
Showing posts from June, 2005
The beauty here is that the original WRITER OF THE SOURCE CODE is still very much hidden from all of us behind a veil of the mystery that is known as GOD THE CREATOR! As we try to reconcile our powers of creating realities with the FORCE that is GOD, us humans are left with awe and a constant bewilderment! (which is really sweet). As an old timer in the game of "how it is done" I have been up one discipline down the other. I learned early on however, that it is easy to make a spiritual soup and not really have a whole meal of it all. While the shaman walks in tune with the forest's animals; THE AUTHOR WRITES ON THE BLANK OF THE DARK MATTER. We must acknowledge this GREAT DESIGNER of creative codes, and then accept that we have access to its creative forces but are not always in charge of all the realities which inadvertently affect our individual lives. In a Tsunami there are no human creator forces! Only human tragedies, deaths, destruction and new hope of a tomorrow ins...
"Do not believe anything on the mere authority of teachers or priests. Accept as true and as the guide to yourlife only that which accords with your own reason and experience, after thorough investigation. Accept only that which contributes to the well-being of yourself and others."Buddha. Put those books down my love and walk the walk a while in silence and action that sets you free. Don't tell me about Moses's burning bush no more, show me yours!
We don't talk much any more, the empty words travel in the air then lay on the floor, I'm not so sure any more, what the big picture is? what did the last homicide in the lower west side had to do with the kid's father? I tried telling him about the quantum field of possibilities he threw a knife at me I ducked as he was yelling something like f--k that crap man my daughter just got stabbed on her f--kin way home from work man! We don't talk much any more cause after the kid died he ain't the same no more Jimmy he just ain't the same no more. I write this stuff cause I got to after each day in the quantum field of my life's events asking the same question over and over until my sudden death comes to take me to the same place probably where Jimmy's kid just went to; Then I hear on the freakin news about Mahmood in Iraq who's kids just got blown off by a misguided American kid soldier who mistook them kids for terrorists! I'm still sittin here wa...
Any reality we get stuck on is bound to be the wrong one because the very idea of being stuck at any one point in a flowing, everchanging, evolving field of possibilities is in and of itself not plausible. This statement does not demean or make loose change of any consistent behavior which enhances life's potentials, rather simply put it invites one to be as the flowing TAO without efforts to hold on to any ideologies, stuff of this world, or even the notion of enlightenment. Who soever is most enlightened, let him flow without being so attached to the notion.
"What does the word "Master" mean?"Master" means you already know how to master yourself, and you are not torn apart by different obstacles in life." ChingHai. Mastering one's mind is the essence of true freedom. This mind being the driving force for the hormones produced in my body which in turn control most of my activities must be brought to a point of accepting responsibility for the daily events surrounding my person. I am not my mind's thoughts, I am not my minds emotions, I am not what I own or do nor am I my reputation and desires. Let the mind be deciplined in actions which enhance life for the true self within which is the spirit. Let the mind be the tool for feedom of the spirit from the prison of the body.
"Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.If you don't realize the source, you stumble in confusion and sorrow. When you realize where you come from, you naturally become tolerant, disinterested, amused, kindhearted as a grandmother, dignified as a king. Immersed in the wonder of the Tao, you can deal with whatever life brings you, and when death comes, you are ready. The great Tao flows everywhere." Lao tzo (4th century BC). Tao(a word) is the flow of all life's energies coming from the SOURCE which itself is the mystery of God's creation. Ahhh I am no more! i aw as i aw just fine the way i aw.
To be ready and always flowing, learn my children to show up for life daily with gratitude, appreciation, and a willing heart, always accepting the ONE-NESS of life's forces which include storms! Learn, gather knowledge about as many things as you can.Take time to meditate/pray daily and learn to trust the SOURCE at all times. Awaken now! BE consistent and you will see results. Is not the Sun obedient? Will the river flow the opposite of its given current? Will you be human by any other designs? Seek my child the designer from the workings of the design. Not to know,for you never will; But to accept with awe and wonder!
Time is on my side I know that as sure as I know the Sun is always shining whether I can see its rays or not. I have not taken my eyes off the prize! I wish for you my child just such a strong faith and certainty so that your wonderful mind can expand to find the rest of you. You are the universe my child, the whole of creation was because of you and IS within you.
