Is it enough to know and feel that you have grace in your life? And what exactly is GRACE? How would I know if it is enough? I can tell you this much from my own experiences children; Grace is the constant state of gratitude and non-attachment. The most heavey burdon the CREATOR can lay on a servant. Because once you feel the GRACE and you see its fruits in action daily, you cannot just live any old way you wish. You cannot be high on some substance (whatever gets you numb) daily and have GRACE. Because GRACE WILL LEAVE YOUR LIFE. You see, if you are found worthy of LOVE AND GRACE the very force which created the universe will guide your path to its fullfilments. Heaven and Hell then become the constant state of my being on a daily basis. I will carry my heaven or my hell with me after my physical death. So I choose GRACE NOW AND FOREVER OR MISERY FOR NOW AND FOR EVER. MY CHOICE! To bulild a house I will need a good foundation, consistant work and materials. The land was given to me long ago. I choose to be in the light or darkness in my home.


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