, and the schooling we get. Amazingly enough depending on what side of this little planet Earth you are on, these lessons of life differ drastically. A good example is our WESTERN vs EASTERN way of life. It is no big deal (in fact encourged) to marry one'...
We are making progress if you are back reading today's messege. A Zen master who's name scapes me once put it very aptly: "If you continue walking towards that which you aspire stumbling, bleeding, but consistant, you will have your aspirations all come true" That towards which you are walking is already yours! The trick my child is not giving up when things get tough. Accepting that HE who provided the spacedship Earth for us, is waiting axiously our arrival home, should always give you heart to keep on keeping on. Trust your inner wisdom to guide you
Problem with almost all of us children of the Universe is that we don't follow orders or good advise very well. From childhood any time somebody said "don't touch this it will burn" most of us did exactly that. I touched all things I was told not to touch and in my teen years even wrote a little something to the effect that don't tell me it burns father, let me go be burned! experience the heat, let my blood run over my face so I may say that I too have lived!! Yeah right! Well I have done a whole lot of bleeding and hurting since those days, and still for the same stupid reasons; "I am the sumtotal of my experiences, so don't any body get in my way". Rebelion against every authority or deciplined daily tasks will always be both the salt of this earth and the very putrid bile that comes oozing out of our lives.
It is difficult for our Ego self to admidt to having a problem without attaching some guilt or put down judgmental value to that action. Whereas, the first rule of getting well is to accept the nature of our affliction with compassion. Be nice to your addict self but be prepared to teach that same lazy self some decipline.Just as a parent must be at times helpful to a child with tough love, so too we must be ready to or rather the parent in us(which I call the Mind) must accept decipline in order for the child within(I call this child the spirit) to grow strong and become the dominant force in our lives. If we start with the accepted notion that there is balance in the universe we always fair better in the end. The hard times are not permanant because there is balance and easier times to follow. THE SUN IS ALWAYS SHINING BEHIND THE CLOUDS.
Stick-to-it-ness is a phrase I coined to teach my self and my kids about how one can accomplish just about anything one wishes. Consistancy is essential in completing any task but specially so when it comes to changing old habbits or adding new ones. There is most diffinately enough data at any AA or NA meeting (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotic Anonymous) to prove that even the hard core users of Alcohol or drugs, anyone afflicted with the disease of "HABITUAL MISUSE OF LIFE" can be helped. I have personally seen it and helped a few friends along the way. You must be ready to first see that you have a problem, then admit that you need help and realize that if you do not seek help your life will spiral downwards to an aweful end full of pain and misery. Keep coming back if you really want to get free of your habitual self who is destroying the real you within.