Its been a long time coming! One of my daughters asked "I don't get this praying/meditating thing because I keep doing it and don' see how or when I'll know that its working, so why do anything?" "You don't have to!" I replied without any hesitation. You see children, just as a farmer works the soil and toils for many moons without any "guarantees" as to the outcome. Just as this farmer only does so from a "knowing" which, has come to him through generations. So too, we show up at the foot of the MASTER do our daily thing and "know" that we will reap the results of what we sow just as have others before us. What I am saying my love, is that stick-to-it-ness is what has worked in just about any undertaking in our common humanity. You wanna build a house, you have to show up daily, put one brick on top of the other, fasten the joints and dig the ditches. But if you cannot have joy in this act, then know that you will find it, because when the house is finished my child there will much to celebrate and be joyful about. But why think of it in this way, isn't living a chore under most circumstances? HAPPINESS is something we make up our minds about quite in a different way and mostly ahead of time! why?

Granted the day after you are done, there might come a big quake or flood and take away all that you have worked for, but then why live at all if we are to consider only what can go wrong at every venture? My love, take heed, you come daily and connect to the SOURCE OF ALL THINGS because you "KNOW" it will be fruitful, not at your timing; As a fruit only ripens when all conditions are right. But in that scientifically we have proven that the act of prayer/meditation creates much needed Opiates and Alpha brain waves there is no doubt! So, come, sit, and "know" that without it you will surely be worse off metabolically and mentally. You will see that difference when you see the difference my love, don't count beans, count universes!


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