This idea of feeling good or as my friend Dr. Dyer puts it "feeling God" is of course not new or so radical. Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, and most all great thinkers like Einstien, Khalil Gibran, Rumi, and so many, many more; Have all talked about a state of mind in which "GOODNESS AND GRACE FOLLOWS ME FOR THE REST OF MY DAYS! " In other words once you accept the premiss that the flow of energy is from the SOURCE TO YOU AND BACK, then why not use all the power and possibilities of that SOURCE to feel good all the time? Does that mean we won't have problems? No! But the way we deal with all life's moments in hardship or ease will have a new feel to it. We do not react negatively when things don't go our way, nor do we gloat when we are successful. We expect good things and promote the same through our actions, thoughts, and words. Connect to your SOURCE my child and be FREE! WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.


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