
Showing posts from May, 2005
A dear intuitive friend(who is in the Middle East)told me she had a dream about me last night. A most profound dream because it matched my current state of life so closely. She said she saw me in white robes, by a stream of fresh water. Asked me why was I not drinking? I answered that I could not because the minute I drink that water I will cease to be! And I have a lot more to do yet with my life. She then kissed my forhead and left. I was I believe, and still am refusing to fall in love and lose control. I don't remember my own dreams much but I too had one last night that insured me of the sweetness of life ahead of me whether I see the love in a woman or in the presence of God the female who loves with no end! The action on my part must be the same, give my heart up for a love that has no logic to it, but rather is all about senergistic living with less conversations and more action in love. Good Lord my father and friend, you sure know how to put a story together!
This is indeed the age of realizations and 5000 year leaps in all facets of human knowledge. I see however my children, a trend towards the arrogance in the face of THE CREATOR the likes of which has been not so common in our history. We have come to think of ourselves as "the source" and are producing "GURUS" left and right, with amazing "METHODS" of how to be a god! or the God! My beloved says: "None have seen me of all my creations, all the talks and word of wisdom are much adiu over nothing, He who claims total sincerity in his dovotion and love to me, he too heard the story from yet another. I am as close to each of you as the veins on your necks but you are not me, you are a very good image of me, but not me, do not mistake the two my love and fall as many masters have in the past, You have my source codes through my grace, do not think you wrote it! "
Talk about funny universal jokes! Today based on the papers the establishment drew for me is my Birthday, hah! When in reality neither I nor even my mother has been able to establish a correct date based on the Gregorian calendar. My original records of birth were tribal and kept in a Lunar based calendar and further changed by my father (God rest his soul) to avoid having to send me to the service in the military at age 18(Thank you Lord for that Gift of not having to be a part of the horrid sad human mentality of wars and armies!) But the beauty of it all is that I see the whole of the country celebrating the army men's day of the dead! They call it Memorial Day, but really its just another day for getting drunk and renewing the age old hatred of what is not us but them! God bless us all on this my day on the papers of the system of the record keepers and astrologers alike. May my heart burst open and tear down these walls of ignorance this day.
What principles do we live by daily? How do they stand next to our desires and privileges? Can one stand on any set of deeply rooted principles without accepting change? We have wars going on in our world based solely on whether or not any one's principles of living can be placed on judgment or brought to scrutney. And what of a life with no principles at all? Is that to be abhorred? Can the best of all global principles be put in one volume for all to adhere to? Can we as a society of humans have universal principals to stand together without fail? My good child this indeed has been the story of creation. The principles of humanity unlike those of science cannot be put into solid stones of LAW!(I can marry my causin in Iran but be put in jail for the same act in the U.S.A.) Change is the very essence of our growth and evolvement to God head and willingness is the crown jewel of an open heart who sees only the Creator at work in total GRACE!
What then is the meaning of life my father? said the little curious child. If I were to tell you that the CREATOR wanted to know himself better, would that answer your question? Replied the father. Yes, said the innocent child I will help God know himself better as soon as I am done with my home work! Don't wait too long child to be helpful now, I see others waiting in line already.
Yin and Yang are the two sides of the coin that is our lives. We cannot negate the reality of either and attain harmony. If we do not see beauty in the gutter and the face of a drunken smelly human, we are missing one whole side of the coin. If the Earth worm put before us as food offering by an Eskimo is so disgusting that we cringe and show displeasure, we have lost the connection to the loving hearts of that Eskimo family right then and there and there is no going back from that point. On the other hand if we are so disgusted by the "finer stuff of life" in the homes of the rich and wealthy or their excesses, we have lost the human factor and the face of love yet again. If we dispise the life style of the rich and famous because of their consumer mentality or lack of compssion for the poor we have again lost site of the Oneness. Accepting with no judgment and willingness to see beauty in all life forms is the first rule of the TAO! To flow with every and all facets of life...
I want to give all of you children a hopeful message today. If you knew that all is well with our world, If you knew this for certain how would it change your life? Unless a caterpillar is ready to die butterflies are never born. My love hear me well, it is our holding on to our perceptions of who we are and fear of losing that which makes for such huge hurdles in our paths to serenity. You have such vast amounts of treasures beneath the house you call you, until you are ready to let go and tear this house down, how can you build the new one? How can your butterfly be born if you so strongly wish to keep being the caterpillar? Courage is not telling your boss what you think of him, it is rather the ability to tell your old self that it is time to let go of the house keys!
I wrote on the entrance to my heart with bold letters " DO NOT ENTER!" Love came along took a hard good long look at the sign and said to the spring flowers, "look guys I can't read this but it looks quite inviting!" Love is illiterate at its most essential place, it does what it does not to be rewarded or to become someone's hero or heroine. Love like the trees, gives its oxygen abudantly to all without seeking a recompanse. Ready or not, here I come! You need oxygen children you just don't know how to keep it clean yet. Let go of your intelectual need to understand, let love lead you now my child, surrender!
