We do not just hurt our own self when aflicted with addictive behavior. we end up losing good friends, family members, jobs, and serenity just to name a few. My reason for being clean and remaining that way has to be stronger than my habitual desire for the drug of my choice(alcohol, pot,crack, whatever). Years of human history has proven one thing beyond doubt. We all need help! I cannot use the same mind that is aflicted/addicted to reason my way out of the addiction, right? I cannot use the same medium that created the problem to fix it, or can I? Is there a part of this whole aflicted being that can be used to free it from its delima? One thing is certainly clear, there is help for anyone who is sick and tired of being sick and aflicted. The force with which all matter and energies are interacting, is within me as well. To be whole I must learn how to harness this force and be FREE of my pain.


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