What is it that occupies your mind and attention the most? Learning to recognize futilities of some of our thought is perhaps the most powerful tool in self realization. In order to know all of me, I must pay attention to the affects of the few thousand neuronet processis which make up my emotional self who then picks one or two of those thought patterns and clings to them based on some old connection a part of me never did let go of. My daily peace comes from not hanging on to any thought pattern that does not promote well being and feeling good. They come and go, but I decide who stays up front and controls the mood. Easy to talk about you say? Well it is not so hard to put in action either. We all need someone in charge of what thoughts do to our world, then practice makes perfect my child! With the help of the POWER which intended it all here, I seek only peace in my heart and as I ask for and practice the art of humble acceptance and good will, I am resolved! and all is good.


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