It saddens my heart to see our humanity at such loss for a unifying way of existing. For all the books and self help tapes and master this and guru that and holy reverened the other, you'd think we should all be in a perfectly harmonious state of co-existance! The organized religions do their thing, the teachers and "avatars" and "masters" are in bed with the marketing strategists, the true humble servants of the Universal Source are busy too! And then there is the shaman who quietly walks until he is approached for guidance. Is it really that difficult to get along? It must be, because we do not have family peace let alone global harmony! But know this my child, soon we will all have the answers to our deepest questions from THE SOURCE! From the spiritual soup before you now take what you can and chew on it a long while in meditative times. Take heart my love, there is always balance between the dark and the light. There is always LOVE to guide your steps as yo...
Just when you think you have figured out how to walk the Earth, life's ever vigilant forces throw you a curve ball with a message that reads something like "Take this or you are back on the bench boy!" Now you are faced with a strike out, a miss, or your most amazing home run ever! But you have to swing regardless of the outcome. Because being in the play is better than warming the bench any day of the week. DO IT OR NOT DO IT, THERE IS NO TRY!
Choice is perhaps the heaviest burden put on the human conciousness. At any given time my brain is battling with a slew of emotions triggered by the outside stimuli which in turn can change my life patterns in a blink of eye. I walk in on my girl friend having a a seemingly warm coversation with a guy who is going to buy something off of her and they seem to be enjoying themselves. Testosterone injects into my blood streem because as a male I am programmed to be the top dog and protect "my mate" from preditory males. Now it makes no difference whether she was flirtatious or he was being forward at the time I entered the room, the reaction is caused by the hormone which was caused by the memory chip which was working off of a neuro network in the brain that created the peptide, all in an auto mode! Who so enters this game of how concious is concious be now and forever warned, all old habits and emotions must cease if you are to glance at the gates of Nirvana. Practice patienc...
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."Saint Augustine (354-439), Christian church father, philosopher,bishop. I'd even go further and say that for the most part our humanity has suffered from the ignorance of the big powers who upon capturing a land thought it to be a lesser civilization due to the culture which they did not copmrehend. We thought those days were over but alas my children, the ignorant political giants are still at it. Go see our planet my child and honor all God's children in their own way!
Is music a stuff of this world? I dare say not! Becasue the birds too sing and sounds of a waterfall is music to my ears as is the sounds of a quiet walk in the woods. When I refer to the STUFF OF THIS WORLD I am refering to the attachment we grow in our hearts and minds for them. Tsunami was recent enough to site as the example of all those "have's" and "have not's" who got caught in the fury of nature and were glad to come out of it with their lives, but sad they lost their STUFF! We live but a short blink of an eye here, yet I am amazed at how we treat this world and its STUFF as if we are going to be around for a long time. "Lay not your treasure upon this Earth where moth and dust doth cropt and theives come and steal, rather lay your treasures in Heaven where niether moth or dust cropts nor any theives can still". Having or not having is not the issue, it is the state of our hearts and minds about the STUFF, even on the rewards of heaven a tr...
Why do we collect STUFF? What part of our psyche needs to be reassured of plentifulness that some of us require walk in closets full of clothing? Shoes that we never wear, ties we never use, and dresses which keep hanging until they go to some thrift store. STUFF in every room and closet and shed and crevasse! We know we have to leave it all behind, yet no matter how many times we move, we go on packing and hauling these "STUFF" around and fill yet more closets and rooms and sheds and garages. I suspect for most of us it is the hole in our hearts we are trying to fill. We try possessions, jobs, new lovers, money, careers, buying things we don't need, or reaching for higher positions/fame in the world, yet none of these have proven to do the job, we still feel something's missing. In AA one is encouraged to see the reality of how drugs and alcohol are just more STUFF we use to fill that hole in our hearts and spirits which cannot be filled with the STUFF OF THIS WORLD....
We were all one nation once. Do you remember that far back? Do you remember making a promise to come back home seeking only your beloved? Hear me child! Find your way back home by seeking the connection to your true self. This person you have become in your mind is merely a product of manipulations and years of others telling you who you are. But you feel something else don't you? A pull from a place far far away in your imginations, but as real as the beats that your heart makes without you moving a muscle. Sit with the heart that beats to the rhythms of the shaman's drum, feel your breath which brings life to you from the air! Now my child, NOW! Forget your given name and call the spirit within for an embrace! Quiet the mind by listening to the heart and your breathing rhythm. This is your connection back home to calm and peace in love!
"If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out." Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941); Indian philosopher and writer. Most of us are so deadly afraid of change or making mistakes that we ususally keep the door shut even to that which is our salvation. If there is one thing we can say with certainty in fact; It is that we learn from our mistakes and become stronger from our falls. But we grow older and more cautious loosing out on the banquet that is LIFE! GO BOLDLY MY CHILD, BLEED AND HURT AND LEARN!
