We seem to go through our daily routines as though we own it all.I have been asking friends and family members who are not much "into" this God and spirituality thing about their beliefs or relation to their origins and for the most part none will have any clue as to the extent of the sleepy dreamful way of the life they lead. For the most part their day is filled with activities and TV, entertainment of some sort or another, keeping busy with an animal or a toy, then go to bed and maybe even get high on something or another(as God know I have done myself) and start the whole thing over again the next day. I have been to homes where the TV(s) never shut down, most even fall sleep to the box's sounds. HAVE WE BECOME A NATION OF WATCHERS AND FOLLOWERS WITHOUT CONTACT WITH OUR OWN INNER SOUL? Look my love I am only writing these lines because I know you will read them and maybe question your daily patterns. See if you indeed are living a life or passing through an existing time span? "what if you only had one week to live, you knew for certain that next Friday was your last day alive! What would you do?" I ask. No answer comes, because no one seems to think it plausible! But in reality my love, death never warns before coming and our time here is not guaranteed. So I ask again, what are you doing with this precious little time you have here? Do you know that you will never have enough? Never love enough? Never be rich enough, famous enough, loved enough, achieve enough? Without almost immediately wanting more! WHAT IS YOUR LIFE ABOUT AND WHO IS YOUR GOD? Do ask your self this again and again my children and seek an answer that can be good enough to die with next week (I am not saying stop living love). Because you just might wake up on some other plane of existence tomorrow and be asked again, except you won't have the muscles to help you move and no TV! Stuck with this ever haunting question of what is/was your life about! A never ending loop of
MOTION, but only your silent thoughts!!!
