There are some in close proximity to my home that the neighbors call "low lives" due to their severe addiction and social problems. These folks are not so poor as you might think, some own their own homes and have kids too, but the name got stuck on them because of the history of drug and alcohol abuse in their side of the neighborhood. Most of the others who can "hold thier liqure" look down on these folks and even with contempt at times, even though most of them work for local businesses(be it as it may part time or as sober as they can show up). I have however, seen these low lives help others in need, go out of their way to be clean and proud of their home and good hearts too! But what really gets me is that the one's calling them low lives are not so high and mighty themselves when it comes to addictions and family disfunctionalities. Be careful who you look down upon my child, because but for the GRACE OF GOD there goes you! We all have our crosses to bear and all are deserving of HONOR!


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