Is music a stuff of this world? I dare say not! Becasue the birds too sing and sounds of a waterfall is music to my ears as is the sounds of a quiet walk in the woods. When I refer to the STUFF OF THIS WORLD I am refering to the attachment we grow in our hearts and minds for them. Tsunami was recent enough to site as the example of all those "have's" and "have not's" who got caught in the fury of nature and were glad to come out of it with their lives, but sad they lost their STUFF! We live but a short blink of an eye here, yet I am amazed at how we treat this world and its STUFF as if we are going to be around for a long time. "Lay not your treasure upon this Earth where moth and dust doth cropt and theives come and steal, rather lay your treasures in Heaven where niether moth or dust cropts nor any theives can still". Having or not having is not the issue, it is the state of our hearts and minds about the STUFF, even on the rewards of heaven a true seeker cannot put any attachments. Only God, SOLOMENTE DIOS!


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