"But one is the path of earthly wealth, and another is the path of NIRVANA. Let the follower of Buddha think of this and, without striving for reputation, let him ever strive after freedom." The Dhmmapada 3rd century B.C. F orever it seems we have jostled between the two worlds in awe and bewilderment. The world of the visible and the unseen world of the spirit. like the quick silver is the state of the spirit, if one trys to hold on tighter, all is lost.The wise sage resides not in the knowing of things but in the being part of the mystery. Now he is a man, Now he is not. One is the path of Earthly ways and another is the path of NIRVANA.
Time has a funny way of making new sense of old matters. Laughter, having a true sense of how cosmically funny the state of man is keeps the river of my life flowing. When its all said and done, there is only God having fun just as the tears flow on his cheeks from the pain! When its all said and done, when all we know as matter ceases to exits(now is that not funny to just ponder on?), There is only God!
Let not a day go by without your active connecting to the SOURCE! Regardless if you were sober the night before or not, if you think all hell is about to break loose around you or if you have lost hope for most! Today, today my child come, sit, have a cup of tea with the MASTER DESIGNER and suck up all your little heart desires from the SOURCE directly. No effort needed, all you have to do my love, is show up and sit down with that intent! Let your breath be your active connection, as it brings life to you, Ahhhhhh!
Aloha! Just to get a good start ok? Because what I want to talk about again is our BELIEF SYSTEMS and some of you might(as you have in the past) get offended. But then if you can take offense this easily, you perhaps need to work on that! A person I know is so careful not to use Aluminum cookware even for cold salads! Yet this friend eats out at restaurants regularly where, 99.9 percent of their soups and sauces are COOKED IN ALUMINUM pots! This friend also is overly concerned about left over food not being nutritionally good, yet again the same restaurants that cook in Aluminum-ware also cook and keep many soups and sauces, stews dressing, and more in their walk-in far prior to serving time. Can one go on not knowing these and believe themselves to be aware/reasonable? And taking offense at someone for bringing such matters to our attention is not helpful to our growth. Just how many belief systems do we have that contradict the way we live? How about our beliefs on clarity of mind wh...
A young man's father just passed away. He is perhaps more shaken because he now has to deal with how he belittled his father and joining the rest of his family how he had let the father know that he was not a fit father. The father suffering from a rare glandular disease which leaves one prone to bouts of unexplainable behavior had accepted that he had "no class" just as every one was telling him. That he was wild and unruly(though he was so tender to his family) and his bouts of sudden frustrated anger hurt every body and brought shame to the family. His condition was only discovered a month before his death, not giving doctors enough time to work out the perfect plan of action. He died playing a game of soccer while resting a bit in between matches! Just laid down and went to that perfect long forever kind of sleep that brings with it peace and anxiety at once! What now? No one expected this! How do we deal with putting a man down for so long for being sick?(but we didn...
With love as with all things there are two polarities. Balance is measured in quanta not so familiar with reason's terms. Painted trails in shades of light and dark wrapped in mysterious premonitions and glimpses of magic or awakenings. The bitter is sweet and the sweet is bitter when images leave a trace on the sands by the flowing essence of the river near the trees. All the stories told are retold and poems rewritten in languages unknown to even the mystics. The heart wants what the heart wants independent of the "facts", similarities, or differences. Suddenly the smells become connected to memories pinned to emotions as sweet as Lilies and as bitter as poioneous mushrooms. The mystery that is the force of LOVE follows no set rules nor does it offer any explanations. All this I write yet if I had but lived another life or two, perhaps they would have some meaning.
We want so desperately to believe that our beliefs are rational and logical. Even knowing that most our beliefs are learned behaviors or someone else's! We will insist that they make perfect sense and others aught to do it our way! Are not our habits what separates us from our optimum life? Listen my children; if you wish to feel and know a true sense of freedom allow your belief system to be open for modifications at all times(unpleasant mold in one place is highly valued aged cheese in another but a mold just the same!). We create our realities by what we think, and the universal design too has a plan of action. When it quakes, when life brings an old raggedy person at our door steps, when Africa suffers from apartheid, when Tsunami hits the poorest population on our planet, these are occasions when the SOURCE is sending us messages of learning new things and accept that not all is at our control(It is not all sterilized). To be ready and always flowing, learn my children to show...
Grace follows me as if I have no choice in the matter. I have no ambitions for might or social height, I have no need other than companionship from a mate on the path,who is willing to walk and grow with me. I have nothing to prove to anyone anymore and when I die I should like to be remembered for these teachings, some of my herbal formulas, and my life of service. Let my grace carry me like the river that carries a floating leaf, and let the Ego within me learn to float with that river flow.Let all past,present,and future of me get wrapped up and lost in the presesnce of THE ONE, OMm!
