THERE ARE MANY LINKS IN THIS POST PLEASE FOLLOW THEM, FOR LOVE'S SAKE come back and read part 2, this one is the longest post for understanding!

First thank you Guy Finley for being a blessed wordsmith! If I-mage is your crafted/gifted word then let me spread the word. DO READ PART-2 PLEASE!

My beloved children; There is a part of you that feeds on anxiety, depression, low self esteem, negativity ! And its meals of choice are fear, anger, hate, greed, and doubt(even in the face of positive proof!). No matter how you try to reason with this I-MAGE (that is what we'll call that part of you, OK?) it cannot and will not on and of its own accord stop looking for those things I mentioned above. Look my love, that is what it feeds on! If it cannot find anything in the here time of your head, it will go deeper into the back windmills of your mind, your old fears and concerns (what is it for you? The one thing, the one thought you just can't shake loose for all your life, is it your weight? your money? your family? your image of yourself, your home, an argument you wish you'd won or done better in, an upcoming possible conflict?).This I-MAGE has convinced the rest of your being that you all must participate in its feast of worries and anxiety producing thoughts of what is to come, what was, or what could have been.

IT (the I-MAGE) though a part of your total being, is only good for one thing, in its absence you know what true LIGHT and PEACE feels like. Listen again, the I-MAGE can only take you to its feast if you agree to go there (past, future, not here). Its function is to bring you closer to YOUR TRUE BEING. In
so doing, it is not your enemy but a tool planted in your psyche by the crafty ways of THE ONE WHO BROUGHT YOU HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE! SPRING RAIN brings life, Autumn rain brings death, yet the two function together so time can pass!
The less time you spend with the I-MAGE the more time you spend at peace.

Remember my children, the I-MAGE in you will never cease to look for its food, only you decide how often it gets fed, the day you are free from the I-MAGE is coming for certain, for LIGHT CONSUMES ALL DARKNESS, ONLY A CANDLE LIGHT IS NEEDED TO BRIGHTEN A HOME! What will your I-MAGE bring forth next even as you read these lines, "Oh, yeah right! like I can give up worrying about my kids, my job, my in-laws, my money, my home~~~~~~~~~)~! It may seem like a big job keeping tabs on "what par of me is doing the thinking now?" in the every day affairs of our lives. All you need however, is to look at the "feelings" of these thoughts. Your feelings my children are the best barometer you have to know where you're headed. If it feels bad, well, it is not good!

Let this phrase then be your "MANTRA", your chant, to see through the I-MAGE:
(RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, ALL IS HERE, ALL IS GOD!). I am not asking you to go outside of your "religion" here, if you believe Christ to by your helping grace, then make phrases which include that name(designation). The important thing is to create the sound/thought waves to not allow the I-MAGE to take you to a place where you have to suffer bad feelings. I guarantee you my children that if you use this simple chant(repeated sound/thought waves) every time your I-MAGE is at work feeding, you'll see it depart and wisdom of LIGHT enter your home. Just a gift of a candle from me to you! BE BLESSED MY CHILDREN WITH THE LIGHT OF GRATITUDE! There is always one in more pain than you THINK you are in.



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