My good children; Time is short, THE WAY is long and argues tarry not love, come awake now and be assiduous in the simple act of having daily contact with
THE SOURCE OF ALL THINGS. This simple action my good ones can bring freedom to your mind, release the anxiousness of your thoughts about all matters past, present, or future. Caught in the desires of the flesh you will only see manifestations of your own anxieties and concerns to which you have habituated yourself. Come, my love, come awake now and sit with the MASTER DESIGNER A BIT. Is it so hard to make believe that an intelligence is behind life? Can you not see that this intelligence is the matrix of all matter? Can you not see that you have the intelligence within you to connect to this SOURCE and have all you ever desired? Including PEACE AND HARMONY within and without. My tears roll over my cheeks as I think of your unnecessary sufferings. Do you not see that you always have a choice in what goes on around you? The answer my love is still blowing in the morning breathe as it has for millions of years. What do you care about the God of Christians or the God of Muslims, the Heaven and the Hell? Come show up at the door of the Master daily, and see if you won't have relief from it all.

THINK OF MEDITATION/PRAYER AS TUNE UP FOR YOUR BRAIN wHIch iS A rEcEiVeR oF sIGnALs fRoM yOuR SOURCE! So unless it is tuned up you only get fuzz and static. It is that way children but don't take my words for it, tune it and see the amazing music being played by the universal violins. (a little string theory for those of you who just might not be paying attention). ONE PLAYER, a million strings oh... what a symphony!


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