Time is on my side I know that as sure as I know the Sun is always shining whether I can see its rays or not. I have not taken my eyes off the prize! I wish for you my child just such a strong faith and certainty so that your wonderful mind can expand to find the rest of you. You are the universe my child, the whole of creation was because of you and IS within you.
Showing posts from April, 2005
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The uncomfortable nature of creating change makes most of us not want to even try. Specially when it comes to old habits which have taken roots deep in our psychi and have strong neuro net works within the brain. In fact the more we "feed" a habit the stronger the neuron connections get which is more like a state of hard wiredness. But take heart my children, even hard wired habits can change because to the great universal energy which flows throug every one of us change is very stuff it thrives on. Change is a good things even when it hurts.
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If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky, " then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty . - (All the sayings of Jesus gathered from ancient sources and compiled into a single volume for the first time. Compiled by Ricky Alan Mayotte) From The Complete Jesus. (Pg 71) Jesus
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I want to pray today for all of you children who are suffering from dilusions of separation from your brothers and sisters. My intentions are to send as much of this good wish vibes as I can your way. We are all suffering my child and it would be so much more easy to get through the confusions if we at least wish everyone well and success on this journey. As Christ would say, pray for your enemies as well as your friends. I say do that but not with that hidden feeling of "I am better than you". Instead empty your heart and mind of all thoughts of separation and truly wish all the inhabitants of our Earth well. Yeah! there you go, you got it now. Be love that knows not separation, but only ONENESS! I can only be better than what I was yesterday .
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Be kind to your self as you try to deal with your addictions whatever they may be. Some emotions we hold dear can be just as addictive as any drug. And we will subconsciously go out of our way to reproduce those emotions to which we are addicted. The addicted in us will always be looking for his/her fix in as close to the form as possible. As we become aware of the affects of such deep seated addictions we must learn how to kindly work with the "me" who is unaware or does not care about the devestation it is causing within us. We cannot solve a problem from the same mindset which created it. Use your kind gentle self with all of you and all of your family members, relatives, and friends as you would expect it from them. Then realize too that there is no "them" and "me" to grow into the total bliss!
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if you knew who walks beside you on this path that you have chosen, you would never have fear nor worry again. If you just accept that the designer who had all you needed for this journey at your disposal long before you could hold your own head up, back when you were a mere single cell being, why would you then doubt? Is the design not up to your perfection standards? Do you think you have a better way of doing this? TRUST THE SOURCE MY CHILD AND BE BLISS!
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Just how long can a man walk with a thorn in his foot? How about a thorn in his eyes? This is how it feels to humans when we battle with the dark forces in order to regain our spiritual and personal freedom. As the American Indians put it, of the two wolves battling within you, the one you feed the most will conquer the other. The forces of darkness and light have been at this battle since the first "temptation" took place and we had to accept responsibility for having done so. Of course now we know enough to know that LIGHT always overtakes the DARKNESS in the end. In fact Once all is LIGHT, the battle too is over. I am very hopeful that for most of us true seekers that we will see the LIGHT within here and now. Like as in "seek and ye shall find" "knock and it shall be open unto you" and "that towards which you walk, you shall reach soon enough". Stay the COURSE!
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Be patient my child, soon all will be revealed to you when you least expect it. You will have your answers and clear directions. Knowledge is sent to you daily in so many forms. Be on the look out for wisdom of all who come your way. Learning is the way out of darkness and willingness is the force that makes you go forth. Hope and Faith are two sides of the same coin. The Clouds, the Winds, the Moon and the Sun all are hard at work so you do not forget your origion.
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Just how long can we go on so unawares? Sleepy hollow heads of states function under the false notion that they are awake! A band of yet sleepier citizens follow blindly doing as they are told in the name of country pride and patriotism! Even give their lives for wars they do not believe in! God help me wake up from this dreadful dream, take me home now please! I am dead already. But I shall not go quietly into the night. Even if whispering is all I can do, so be it!
