The number of shows and books on how the quantum field of energy works for OR against us are on the rise. A new one out is called "the secret" available on DVD which has gone a long way in making the idea simple and understandable. The makers of this film aught to be congratulated! The one issue I would pick with the good folks is the concentration on "abundance" being translated as "monetary wealth" for the most part. There was a point where a lady doctor did refer to this point and mentioned that unless we have the foundation of peace and serenity the wealth in and of itself will not be sufficient for gaining that optimum utopia!
Simplicity has always been the best approach for most, so in that spirit let us all at least accept that we are the designer of our world. If I continue to complain about things that are "not right" with my life, then that is what my energies are going to produce more of "things that are not right". I had a first hand experience of this just today, a couple of teenagers next door were drinking in their backyard which is adjacent to mine. About an hour or so later I found two of their beer bottles in my back yard. What do you suppose I did? Picked them up and put them in the trash, stood there and just looked at them(from a distance) while saying inside "I know you are young and foolish and drunk, this is not what you would do normally". Those were the last bottles in my yard and I did not have to say a word, cause a scene or go talk to their father who had just gotten home. I did not complain about having bad neighbors, instead I strongly look for goodness in the them. I just said to my self over and over, that I want good neighbors and they can be one. Look kids, we cannot solve a problem by condemning it, we cannot have a "war on drugs" and expect to have drug free America, we cannot have "war on terrorism" and expect peace as an outcome! May GOD GIVE US ALL THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADDING TO THE PROBLEMS
Simplicity has always been the best approach for most, so in that spirit let us all at least accept that we are the designer of our world. If I continue to complain about things that are "not right" with my life, then that is what my energies are going to produce more of "things that are not right". I had a first hand experience of this just today, a couple of teenagers next door were drinking in their backyard which is adjacent to mine. About an hour or so later I found two of their beer bottles in my back yard. What do you suppose I did? Picked them up and put them in the trash, stood there and just looked at them(from a distance) while saying inside "I know you are young and foolish and drunk, this is not what you would do normally". Those were the last bottles in my yard and I did not have to say a word, cause a scene or go talk to their father who had just gotten home. I did not complain about having bad neighbors, instead I strongly look for goodness in the them. I just said to my self over and over, that I want good neighbors and they can be one. Look kids, we cannot solve a problem by condemning it, we cannot have a "war on drugs" and expect to have drug free America, we cannot have "war on terrorism" and expect peace as an outcome! May GOD GIVE US ALL THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADDING TO THE PROBLEMS
