I am working with a colleague, a brilliant mind who is going through some issues of her own even as she is helping others deal with theirs. Our main subject; "what is addiction?" So I decided to make my point here to share with all you wonderful children of our addictive ways.

Let us first and foremost agree on the definition. "ADDICTION IS THAT WHICH YOU CANNOT SEEMINGLY DO WITHOUT OR THINK IT HARD TO LET GO OF" To that end my love as we understand our brains better we see that for nearly every thought/emotion there is a corresponding PEPTIDE created by the brain which then goes into the blood
stream same as any external substance we may take/ingest/inhale/inject. Pay attention now my beautiful ones,

If I have to have my dose of the bad news about the world daily(news junkies) as an intelligent human I need to know what it is that I "have to have" about receiving the news that makes me say "oh it'll be hard to not do this"? What peptide(chemical) is it that my body is addicted to as the result of watching the daily bad news that MY BODY cannot do without? In that respect I am an addict, a junky no matter what other names I use to describe my desire to be bombarded with what is wrong with the world "news"! The fact is that the brain does not know the difference between being in a conflict or thinking about it, the same neuro-nets fire up and the same Peptide(chemical) is produced!

I get my fix because I maybe the "great fixer of things", or the horror of the war feeds my anger, or it maybe my intellectual desire to "fight" for justice (of course then I have to know what is wrong daily so I can go and fix it!). What about the person who is addicted to "oh woes me syndrome"? The one who is always the "victim", the one who knows it is done "to her/him", it is always someone else's fault? What is she/he addicted to if not the peptide(chemical) for victimization? How about the one who has to have every thing just so..(does compulsive addictive sound familiar)?

My dearest, most precious children; Learn to let go of anything that has that strong of a hold on you. Foods, TV, Sex, FEAR, Power, Drugs, Anger, Sadness, Judgmentalism,~~~~ I can go on for days, but I know you've got the picture now. Nothing in life on this planet aught to hold my attention and intention away from THE SOURCE! If I think I cannot do without "it", then I am addicted to "it". Hey why not make "it" JOY, PEACE, TENDERNESS, COMPASSION, LOVE!?



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