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The following is a poem inspired by the Wood Frog of North America. I have to write it however in text format, you read it as a modern prose! Spontaneous rsumption, a function of the Wood Frog coming alive! Frozen in ice for the winter, not alive, not dead, no heart beat, yet not dead. And the first thing this frog does as it thaws in Spring is seek a mate! To procreate, so the story is carried through yet another generation. Allaho-Akbar, God is indeed a great, master architect of Nano cells and clusters that make life go on another day. Another year, another generation, one nano second at a time. http://www.exploratorium.edu/frogs/woodfrog/index.html
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Most of us are like little kids when it comes to discipline. We want the stuff and the wonderful results, but it seems every time the word "work" is mentioned or "discipline" is required we all put up a whining face. It does not matter what the criterion is, loosing weight, kicking an old bad habit, working on an involved project, or being steadfast where results are not fast coming our way. One familiar task which requires much discipline and courage really, is getting rid of our junk. Stuff we have collected for years and are bothered by the fact that they are taking so much room cluttering our space. Some might even say the overwhelming part is just getting started. But why is it so hard to get started? I know it is not time all have more time when it really comes right down to it. But the glitch seems to be, making decisions and letting go of our attachments! Now that is the same for old habits as it is for old junk. I am currently dealing with just such a scena...
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I have been pondering the possibility of experiencing the thoughts of past few weeks from the perspective of a young man in Iraq. This kid (29 years old) just lost his only remaining family member in a mistaken identity by the American occupying forces. He had already lost his parents and brother in the begining of the war as the bombs fell on their village. He had lost most all the rest of his relatives in the previous war with Iran. He is now for all practical purposes an orphan in more ways than one. I am not so sure I can even fathom his pain, let alone ponder how to fit my quantum way of life into his. I cannot because I have not been where he is. If he were to come to me for advise on what to do with his pain and sorrow now, or how to go on living in a country occupied by foreingn forces who could care less about his situation or his pains I would have very little to say. I lowered my head today to pray for this young man and to remind my self again just how greatful I need to b...
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Perhaps we need to talk a bit more about Grace. It requires constant attention to one's thoughts and their energies. If I am to experience serenity then obviously thoughts of worthlessness in times of self doubt, thoughts of fear, worry, attachment to what I possess matrially, all become factors which produce anxiety and destroy Grace. There is always some one doing worse than I am, that must give me reason to be grateful for my life. Walking with Grace is to be kind to every part of life in all forms. To see the hands of God as it were in whatever I experience and not get attached to my pains or my glories. I walk free with Grace even when I am hurting internally or externally, because Grace is like the ray of the Sun, it shine on every one at all times and in all conditions. If I look at what I lack in my life, I have lost my walk with Grace. If I for goodness and grace, then goodness and grace will follow me for the rest of my days. Must see and accept God the Master Engineer in...
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Is it enough to know and feel that you have grace in your life? And what exactly is GRACE? How would I know if it is enough? I can tell you this much from my own experiences children; Grace is the constant state of gratitude and non-attachment. The most heavey burdon the CREATOR can lay on a servant. Because once you feel the GRACE and you see its fruits in action daily, you cannot just live any old way you wish. You cannot be high on some substance (whatever gets you numb) daily and have GRACE. Because GRACE WILL LEAVE YOUR LIFE. You see, if you are found worthy of LOVE AND GRACE the very force which created the universe will guide your path to its fullfilments. Heaven and Hell then become the constant state of my being on a daily basis. I will carry my heaven or my hell with me after my physical death. So I choose GRACE NOW AND FOREVER OR MISERY FOR NOW AND FOR EVER. MY CHOICE! To bulild a house I will need a good foundation, consistant work and materials. The land was given to me lo...
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There is a kind of Yoga called "bakhti". The practioner of Bakhti Yoga offers the fruit of every single action in his life to the Lord. It is a Yoga of servitude, service to God through service to others. Perhaps one of the least understood in the West because the very idea of servitude is if it is convinient for me I'll do it! At the same time it can be the easiest method of meditation for those who cannot sit still. What can be simpler for a true seeker to consiously offer the energies produced through his daily living in remembrance of the Lord of Hosts, the Creator of all worlds! The pains as well as the joys of one's life become the very tools to connect to the SOURCE! Even in my worst addicted moments I found Bakhti Yoga to be most healing and reassuring. It is all about the trasference of energies people!
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"What we are looking for is what is looking." St. Francis of Assisi. It is not me looking for my love, it is Love itself seeking unity. Not mine eyes Lord but yours. "That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as exists in man, even if during his waking state he may know nothing about it... We do not know it because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself." Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus . With these two quotes I hope to inspire us and realize that our SOURCE is just as eager to embrace us, we need to stop living at such low levels of conciousness in order to partake in the embrace. With Grace comes responsibilities!
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We remember so very little about the past. We can only have access to those memories which have left their impressions deep and strong enough to last to this day. I am glad my love that, the desire to be a good human, the need to promote peace and decency is still so strong after you planted the seed so long ago. THANK YOU! I shall muddle through my days of low energy, knowing that deep inside I am always looking forward to being with you again and you too yearn the embrace!
