
Showing posts from August, 2006


Hello Love! So good to have you back here, did you mean to make me say something? Lord; Let my INTENTIONS be inline and in harmony with my actions and words. Let no negatively charged judgment or energy flow from this man ever again. My love, let the healing of the elements begin, far too long has been the sufferings without GRACE FLOWING! And HE said: "I am about to complete my favor upon you my child" ; "I shall teach by example, a good nature" I replied. Resist no experience, Find no fault, Look not to find the guilty, FLOW MY CHILD NOW AND FOREVER MORE IN GRACE! When you see none but THE SOURCE, who is? What Breath! What Light! What Sublime PRESENCE! OUUUUUMMMMMM!HUUUU!


"On the night when you cross the street from your shop and your house to the cemetery, you'll hear me hailing you from inside the open grave, and you'll realize how we've always been together. I am the clear consciousness-core of your being, the same in ecstasy as in self-hating fatigue. That night, when you escape the fear of snakebite and all irritation with the ants, you'll hear my familiar voice, see the candle lit, smell the incense, the surprise meal fixed by the lover inside all your other lovers. This heart-tumult is my signal to you igniting in the tomb. So don't fuss with the shroud and the graveyard road dust Those get ripped open and washed away in the music of our finally meeting. And you don't look for me in a human shape. I am inside your looking, NO ROOM for FORM with love this strong." RUMI
Sat here naked....There is more to this life than gold and silver or a taste of sirloin steak. Wisdom does not come randomly, it follows not the wealthy nor the famous but instead loves the company of those who seek it by day and by night. When the shell is long dead and gone, fed to the worms and the bugs beneath, GRACE leans over the ledge and gives only a glance with a wink that says "its not over until its over with me" New moon begins a new cycle, a child is born, a lover knows its beloved by touch and much more than that. But there are those who doubt, who will not hear, will not see even as they are listening and looking! As for me my child, let there be no tears when I'm gone from this shell, come instead and drink a cup of wine at the river side where we swam that hot summer day. I will enjoy that! But if you should need to shed tears, do so for your self for I am fine! A knowing will come over you then as a tender breathe!


Its been a long time coming! One of my daughters asked "I don't get this praying/meditating thing because I keep doing it and don' see how or when I'll know that its working, so why do anything?" "You don't have to!" I replied without any hesitation. You see children, just as a farmer works the soil and toils for many moons without any "guarantees" as to the outcome. Just as this farmer only does so from a " knowing " which, has come to him through generations. So too, we show up at the foot of the MASTER do our daily thing and " know " that we will reap the results of what we sow just as have others before us. What I am saying my love, is that stick-to-it-ness is what has worked in just about any undertaking in our common humanity. You wanna build a house, you have to show up daily, put one brick on top of the other, fasten the joints and dig the ditches. But if you cannot have joy in this act, then know that you will f...


We had a talk about how do we affect our reality and day to day events. She was under the impression that just as soon as you thought it, it was going to be. That the distance between when I think something or say something and its actual manifestation is really as short as a blink of an eye. What does your own life experiences tell you my children? This friend I was speaking with is very read and intellectually keen, but perhaps that is not enough. We need to realize my love that there are very few things that we can speak of with such certainty. It takes a thought staying and fermenting for a while, I said, and then it must turn into words, then actions before the full effect of it is realized in the Quantum field. So, remember this my love, you cannot blame yourself for having an unpleasant or uncomfortable thought creep into your head, that is only a mechanical reaction to whatever triggering events preceded it(well blaming anyone never helps now does it?). How conscious ...


COULDn't sleep, a rare occasion, for all the reasons unknown yet, I had to make a banana bread of some kind. It is 3:33 am! Got up and went right to work making the bread. Put some nice music on(gentle as the morning dew) so as to not spook the ghosts sleeping. For all the disconnectedness around me it is such a blessing to be OLD finally and as expected from the elders even WISE about the affairs of the world. All I have done differently my children(who knew me when!) is practice what I have been preaching for the past umteen years. Sat with the spirit within, sat and received daily bread from the SOURCE, who like the air I breathe is abundantly present. My love, if your eyes sees other than God, if you hear sounds and not know it is the same energy that beats your heart that produced it, if you see floods and fires as bad things, If you hang on to yesterdays and are hung by your STUFF, OH, my love, how far away are you from your true nature? Not one single religion, nor one singl...


It takes a different WAY for something different to happen! It takes a different state of mind for the mind to accept new and different ways of thinking. The spirit requires its own food and nourishment just as the body receives its food of bread and water. It takes a life time to see a life time of events come to pass. It takes two sounds to make a joyful or hateful noise. It takes daily attendance to a newly planted seed to have growth to maturity and fruition. It takes befriending a wild wolf daily to tame the wolf into friendship. It takes two sides to make a wall and two wings to fly. It takes darkness and light, pain and joy, open and closed, famine and feast to make life visible to the naked eye . Be steadfast my children in doing what works in propelling your lives forward towards harmony. Don't be dishearten if seeking a connection to the great SOURCE seems hard at first. Nothing worth while ever comes easy my love, but perseverance will create sweet wine from sour grapes.
Just in case you did not hear me yesterday my good children. Children of Moon and children of the Sun, children of the Light and children of the Dark, Children of the East and of the West, chidren of big homes and children of the poor houses.We are all subject to the same laws of "INTENTIONS AND ATTRACTIONS" no exceptions. My beautiful wonderful children hear me please for your own sake of certainty in motions. All the universe can do and does by its nature is react and fulfill the message it receives from the vibrations of our collective humanity. More so individually, we are like the pieces of this big clock, EVERY SINGLE WHEEL AND SCREW AND NUT AND BOLT COUNTS! What is it you are putting out there today? It will most certainly effect what shows up later(this later is today, tomorrow, a year from now!" and it is because of your input. Every day my love, you have a chance to redirect the energies which control your life, you are not bound by yesterday, but by today...


A friend recently sent me a long statement distributed by some government agency or some law firm,about how not to be a victim of identity theft. She herself has been down that road once recently and claims it was only because she trusted some male lover with her home " I am only the victim ". Of course here she is again reliving and recreating the same energies by talking to about 30 or 40 people on her email list. Some of whom are as close as family members to her. Guess what happens now my children? Yes you are right, this conversation about identity theft will go on and on in her life, with her friends and family passing on the story of "oh woe's me how bad is this world and how I am a victim , blah blah, blah..." You get the picture. My beloved friends and children, until you understand this statement "that which you talk about you bring about" you will continue to have the experiences which you believe you have nothing to do with reappear in you...


My good children; Time is short, THE WAY is long and argues tarry not love, come awake now and be assiduous in the simple act of having daily contact with THE SOURCE OF ALL THINGS. This simple action my good ones can bring freedom to your mind, release the anxiousness of your thoughts about all matters past, present, or future. Caught in the desires of the flesh you will only see manifestations of your own anxieties and concerns to which you have habituated yourself. Come, my love, come awake now and sit with the MASTER DESIGNER A BIT. Is it so hard to make believe that an intelligence is behind life? Can you not see that this intelligence is the matrix of all matter? Can you not see that you have the intelligence within you to connect to this SOURCE and have all you ever desired? Including PEACE AND HARMONY within and without. My tears roll over my cheeks as I think of your unnecessary sufferings. Do you not see that you always have a choice in what goes on around you? The answer m...