Once I can walk this Earth being of one mind and one spirit with all its inhabitants, I need not feel alienation or separation. From the Southeast Asian woman cooking on open fires the products dug from the forests' floor, to the hospitable sheikh who just had his servants prepare me the succulent lamb, to Ethel Barneby's kids who seem bent on having BBQ every nite. I am separated any time I put judgmental values on any other as undesirable! Can I see the difference between accepting, not participating, honoring the same? Can I peacefully say no to one and embrace the other always remaining in the center? Can I see darkness for its role and not be bent on having light at all times? When I am centered within, all is good within and without, flowing as the river does, not clinging to the banks of stuff(and ideologies) along the way.
What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.- If a man speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering will follow him as the wheel of the cart follows the beast that draws the cart.- If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind, joy follows him as his own shadow. Many do not know that we are here in this world to live in harmony. Those who know this do not fight against each other. If a man speaks many holy words but he speaks and does not, this thoughtless man cannot enjoy the life of holiness: he is like a cowherd who counts the cows of his master. Whereas if a man speaks but a few holy words and yet he lives the life of those words, free from passion and hate and illusion - with right vision and a mind free, craving for nothing both now and hereafter - the life of this man is a life of holiness. (from Dhammapada 3rd century B.C.) Many, far too many are counting only the cows of their ma...
It is the embraces I remember most when I think of her. The scent of him wrapped around the scent of her in the form of an embrace that tenderly goes on for hours. Hands caressing, gently passing over the skin leaving a murmur like trace of soft warmth behind. It is the mystery I shall hold dear for a force that neither of us could put a name to or box for reference. All the while both thinking "did I create this?" knowing it would not be ours to keep for long! Then resting somewhere in between fate, stars, love unfulfilled and the quantum field never knowing for certain about the encounter! The school is not out for this summer, it goes on by the river that flows from eternity to HERE AND NOW. How else would the river flow if not in the direction of the design?
It warmed my heart and brought a gentle smile upon my old face to read how Quantumly our lives represent both what we need to hear and experience all wrapped into a poetry line of empty word counts and promises to BE again! But then that is what makes the learning both fun and painful at the same time. It is like the bittersweet goodbye of Romeo to Juliet not knowing he too was destined to be in her embrace for life in other realms of energy fields.
With love as with all things there are two polarities. Balance is measured in quanta not so familiar with reason's terms. Painted trails in shades of light and dark wrapped in mysterious premonitions and glimpses of magic or awakenings. The bitter is sweet and the sweet is bitter when images leave a trace on the sands by the flowing essence of the river near the trees. All the stories told are retold and poems rewritten in languages unknown to even the mystics. The heart wants what the heart wants independent of the "facts", similarities, or differences. Suddenly the smells become connected to memories pinned to emotions as sweet as Lilies and as bitter as poioneous mushrooms. The mysery that is the force of LOVE follows no set rules nor does it offer any explanations. All this I write yet if I had but lived another life or two, perhaps they would some meaning.
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson American Poet. Say friend! Where is your path leading you? I wish you this day the courage of a thousand Nights to boldly go where few venture, To know that which is changeable, and that which is not and to have the wisdom to recognize the difference. Above all a life of no regrets!
I can judge a matter then let go of the judgement itself. I can be displeased with a certain behavior or pattern of events, then let go of all thoughts about the matters and the displeasures. In this way my child I have avoided the Maya in two ways, not buying its illusions of flour for bread, and not allowing the hunger for that bread take the place of my abundance within. Smile now! You are being filmed for the archives of seven thousand year old records! None is missed, whether you display it, say it, act it or not. Transparent, all is transparent to the ONE!
"This being human is a guest house.Every morning a new arrival.A joy, a depression, a meaness,some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.Welcome and entertain all!Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,still, treat each guest honorably.He may be clearing you out for some new delight.The dark thought, the shame, the malice,meet them at the door laughing,and invite them in.Be grateful for whomever comes,because each has been sentas a guide from beyond." Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Persian Poet. To assert effort is to negate emptiness, to dwell in emptiness is negating the presence of action, meditate without effort now~BE!
