YIN and YANG LiGht & dArK

In the face of "pure evil" most humans will cringe and fold up maybe even cry. But then what is "evil"? Is it evil to lie to the masses and trick them into buying things that are not even close to a fair value for what they spend? Is it evil to force your will upon a people or individual because "you" believe you are right? Is it not just as evil to take what belongs to some body else who happens to not know better or is too weak to do any thing about the aggression? Is it not evil to say "I hate you" to our loved ones or friends and neighbors? Is it not evil to judge some as lower in humanity calling them savages? Is it not evil to yell at your spouse and make them feel belittled, or your children? My children, hear me now, that "evil" is the total sum of all of our negative inputs into the mechanism of life. Listen again, every time any one says or does an act filled with hate or total negative feelings, that field of "evil energy" has just been fed again. Next time you wish to complain about the "evil" acts of the leaders of the world or a nation divided, look first and see how many times you have contributed to that hatred? My love, unless we all learn to forgive and spread the seeds of grace and kindness, WE ARE ALL A PART OF THAT EVIL. Let me tell you this as well my children, that just as light and darkness are a part of the spectrum of the light field, so is hate, evil, goodness, and grace a part of the balance. Then my child, set about being a part of the LIGHT AND GRACE RATHER THE DARK AND EVIL. We choose daily which force we feed with our inputs my love.Consider this too my child, that we are works in progress, that we will all fail to be that "Christ like" image of compassion. But then that is the involution or evolution of humans. And as we grow it is our intentions and attempts at "goodness" that will bring more light into our world, GRACE comes to be the more apparent and the higher percentage of what occupies our lives. But we are the instruments of peace and war, every single one of us!


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