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This idea of feeling good or as my friend Dr. Dyer puts it "feeling God" is of course not new or so radical. Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, and most all great thinkers like Einstien, Khalil Gibran, Rumi, and so many, many more; Have all talked about a state of mind in which "GOODNESS AND GRACE FOLLOWS ME FOR THE REST OF MY DAYS! " In other words once you accept the premiss that the flow of energy is from the SOURCE TO YOU AND BACK, then why not use all the power and possibilities of that SOURCE to feel good all the time? Does that mean we won't have problems? No! But the way we deal with all life's moments in hardship or ease will have a new feel to it. We do not react negatively when things don't go our way, nor do we gloat when we are successful. We expect good things and promote the same through our actions, thoughts, and words. Connect to your SOURCE my child and be FREE! WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
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What is it that occupies your mind and attention the most? Learning to recognize futilities of some of our thought is perhaps the most powerful tool in self realization. In order to know all of me, I must pay attention to the affects of the few thousand neuronet processis which make up my emotional self who then picks one or two of those thought patterns and clings to them based on some old connection a part of me never did let go of. My daily peace comes from not hanging on to any thought pattern that does not promote well being and feeling good. They come and go, but I decide who stays up front and controls the mood. Easy to talk about you say? Well it is not so hard to put in action either. We all need someone in charge of what thoughts do to our world, then practice makes perfect my child! With the help of the POWER which intended it all here, I seek only peace in my heart and as I ask for and practice the art of humble acceptance and good will, I am resolved! and all is good.
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The battle inside for most of us is subject to so many parameters that to try to pin it down to "AHHA! that's what's wrong with me" kind of thing is futile. We are complex organic machines connected to few million years of DNA growth collectively called evolution. Every life form must go through its evolving time and become the best it can be. In our case, mentality and Ego get in the way. Because we think that somehow there is a "ME" who is singular mind in charge. So we attach responsiblities often mixed with much guilt and preconceived ideas of right and wrong to his/her functions on a constant basis. Of course if we were to truely study the self from strictly a scientific approach, we find that mostly hormones attached to memory banks working hand in hand with outside stimuli are at work and there really is no ONE person in charge in there! Ponder this a while and ask your self who really is in charge? You then need to accept the neuro connectivity of al...
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We cannot solve any problems by negating them! If you are dealing with a part of you that seems to do harmful things to the rest of you, if you have an issue with another person that is eating you up inside, if you "hate" something that is happening around you. All these event which seem to need resolved in your head must start by being accepted as such with no judgement of any kind. If I put my adict self down constantly for being so, all I have done is created yet more negative energies in my life. If on the other hand I accept the addicted child within who is dealing with life in a harmful way, look upon him with compassion of Christ if you will; Then seek the help of that higher power for consistancy in doing healthier things in my life, I have increased the chances of total recovery by a huge percentage. ACCEPT MORE AND EXPECT LESS OF ALL LIFE, JUST BELIEVE IN ITS GOODNESS AND GREATNESS OF DESIGN! Seek Peace at all costs!
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As some one who has been to hell and back a few times I can tell you for certain that it is painful! So why is it that most of us seem bent on finding out for ourselves? How many destroyed homes does it take before we stop the insane overconsumption of alcohol? How many death does it take before we see how short life really is? How many homes must be destroyed before we stop adultery? I say we because it is a we thing. Every single one of us is responsible for what is going on in our family, in our town, in our country, and in our world! It is not enough to talk the talk, we must walk it as well. I cannot talk about sobreity if I am not sober! I cannot talk about peace while I am holding a gun over your head. I cannot talk about non-adulterous life while screwing around so heedlessly.How much is too much? How far is too far? How sober is not adicted? We have to make a stand!
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Once we experience the true feeling of JOY and serenity we can never settle for anything less. There will be much pain and suffering arising from attempting to find that same JOY from outer sources. But the Black Dog in me(the addict/EGO) wants to somehow find a way to have serenity for nothing. A short cut maybe? A quick fix so I can have my cake and eat it and not get fat! Alas my child, decipline is a required prereqisite for serenity 101. Daily contatc is a must but does not have to look or feel in any shape or form as fixated in our memory. Just showing up and believing with as much of the fibers of your being that the DESIGNER is the SOURCE of JOY is all you need. Remembring that a clouded mind cannot accept or maintain JOY nor be serene for long. SHOW UP, CONNECT, ENJOY!