It saddens my heart to see our humanity at such loss for a unifying way of existing. For all the books and self help tapes and master this and guru that and holy reverened the other, you'd think we should all be in a perfectly harmonious state of co-existance! The organized religions do their thing, the teachers and "avatars" and "masters" are in bed with the marketing strategists, the true humble servants of the Universal Source are busy too! And then there is the shaman who quietly walks until he is approached for guidance. Is it really that difficult to get along? It must be, because we do not have family peace let alone global harmony! But know this my child, soon we will all have the answers to our deepest questions from THE SOURCE! From the spiritual soup before you now take what you can and chew on it a long while in meditative times. Take heart my love, there is always balance between the dark and the light. There is always LOVE to guide your steps as you practice utter humility before THE SOURCE! And sadness too is good for a time, it is the compassionate heart's signature. But beware of the sorrow over the stuff of this world! that my child, is a mind's game!


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