Let the tears flow my love for I am at constant awe in your presence! Let the tears wash away the poison of living inside this prison. Bless you love! For you have created that for which no man has a word of description yet all men long for it. Bless you love! For you are finer than the finest silk without having to use a hand to touch me with. Bless you MY LORD AND MASTER! MY LOVE, MY FRIEND, MY FATHER, THE OWNER OF MY ESSENCE!
"I have yet to meet a single person from our culture, no matter what his or her educational background, IQ, and specific training, who had powerful transpersonal experiences and continues to subscribe to the materialistic monism of Western science."- Albert Einstein- You cannot hold on to the glamour and extravagance of the material world once you have arrived at the gates of NIRVANA! Nor can we look at the universe as separate single events or forces which govern independantly of the observer.
If the Sun that so illumens the world were to draw any nearer, the world would be shattered to pieces. Yet we seem to expect God to show up to personally show us the light of salvation or help us out of our self made jams! Sooner or later every thinking human must come to realize that just as the electronics work around the house without our power input, so do so many of the LAWS by which the physics of the universe fuction is in auto mode. What we put in, will make what comes out be what it is. You want happy, don't put in sorrow! Do you want peace on Earth? Quit making wars! See how this works?
There are some in close proximity to my home that the neighbors call "low lives" due to their severe addiction and social problems. These folks are not so poor as you might think, some own their own homes and have kids too, but the name got stuck on them because of the history of drug and alcohol abuse in their side of the neighborhood. Most of the others who can "hold thier liqure" look down on these folks and even with contempt at times, even though most of them work for local businesses(be it as it may part time or as sober as they can show up). I have however, seen these low lives help others in need, go out of their way to be clean and proud of their home and good hearts too! But what really gets me is that the one's calling them low lives are not so high and mighty themselves when it comes to addictions and family disfunctionalities. Be careful who you look down upon my child, because but for the GRACE OF GOD there goes you! We all have our crosses to bear...
And for humankind there shall be nothing worth his life except that for which he has toiled. There are no short cuts to higher conciousness and not all can be Christ or Buddha by birth. Grace comes and awakens you my child, but unless you walk the walk, no one will follow, no one will hear, no GRACE shall be lasting. You must decide daily as to how far down the rabbit hole do you wish to go! Then do what it takes to be ready when your name is called.
Deep within you is the essence of simple being in a constant state of GRACE, the daily renewal of faith in that GRACE is what drives the molecules of life. For that we have no need for books. For a season we use the intelect to arrive at the shore, Now we row and leave intlect behind.
I have been practicing Holistic medicine for about 11 years now. Noticing how our society is changing, hoping always to see more genuine interest in the field of Natural Health. I must report that as a whole we are far from realizing just how simple it is to remain healthy and avoid disease. We have more research done on how sick people got sick than how very healthy folks stay healthy! Go figure! I do keep a web site in which I try to do just that. Go see it at and take it from an old timer your health has more to do with your attitude than what you eat or drink! Vitamins are in the food, but the mind decides our well being.
Serendipity is the faculty through which accidental happy things happen. Karma is the end result of our actions and words throughout our lives. Serendipitous Karma then must exist as well? I don't know kid why are you asking me this? Go be serendipitously karmic and find out for your self! I tell you this much though, there are no accidents. Only end results of eons of energy flows through words, thoughts, or deeds. If I should find Love by chance how much did my needing it had to do with the chance meeting? Be careful what you wish for my child, it is all out there!
Once a year the day/date/year will all be the same number(05-05-05). I don't know why that should be of any significance but it sure feels that way! More over these figures will not be duplicated ever again, so once a year becomes once in a life time! I am reminded today again just how precious the moments of my life are. Seeing this date, knowing I can never see it again somehow makes me appreciate it even more so. I tell my self you have to do something big today! I think I wil quit a bad habit, make it a monumental day to remember. Then the skeptic in me says; Oh yea! what's the big deal, every day is a day that will never come again! Yes I say, but look the numbers are all the same! Three fives! Ok then enough said. Time for action. Go forth and may the force of the SOURCE be with you my child.
For all the different methods published for meditation, I sure wish there were more of them saying how not to. You see the very struggle to get it right and feel that certain bliss or euphoria makes for more stressful thoughts! What after all is the aim of any meditative state? TO BE QUIET and to have the mind FOCUSED ON ONE POINT. Put a candle in front of you my love and just hang out with the candle. Let the thoughts and images do their thing, but you, you hang out with the candle. When you are not with the candle, you are not, when you are, you are!
Where does my love rest this night? Let the dew drops gently wash her delicate hair in the morrow and the song birds shower her with syphonies. Let my love embrace her every essence of being and let us cry for joy from the deepest part of our existance. Let no doubt enter this certain shining SUN. Hear me oh universe! I shall not go quietly into this night nor shall I permit the Maya to win. For I am love unfolding, everflowing, knowing, and everpresent in the air.