Can you see Jesus charging for his healing? Can you imagine him asking for anything in return for his teachings? Oh children of Adam if you see abundance only in the monetary gains and comfort means, the gates of Nirvana have not yet smile upon you! I am not suggesting that all healers can follow the examples of the great masters(none of whom ever charged for their work) but I am saying that our time has produced far too many peddlers of healing materials for sale and money has become more of an issue than it aught to be. So too have the stuff we posses, homes we live in and how proudly we display our decked up selves. The humble masters walked the Earth in mostly ragged clothing and lived in dwellings of mud (while they easily could have had much,much more). Only the eyes of the humble seeker beholds the presence of the humble masters. Set your eyes not on the stuff of this world my child as reward, but look to the examples of the Honorable Buddhas for how to walk this Earth. Be bless...
God bless us all for trying to be the best humans we can be. God knows it is not easy (He aught to we are his handy work!). For all the love stories, love songs and ballads written throughout our short human history, we seem to have gone backwards in progress where love is concerned. If the sages and old masters had it right(which I tend to believe they did) then it is how it was to be. The closer we get to the end times of the life of our humanity, the worse we tend to behave. And the presence of many "false prophets" too was foretold, those who make mankind forget about God and create many gods in his place, and I'm not talking about the dogmatic idea of God from the organized religions who never got it right, but The Creator, THE ORIGINAL CAUSE AND AUTHOR OF THE SOURCE CODE FOR THE ENERGY FIELDS! Because unless we are wise enough to know the difference between false images and the actual thing, we are indeed missing it! So the message today my children is know the AUTH...
How does one package love to one's liking? We search high and low for "that special some one" to spend a life with, grow old with and die a good death next to. It is a rare thing to be blessed with a mate like the Ravens have naturally, one for life. For the rest of us we find ourselves searching for the half that completes us but most of us carry this box we want the mate to fit into. Love however, does not seek compatibility it seeks a transparent heart with no expectations of its beloved. A great gift! And then we still have to give time to love to be built like any other path of life, but conditions hinder love always. We need to let go of our preconceived notions of how love aught to be if we are to experience and behold its gentle touch, else we shall find ourselves creating love affairs that will not last the distance of the rest of our lives(the divorce rates are self evident). And all the while the true love's face eludes us for our veil of conditionals. Then...
I want to talk about belief systems today, because it seems to go well with the decor of my life! And because if we look close enough at what and how believe in, we might avoid so many of human agonies. After all aren't most wars and bitter divorces happen over beliefs? We know from scientific research that most belief systems are tied to emotional experiences of a life time. Cultures, families, environments and even the stars can affect how we think about any given subject matter. A child is called innocent because he has not had the time to build a data base of beliefs upon which to operate his life. For the most part if two sides are open and willing to just discuss their beliefs and agree to find a happy medium place to meet at, that happy medium place will be found, if both are coming from the heart and will not give up on peace and harmony. When we are rigid and not open to any changes, that is when wars break out and families fall apart and otherwise tender relations are bro...
If we see THE SPIRIT in all forms, get passed forms and see only the spirit at display in all its varieties of energies, accept that even in the form of agony the experience is that of THE SPIRIT not of mine own self, most every event becomes a lesson and a reminder of the PRESENCE OF GRACE! To meditate upon these principles of THE SOURCE and reaffirming the CONNECTION I am free of all stress, I an abundance not in form but in SPIRIT and GRACE.
A dear friend mentioned (after reading the thoughts yesterday) that I seemed so harsh on the new age teachers and seemed so negative in general. So here is positive gentle twist on the long essay of yesterday. I like the approach of Dr. Wayne Dyer because he has been at it long enough to remember God! I like Guy Finleys desire to serve all. I also want to say that events like the blooming of a flower, the Sun just peaking through the first rays of a summer morning and two lovers embracing are beauties all around us every day. I am connected to the SOURCE OF ALL POSSIBILITIES, and of all of them I shall choose only beauty, peace and grace. The Source Codes are available to us all and we are the authors of our days on this Earth, Now all we have to do is remember the AUTHOR OF THE CODE and pay humble homage! Laugh a little more at me!
I am writing today because I need to put some perspective on a journey that has come full circle in my life with a few twists. I write my life's diary as I have done every day for the past three years for my children's sake and those who know me. I teach and counsel very intuitively and hopefully with no ego In recent months the movie "What the Bleep do we know?" has gained notoriety for its simple projection of Quantum physics and the power of thoughts creating realities through what Dr. Hawkins calls "attractors".In fact the whole Idea of "we create our own realities" through the works of such notables as: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ram Das, Mr. Finley, Dr. Hawkins and many more has created a small but growing group of people who have come to believe themselves to be "creators" of realities of theirs lives even at the instant of thinking a thought (whether it leads to recognizable action or not). Some very educated and in position of importance, o...